
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered

author:Single-minded kitten yl
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered
After the beginning of summer, 15 can be eaten and 15 can't, and these foods should be remembered

At the beginning of summer, the sun shines through the sparse clouds and shines on the busy streets. Hao Chuan, a young man with a unique view of food, was standing on the corner of the street at this time, holding a copy of the "Dietary Guide after the Beginning of Summer" that had just been printed. His eyes sparkled with curiosity and anticipation, because he knew that the next few days would be an adventure about food.

Hao Chuan's love for food stems from an experience he had as a child. At that time, he still lived in the countryside, and every time the beginning of summer, his grandmother would always prepare a sumptuous table of Lixia rice for him, which symbolized the arrival of summer and a bumper harvest of grains. Those delicious foods not only satisfied his taste buds, but also made him have a strong interest in food.

Today, Hao Chuan has moved to the city, but his love for food has never waned. He often looks for hidden delicacies in the streets and alleys, and adjusts his diet according to the seasons. No, as soon as Lixia arrived, he couldn't wait to start researching the dietary guidelines for this season.

"Well, after the beginning of summer, you should eat more light foods, such as winter melon, cucumber, and loofah." Hao Chuan said to himself while looking at the guide. He looked around and noticed a small shop selling winter melon tea not far away. He walked over briskly and ordered a cup of winter melon tea.

"Boss, your winter melon tea is really good, refreshing and thirst-quenching." Hao Chuan took a sip and was full of praise.

"Of course, the weather is hot after the beginning of summer, and winter melon tea is a good thing to relieve the heat." The boss replied with a smile.

Hao Chuan nodded and continued to walk forward. He noticed a barbecue stand on the side of the road, and the smell was tangy. But he remembered that the guide said that "it is not advisable to eat more barbecue after the beginning of summer", so he resisted the temptation and left quickly.

Next, Hao Chuan wandered around the streets, tasting a variety of delicacies after the beginning of summer. He tasted fresh lychees and bayberry, and the sweet taste intoxicated him; He ate a bowl of cold cucumbers, and the refreshing taste made him feel a little cool; He also bought a mung bean cake, and the dense texture and faint aroma of mung bean made him have a lingering aftertaste.

However, Hao Chuan also encountered some challenges. Once, he saw a fried chicken restaurant doing brisk business, and there was a constant queue of people. He remembered that the guide said that "it is not advisable to eat more fried food after the beginning of summer", so he hesitated. But the aroma of fried chicken was so enticing that he couldn't help but walk over.

"Guy, do you want some fried chicken? Our fried chicken here is famous in the city. "The owner greeted him warmly.

Hao Chuan swallowed, but finally shook his head: "No, thank you." I want to eat something light today. ”

With that, he turned around and left the fried chicken restaurant. Although he missed the delicious fried chicken, he didn't regret it in his heart. Because he knows that only by following scientific dietary guidelines can he maintain a healthy body.

In the process of tasting the food, Hao Chuan also met some interesting people. Once, he met an elderly man at a snack bar who also had a keen interest in food. The two had a great conversation, and the old man told Hao Chuan many stories and tips about food. Hao Chuan benefited a lot and strengthened his determination to pursue a healthy diet.

Time flies quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Lixia has passed for a while. During this time, Hao Chuan not only tasted a variety of delicacies, but also learned a lot about food. He found that his body had become healthier and his spirits fuller.

One night, Hao Chuan stood in front of the window looking at the starry sky. He recalled the experience during this time, and his heart was full of emotion. He realizes that food is not only a pleasure to satisfy the taste buds, but also a life attitude and a healthy pursuit. Only by paying attention to the rationality and scientificity of diet can we have a healthier and better life.

Since then, Hao Chuan has paid more attention to his diet and nutritional intake. He will look for food on the streets that are in line with the principles of healthy eating, and he will also spread the idea of healthy eating to those around him. He wants everyone to have a healthy lifestyle and a bright future.

On the streets after the beginning of summer, Hao Chuan's adventure continues. He believes that as long as he maintains his love and pursuit of food, he can find his own taste and happiness in this colorful world.

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