
What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

author:Resourceful literati

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What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

1. Hunger is generally suffered, there are those who have not suffered, and there are few, but it is stupid and bad to say that they can eat enough. Let's check a few years before the food and clothing line, don't be full and clothed and say that you have never been like this after a few years, and you have never been cold or hungry

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

2. It is not very harmful, and it is very insulting

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

3. They all said that they had eaten enough, so a family of 5 became a family of 3

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

4. Know why there were many bizarre ghost stories in the countryside at that time, but now there are few. Because at that time, people did not have enough to eat, they were hungry, they were malnourished, and they were prone to hallucinations

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

5. It's not that you can't face reality, it's that you recognize reality and can't do anything

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

6. Lu Xun's novels are full of characters like Ah Q, Xianglin's sister-in-law, Kong Yiji, and the numb spectator who eats human blood steamed buns, is it reasonable?

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

7. Others are not evaluated, but with the current global nature of the dollar, it is easy to strike an economic precision

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

8. There is a saying that sweet potatoes will vomit after eating them for a long time, but potatoes will not

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

9. He writes about those who are really upset that some people

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

10. Super Saiyan, who has no relatives and no friends, inexplicably roasts with a group of earthlings

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

11. Exposing the darkness is the job of the media and legal workers, writers should not steal other people's jobs, writers should do their art well. It is neither professional nor artistic for writers to expose darkness

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

12. Obviously, I wore clothes and took pictures when I was a child, but I said that I grew to fifteen years old with a bare buttocks, which is rare

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

13. Some people's poor brains and insights really can't imagine how cruel the real world is. Suffering deserves to be recognized

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

14. Just because I say that a bastard has mixed into this team, I can't say that I am an anti-team person

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese

15. Your grandparents said that they gave birth to your parents, and your parents said that they gave birth to you, and you don't believe it anymore

What did Mo Yan's work hurt the Chinese? After reading the sharing of netizens, there are too few sober Chinese


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