
What are the effects of "covering heat" with a baby? It's not a superstition that you will die in a serious way

author:The starting point of the baby's story

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoli~

The elderly "cover the heat" with the baby, which may make the baby die.

It may be because of mistakes that can have irreversible consequences for the baby. Babies are very fragile at the age of one month, and mothers should also protect their babies.

Many old people with babies are more traditional, and have always thought that the baby has poor immunity and is very afraid of cold, so they need to pay attention to keeping warm, and even many old people cover the baby with heat.

Covering the heat with the baby, the impact on the baby is great, it is likely to appear heat cover syndrome, shock, dehydration, and even direct death.

For small infants, the development speed is fast, the metabolism is vigorous, and the body will continue to dissipate heat, which is also particularly sensitive to heat. This affects your baby in a number of ways.

What are the effects of "covering heat" with a baby? It's not a superstition that you will die in a serious way

These consequences can occur if your baby is warm


Damage to the brain

When the baby is covered with heat, the intracranial pressure will also increase, and the baby will also enter a hypoxia situation.

The lack of oxygen in the baby's brain also damages the cranial nerves, which has a great impact on the baby's brain development and intellectual development, which requires special attention.

The brain of a young baby is very fragile, and mothers should protect it.

Pay attention to the baby's expression every day, if there is listlessness, it is also likely to be a distress signal from the brain, don't be negligent.

What are the effects of "covering heat" with a baby? It's not a superstition that you will die in a serious way


Shock, dehydration

Fever syndrome is also frequent in the neonatal circle.

The baby suddenly stops breathing and falls unconscious. This is also a manifestation of shock.

When the baby is covered with heat, it will also cause shock, which is precarious, if there is no timely undressing and heat dissipation and timely medical treatment, it may also endanger the baby's life, or even die directly.

Therefore, the baby must not cover the heat excessively, he is more afraid of heat than us adults.

A little common sense won't cover the baby. Mothers need to pay special attention to the elderly at home, after all, the older generation with a baby is a traditional point of view, may be afraid of the baby cold, but the actual baby is afraid of heat.

What are the effects of "covering heat" with a baby? It's not a superstition that you will die in a serious way


Skin rashes

Covering the baby is also not conducive to the development of the baby's skin metabolism.

After the baby is born, the skin development speed is very fast, if the baby is warmed, it will also cause the baby to have a skin rash, which also has an impact on the baby's growth and development.

Covering the baby, it is also easy to have a heat rash, which is still a very common phenomenon, and mothers should also pay special attention.


Emotional, restless sleep

If the baby is too hot, he will also be emotional and often cry. And if it is too hot, it will also reduce the baby's sleep quality, and it will also have a certain impact on the baby's sleep, which should be paid special attention to.

Emotional and restless sleep can also have a developmental impact on your baby.

Emotional, crying, and prone to intestinal flatulence at 0-3 months.

Restless sleep, lack of sleep, and poor body metabolism will also affect the growth and development of the baby, which should be taken very seriously, do not neglect.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]