
Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

author:Solve the way home

Big brother, it was still last year, and one night his ears were itchy, and he used a gadget to pick out his ears, who didn't know how to dig out a hole in his ears.

I went to the hospital to check and the doctor told him that he had a perforated eardrum, which can be troublesome, and I was always nervous, and it was a lifelong thing to have a problem with my ear, so what to do was a problem, so I should pay attention to observe and take care of my eardrum.

The eldest brother said that he plucked his ears last year

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

I accidentally made a hole in my ear, and I felt pain and regret it while talking!

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

After a brief treatment at the hospital, the doctor told him to go for a follow-up check-up once a month.

The eldest brother always felt busy and didn't come to check.

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

The sister-in-law asked him why he didn't come for a check-up?

The eldest brother said that he didn't feel uncomfortable, and he didn't feel anything, so he didn't come to check.

My sister-in-law said excitedly, are you in the water?

The eldest brother hurriedly retorted, your brain has just entered the water! Your whole family's brains are in water! [covers face]

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

Big brother said, you have a hole in your brain [covering your face]

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

The eldest brother said to go and check his ears

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

Big brother, this fat dun dun is examined by the doctor! [呲tooth]

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

The inspection report is out, I don't know what happened?

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

Seeing this, my sister-in-law doesn't understand what's wrong!

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

The eldest brother said there was inflammation

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!


Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

The eldest brother said that there was a thick inside!

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

The hospitalization fee needs 100,000 yuan, and it is quite embarrassing to see the eldest brother's expression.

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

Go back and pack your things and come to the hospital tomorrow.

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

Sister-in-law can't see the feeling of sadness at all, the eldest brother is anxious, let me see if you can't feel a little sad! [covers face]

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

The sister-in-law took the test report, and when she saw that the eardrum was complete, she asked without being angry, what do you think is going on with this completeness?

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

The sister-in-law asked him, you said 100,000 hospitalization fees, where is your small treasury hidden?

The eldest brother hurriedly retorted, I don't have any money, you see I don't have money [covering my face]

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

The eldest brother is too good at teasing the sister-in-law, and at first I thought something was wrong with my ears! [covers face]

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

Netizen comments

Netizen @陈思美 (want to lose weight): Eardrum perforation can't get water, otherwise the ear will be rotten, don't ask why you know, because I have otitis and the ear is rotten, I went to repair the eardrum, the doctor told you that the ear is not rotten, or you will have rotten facial paralysis [呲tooth]

Netizen @eleven: Child, you are only 29 years older than my son [Han Xiao] [Han Xiao]

Netizen @Learn English every day: Go to Beijing Tongren Hospital to have a look! Eardrums are no small thing.

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

Netizen @Renjia Little Sister: Forgive me for not holding back [covering my face]

Netizen @: Dong'er, since I saw you, I saw that my fat son was much more pleasing to the eye [pick his nose] [pick his nose]

Brother Xie Qingshuai was sick and asked to be hospitalized to pay 100,000 for surgery, and his daughter-in-law reacted!

At last

Big brother is cute! At first, I also thought that the eldest brother's ear was really wrong, and the eardrum perforation was not a trivial matter, but the sister-in-law's laughter showed that the eldest brother was a liar.

This big brother is interesting, Fat Dundun is so cute, telling lies is not angry at all, but I think it's funny [呲tooth]

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