
It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth

author:Murong Yun

Who "died"? The school actually arranged for each teaching group to form a "wake" team for eight days from June 22nd to 29th to give the unknown principal a "wake"?

This is not counting, the local health center, like the school, also arranged members of various departments during this time period to "wake the spirit" for this "leader"?

It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth

I really can't imagine that in Dejiang County, a subordinate part of Guizhou Province, which big man died, he could let all the employees of the education and health department collectively go to the wake for this "big man"?

On June 29, a video circulated on the short video social platform, saying that a middle school and health center in Dejiang County, Guizhou Province, arranged a video of a deceased person to wake the soul of a person circulating on the Internet, attracting the attention of many netizens.

In the video, the poster listed a detailed schedule, which clearly shows that Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and a township health center posted two "wake-up duty schedules".

The date of the arrangement is from June 22 to June 29, and the duty schedule also specifically delineates each teaching group or medical department, which is similar to the Spring Festival duty of ordinary units.

It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth
It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth

This incident has aroused speculation among the majority of netizens, who believe that the deceased may be a local "big man", otherwise he would not have made such a big move.

Everyone knows that only when the closest relatives pass away, the immediate family members of the family, including children, will hold the vigil, and have never heard of letting the faculty and medical workers of the two units hold a wakes for the death of a leader who is not related by blood? It's a story for the ages.

After the video fermented on the Internet, it aroused comments from many netizens. A reporter from Jinan Daily called the Propaganda Department of the local county party committee for confirmation on this matter.

It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth

A staff member responded: "This is the death of a teacher's father in the county, and the school union's practice is to care for the staff," and said that the teacher's wife is a nurse at the local Yantang Township Health Center, and the health center trade union, like the school trade union, has posted a "wake schedule" according to the usual practice.

It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth

After they checked with the two units, it was confirmed that only a small number of cadres and workers in the two units spontaneously went to mourn during the rest time, and in addition, only the trade union sent wreaths, and there were no other collective condolences, which had no impact on the normal work of schools and hospitals.

Although the local relevant departments gave specific replies, the reasons given felt very far-fetched and difficult to convince the majority of netizens.

Some netizens said that allowing the relevant departments at the county level to come forward to settle this matter has proved from the side that it is by no means ordinary people who have died.

It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth

According to the thousands of years of traditional customs of the Chinese nation, the wakes were originally done by the families of the deceased, so why did they issue a notice to arrange for so many people to participate? Even people who know each other voluntarily go to mourn, and it is impossible for a unit to organize a collective wake, which is very unreasonable.

Some netizens questioned: How can an ordinary teacher in a school and an ordinary nurse in a hospital have such a great power and appeal to allow people from these two units to collectively mourn, which is unbelievable?

It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth
It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth
It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth
It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth
It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth
It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth

Locals expose the truth:

In response to the discussions and doubts on the Internet, some IPs show that netizens in Guizhou claim to be locals of Dejiang and give a detailed explanation of the wake-up incident spread on the Internet.

Netizens said that it was not as netizens speculated, what kind of leader the dead person was, in Dejiang locality, there is a bad habit Even if you are an ordinary employee at the grassroots level, no matter who the old man dies, the unit trade union will do this, which reflects the organization's condolences and humanistic care for employees.

It's not mandatory, it's just a local bad habit.

It's a "bad habit", don't get me wrong! Dejiang wake follow-up: The identity of the deceased is revealed, and the locals reveal the truth

Write at the end

At present, the government has repeatedly emphasized that weddings and funerals should pay attention to changing customs and customs, and do not engage in extravagance and waste, this matter is simply the opposite, a teacher's father died, and the unit trade union arranged a large number of employees to go to the vigil, is this considered public power and private use?

What do you think about this? Feel free to leave a comment!

(Source: New Yellow River, etc.)