
"The birth of a person determines fate": the baby born in these 4 hours is destined to have a smooth road in the future

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

"Time, fate, and luck." ——This ancient wisdom, the corridor through time and space, still echoes in our ears today. In the vast universe of traditional culture, birth is regarded as the code of fate, and in this mysterious sequence, there are children born in four hours, which seem to be endowed with a special destiny trajectory, indicating that their future road is bright and smooth.

This is not a superstitious whisper, but through the wisdom and legends of the past and present, to explore the mysteries of life that seem to be accidental, but actually contain deep meaning.

"The birth of a person determines fate": the baby born in these 4 hours is destined to have a smooth road in the future

Midnight (midnight, 23:00-01:00):

It is the middle of the night, and the hands of the clock slowly point to 23:00-01:00.

At this moment, everything is silent, only the night wind whispers, as if it resonates with the ancients. "The moon is falling and the sky is full of frost, and Jiang Feng is sleeping." The poem "Fengqiao Night Park" by the Tang Dynasty writer Zhang Ji is like a picture scroll, the tranquility and profundity when it slowly unfolds.

The children who fall to the ground at this time are like the brightest stars in the night sky, with their unique light, showing an extraordinary destiny.

These children are gifted with extraordinary insight and cool judgment.

The ancients said: "When you are a child, you are very smart." Since birth, they seem to have carried a kind of purity and wisdom between heaven and earth, which is not simply book knowledge, but a deep understanding and insight into the world.

Like the brightest stars in the night sky, they can always find their own direction, no matter what the environment they are in. They may encounter many difficulties on the road ahead, but that innate calmness and wisdom will be like a beacon to illuminate every step of their way. Having a mirror in their hearts enables them to have a clear understanding of themselves and the world, and to move forward bravely despite difficulties.

These children are like the most unique stars in the night sky, and their existence is not only a birth of life, but also a symbol of hope.

In the journey of life, with their wisdom and courage, they will eventually embark on a broad path of their own, just like the brightest star in the night sky, which can illuminate all directions wherever they are.

"The birth of a person determines fate": the baby born in these 4 hours is destined to have a smooth road in the future

Chenshi (Eclipse, 07:00-09:00):

Kannon sends a child

In folk beliefs, Guanyin Bodhisattva is compassionate and is often regarded as a child giver who can bring children to families who desire children. And the children born in Chenshi, especially those who are regarded as specially gifted by Guanyin Bodhisattva, are considered to have received special blessings, and have a natural rich life and a deep Buddha relationship. Such children are often kind-hearted and gentle, and often have noble people to help them in their lives, and they can overcome difficulties and live a happy life.

The hour is the early morning eclipse, and the hands of the clock point to 07:00-09:00.

At this moment, the sun is rising, the golden sunlight is shining all over the earth, and everything is revived, presenting a scene full of vitality. The ancients said: "The plan of a day lies in the morning, and the plan of the year lies in the spring." This sentence profoundly illustrates the importance of the hour, which symbolizes new beginnings and hope.

Looking back at the long history, not only is there a depiction in the ancient Chinese book "The Book of Songs" that "the rooster is crowing and the dynasty is prosperous", which shows the ancient people's cherishing of the morning, but also in Western culture, the morning is often regarded as a symbol of rebirth and regeneration. In ancient Greek mythology, Eos, the goddess of dawn, drove her chariot every morning to bring light and hope to the earth, which coincided with the imagery of the hour.

Children born at the time of the hour seem to be born with special energy. They seem to be bathed in the sunshine of hope, and their personalities are cheerful and energetic.

These children have endless creativity and a positive attitude towards life, like messengers of spring, who can bring a breath of vitality and vitality to their surroundings wherever they go in the journey of life.

Children born at the time of the day are full of infinite possibilities and opportunities in their future, just like the rising sun, which heralds the beginning of a new day and the infinite possibilities in their lives. These children are like seeds of hope, and with enough care and nurturing, they will surely shine brightly in the future.

"The birth of a person determines fate": the baby born in these 4 hours is destined to have a smooth road in the future

Lunch (day, 11:00-13:00):

At noon, in the middle of the day, the clock points to 11:00-13:00, which is the most vigorous time of the day.

In ancient Chinese philosophy, yang represents positivity, warmth, and vitality, and noon is the perfect embodiment of these qualities. As explained in the Book of Changes: "Departure is the sun, the sun is beautiful, and the adults continue to shine in all directions." "Children born at this hour seem to have been born with the warmth and radiance of the sun.

These children exude an unparalleled enthusiasm and energy in their personalities, and they are ambitious and have dreams. They are like the warriors of old, clothed in armor and armed with spears, courageous and fearless.

Their spiritual temperament can't help but remind people of those heroes in history, who were also hot-blooded young people with dreams of changing the world.

The ancient Roman poet Virgil's motto "Seize the present, be brave enough to pursue your dreams" seems to have been tailor-made for these midday children. They are born with a desire to explore the unknown and the courage to face challenges. On the journey of life, they dare to pursue their dreams, are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and are always able to rise to the occasion, showing extraordinary courage and perseverance.

In the Chinese proverb, there is a saying that "people born at three o'clock in the afternoon are destined to bring fire", which means that people born at this hour have a passionate personality and a strong enterprising spirit. And the noon child is a vivid portrayal of this statement. They not only inherited the warmth of the sun, but also burned a flame of unyielding in the depths of their hearts, driving them to keep moving forward.

The boat of fate of these noon children will also ride the wind and waves to reach the other side of their ideals. In the years to come, they will be able to create their own brilliant chapter and become the bright stars of the new era.

"The birth of a person determines fate": the baby born in these 4 hours is destined to have a smooth road in the future

Midnight (19:00-21:00):

Dusk falls, and the hands of the clock slowly cross 19:00-21:00. At this moment, the afterglow of the setting sun fills the sky, dyeing the earth golden. "The sunset is infinitely good, but it's just near dusk." Li Shangyin's poem, although it is a little sad, also appropriately depicts the magnificence and tranquility of the time, like an elegy for the most brilliant moment of life, which is not only a farewell to the day, but also an expectation of the night.

Children born at this hour seem to be born with a gentle and deep heart. They are like the sky at dusk, both the warmth of the day and the mystery of the night.

These children are good at thinking, full of emotions, and can always maintain peace and purity in the complex world, just like the lake under the sunset, undisturbed, deep and quiet.

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." The child of the time is the best interpreter of this sentence. They are natural scrutinizers of life, good at reflecting on themselves and planning for the future in the silence of the sunset. Whenever dusk comes, they will silently review the past day in their hearts, sum up their experience, reflect on their shortcomings, and be fully prepared for tomorrow's arrival.

"Zengguang Xianwen" has a saying: "The sun sets, and the sun rises." Children know this very well, they know how to give themselves a quiet space and time after being busy, to savor the bits and pieces of life, to think about the direction of the future. This kind of wisdom is not available to everyone, but children are born with this ability.

In folk customs, dusk is a time for family reunions and a time to pray for peace and happiness. Like this twilight, children bring warmth and hope to their families. They are good at listening to the voices of others, infecting the people around them with their gentleness and kindness, and making the family full of warmth and harmony.

As the modern saying goes, "Dusk is the bridge between day and night." "The children of the time are the guardians of this bridge, connecting the past and the future with their wisdom and strength, carrying hopes and dreams.

Although their road may not be smooth, they can always find their own light in the twists and turns, like a bright color in the afterglow of the sunset, always full of hope and vitality.

"The birth of a person determines fate": the baby born in these 4 hours is destined to have a smooth road in the future

Each of the above four times has its own unique charm and meaning, but it must be remembered that fate is not completely determined by birth, but more by personal choice and hard work.

As Shakespeare said in "Hamlet": Everyone is the master of their own destiny, no matter when they were born, through unremitting efforts, they can draw their own glorious chapters on the picture scroll of life.

Let us take these beautiful meanings as inspiration, not superstitious fate, but in every moment, with the best attitude, to meet our own bright future.