
Review: "Natural statins" were discovered, and if you insist on eating them for half a year, you may be able to "steadily decrease" blood lipids

author:Dr. Tang has an interesting talk

Content Sources:

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After retiring, 56-year-old Zhao Jiadong moved to Guangdong to live with his son Zhao Mingyuan. The son was worried that his father would not adapt to the food and weather in Guangdong, but he didn't expect that after living for more than 50 years, Zhao Jiadong found out that he was a Guangdong stomach. Every day for breakfast, I eat barbecued pork buns and rice rolls, eat pig's feet rice and roast goose rice at noon, and eat glutinous rice chicken and boat porridge at night.

Review: "Natural statins" were discovered, and if you insist on eating them for half a year, you may be able to "steadily decrease" blood lipids

On March 5, 2023, Zhao Jiadong always felt groggy when he got up early recently, and he didn't have to do any physical work every day, but he didn't have much strength on his body. Zhao Mingyuan felt a little wrong when he saw his father like this, thinking that his father had not had a regular physical examination since he retired, so he made an appointment for his father to have a full body physical examination.

A few days later, Zhao Jiadong got the physical examination report, and the other results were similar to those before retirement, and there were no major problems, mainly because of his blood lipids, total cholesterol reached 8.6mmol/L, and low-density lipoprotein reached 6.8mmol/L. CTA shows calcified plaque formation within the right carotid artery.

Zhao Jiadong's dizziness symptoms are caused by the increase in blood lipid content, which leads to atherosclerosis of the arteries and narrowing of blood vessels. Because Zhao Jiadong's carotid artery stenosis did not reach more than 50%, and he did not have severe headache, dizziness, and blackout symptoms, he only needs to control the primary disease, that is, to control hyperlipidemia.

Review: "Natural statins" were discovered, and if you insist on eating them for half a year, you may be able to "steadily decrease" blood lipids

The doctor prescribed atorvastatin to Zhao Jiadong to regulate blood lipids, and after understanding Zhao Jiadong's eating habits, he also instructed him to eat less foods with high fat and starch content such as pork knuckle rice and glutinous rice chicken, otherwise the blood lipids will easily rebound, and the carotid plaque will gradually grow and completely block the blood vessels, which will lead to stroke.

After hearing this, Zhao Jiadong felt uneasy, why did he suddenly get so close to a stroke after he had never been in the hospital in his life. On the way home, Zhao Jiadong couldn't stop sighing, but he didn't expect that he was full of blessings but hurt his body, and the tone of chatting with his old friends on WeChat was much calmer.

Wu Ming, who was on the other side of the mobile phone, felt that Zhao Jiadong was a little strange, so he asked him what happened, Zhao Jiadong took a picture of his inspection report and sent it over, Wu Ming looked at it and comforted him: "What is this, which of our group of retired people does not have a little illness or pain, besides, you are a disease of wealth and wealth, which is eaten, and of course the treatment must be treated with food." ”

Review: "Natural statins" were discovered, and if you insist on eating them for half a year, you may be able to "steadily decrease" blood lipids

Zhao Jiadong saw Wu Ming's confident tone and asked him to give himself a good idea, Wu Ming told him: "You can eat garlic, eat it raw, mash it into a puree and squeeze it into juice, it will be useful." Zhao Jiadong was skeptical, although he knew that Wu Ming had always paid attention to health preservation, but a simple garlic could lower fat?

Zhao Jiadong began to flip through the information on the Internet, but he didn't expect what Wu Ming said to be true. Garlic contains a capsaicin called "propylene sulfide", which can reduce the "bad cholesterol" LDL in the body, reduce blood lipids and blood viscosity, thereby fighting atherosclerosis and preventing coronary heart disease.

In addition, garlic can also block the synthesis of carcinogens nitrosamines, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, allicin also has a broad-spectrum antibacterial sterilization and anti-inflammatory effect, has a strong antiviral ability, and is a simple skin care product for the elderly with low immunity. After getting convinced, Zhao Jiadong began to take action, and every day when he got up, he pounded a clove of garlic for himself to eat.

Review: "Natural statins" were discovered, and if you insist on eating them for half a year, you may be able to "steadily decrease" blood lipids

Three months later, Zhao Jiadong returned to the hospital for a follow-up of seven blood lipids, and total cholesterol and LDL were reduced to normal values. The doctor looked at Zhao Jiadong's examination report and couldn't help but sigh that he had worked in the hospital for so long, and Zhao Jiadong was the first patient who could control his blood lipids so well within 3 months.

The doctor asked Zhao Jiadong what changes he had made, and Zhao Jiadong smiled embarrassedly when he got the doctor's praise, and his mouth was a strong garlic smell: "Actually, I didn't do anything, I just took the medicine prescribed by the doctor every day and ate raw garlic." The doctor suddenly realized, no wonder as soon as Zhao Jiadong entered the door, he smelled a smell of garlic that seemed to be absent.

The doctor nodded and asked Zhao Jiadong earnestly: "Then will your stomach be a little uncomfortable?" Zhao Jiadong was stunned for a moment, and then asked rhetorically: "Doctor, how do you know, I do have some indigestion recently, is it a complication?" The doctor shook his head and said, "No, it's all caused by your long-term consumption of raw garlic." ”

Review: "Natural statins" were discovered, and if you insist on eating them for half a year, you may be able to "steadily decrease" blood lipids

Allicin will have a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, and long-term raw garlic will cause gastrointestinal mucosal damage and cause symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and indigestion. However, allicin will quickly lose its effect when heated, so if you want to achieve the effect of garlic to lower fat, you can only eat it raw, so it is easy to lose sight of one or the other.

Zhao Jiadong frowned slightly after hearing this, and asked the doctor with a panicked expression: "Doctor, what should I do, what can I eat if I can't eat garlic?" The doctor persuaded Zhao Jiadong and said: "Don't worry, it's not that you can't eat garlic, but remind you to pay attention to a degree, although garlic is small, it is not beneficial to eat more, but if you want to rely on dietary therapy to lower blood lipids, I have a food that I can recommend to you." ”

Zhaojiadian listened to the busy question and asked what was going on, and the doctor said generously: "This kind of food can not only have the effect of lowering blood sugar and lipids, but also contains rich nutrients. ”

This food is quinoa. Quinoa is native to the Andes Mountains of South America, with good drought tolerance, cold tolerance, salt tolerance, as a whole grain full nutrition complete protein alkaline food, quality and nutrition are comparable to meat, eggs and milk, known as "super grain", in May 2022, has been successfully trialed in Ning'er County, Yunnan Province, mainland China.

Review: "Natural statins" were discovered, and if you insist on eating them for half a year, you may be able to "steadily decrease" blood lipids

Quinoa contains a variety of vitamins, proteins, polyphenols, flavonoids, saponins and phytosterols, and is low in fructose and low glucose, and 83% of the fats contained are unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids are indispensable fatty acids for the human body, which can reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride content, improve blood circulation, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Phytosterols are an active ingredient in plants that have many benefits for the human body. According to studies, phytosterols have the effect of lowering blood cholesterol, and phytosterols will compete with cholesterol in the intestine for absorption, thereby effectively reducing the total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood of patients with hyperlipidemia, and have a good lipid-lowering effect.

Almost all plant foods contain plant sterols, and the higher content is vegetable oil, legumes, and nuts. The amount of phytosterols in quinoa is much higher than that of a typical grain, but the more delicately processed the cereal, the lower the phytosterol content, so patients with hyperlipidemia should eat less delicately processed foods.

Review: "Natural statins" were discovered, and if you insist on eating them for half a year, you may be able to "steadily decrease" blood lipids

Moreover, quinoa is rich in fiber, which can promote the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and make feces easy to discharge, which can effectively prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and other anal canal diseases. However, tricolor quinoa is rich in potassium, and potassium will be metabolized by the kidneys after entering the human body, thereby increasing the burden on the kidneys, so it is best for patients with renal insufficiency not to consume too much tricolor quinoa.

(Note: "Natural Statin" has been found, not garlic, if you like to eat it, it may make blood lipids "steadily decrease"" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)