
The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

author:A bookmaker in the sea


"Now you, Chen Yi, have become a rich man!"

These are the words of Mr. Zhu after learning that a Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 trucks of weapons and equipment to Chen Yi.

And Chen Yi just said lightly after hearing this: This is all the credit of Xiao Lu.

So why did the Japanese lieutenant general send arms to Chen Yi? What does Xiao Lu in Chen Yi's mouth have to do with this matter?

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

Multiple Lives

The matter also began with the full-scale invasion of China by the Japanese army.

At that time, our party was preparing to send personnel to Shanghai, the rear of the Japanese army, to obtain intelligence, so as to relieve the pressure on the frontal battlefield.

However, Shanghai at that time was mixed, which meant that this person not only had extremely rich experience in underground struggle, but also had a sleek style of doing things.

So for a while, the question of candidates reached an impasse.

Finally, after careful consideration, Premier Zhou said: Send Lu Zhiying.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

And the reason why Premier Zhou believes in Lu Zhiying so much is because many years ago, he carried out a similar task perfectly.

At the end of 1934, the Battle of Xiangjiang caused heavy casualties to the Central Red Army.

This also made the Party Central Committee realize that the Kuomintang Xue Yue Department would be a big problem for the Red Army, so the Central Committee decided to send people to infiltrate the Xue Yue Headquarters to lurk.

At that time, Lu Zhiying, who had been working in Tek for many years, shouldered this important responsibility.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

He used his relationship with Mo Xiong, a high-ranking Kuomintang official, to successfully enter the Xue Yue headquarters.

After that, Lu Zhiying obtained important information many times and transferred it to the Central Red Army, which allowed the Central Red Army to get out of danger several times and successfully occupied Zunyi.

In a sense, without Lu Zhiying, the fate of the Central Red Army would have become so bleak.

After helping the Central Red Army get out of danger, Lu Zhiying returned to the Red Army and has been following the Red Army's Long March.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, he also lost his children in order to avoid the Red Army's whereabouts being exposed.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

At that time, the Red Army was attacked by the Kuomintang troops, and his children were frightened and cried all the time.

At that time, the Central Red Army had temporarily thrown off the Kuomintang pursuers, but the cry of the child was likely to reveal his whereabouts.

For the safety of the Red Army, Lu Zhiying and his wife decisively hung the child on a tree in the opposite direction of the Red Army's withdrawal.

In the end, the child also unfortunately left.

It is precisely these contributions made by Lu Zhiying that are deeply valued by our party, and they have also become the reason why Premier Zhou believes in him so much.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

Subsequently, Premier Zhou handed over this task to Lu Zhiying and gave him a new identity - a wealthy man.

Lu Zhiying, who received the order, immediately packed his bags and rushed to Shanghai.

Because Lu Zhiying had previously taught himself Japanese, and he also had the bonus of being a wealthy man, he quickly established relationships with some Japanese officers in Shanghai.

However, this was not enough for Lu Zhiying, so he focused on Baodao, a senior Japanese official in Shanghai.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

After some understanding, Lu Zhiying learned that Baodao liked musical instruments very much, so Lu Zhiying did what he liked and held a tea party in a teahouse.

A large number of Japanese military officers, including Hoshima, were also invited to participate, and Hoshima, who loved musical instruments, was naturally happy to attend.

During this period, Baojima was itchy and offered to play the guqin.

And Lu Zhiying pretended to be flattering and said that he could play the erhu to cooperate with Baodao.

So, the two collaborated to perform a song "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night", and the seamless cooperation made Baodao appreciate Lu Zhiying very much.

Since then, Baodao has also regarded Lu Zhiying as a confidant, and this also laid the groundwork for the later delivery of arms.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

Through his friendship with Baodao, Lu Zhiying's business in Shanghai is getting bigger and bigger, and he will often give gifts to Baodao, so Baodao has relaxed his vigilance against Lu Zhiying.

As everyone knows, Lu Zhiying's factory is full of underground party members of our party.

During that time, Lu Zhiying obtained valuable information and a large number of weapons, ammunition and medicines from Baodao many times.

To a large extent, it supported the New Fourth Army under the leadership of Chen Yi.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

With the passage of time, the "friendship" between Lu Zhiying and Baodao has become deeper and deeper, and Baodao has even reached the level of responding to his needs.

However, as the Japanese army retreated on the battlefield, in the end the Japanese army had no choice but to surrender unconditionally.

As a result, our party army prepared to collect Japanese weapons, but some Japanese troops who had already surrendered claimed that they would only want the Kuomintang troops to surrender their guns, and even had a head-on conflict with our army.

On the other hand, Baodao, who was already with the rank of lieutenant general, took the initiative to surrender to our army, and took the initiative to send all weapons to attack sixty vehicles.

What's going on here?

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

It turned out that before the surrender of the Japanese army, Lu Zhiying, who had been in contact with Baodao for many years, understood that Baodao's own thinking was very different from that of many Japanese officers.

Therefore, Lu Zhiying took the initiative to launch a rebellion against Baodao, and the facts were just as Baodao expected.

He is also a person who yearns for peace, so for Lu Zhiying's rebellion, Baodao agreed without thinking about it.

Moreover, because Baodao has always regarded Lu Zhiying as a close friend, he also made it clear that he would surrender to our army.

So there was the fact that the Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of munitions to Chen Yi later.

So far, Lu Zhiying's hidden mission in Shanghai has been successfully completed, but Lu Zhiying has not returned to our party as soon as possible.

And it was this decision that plunged him into the abyss.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

It turned out that after the surrender of the Japanese army, Lao Chiang sent people to occupy Shanghai, and under the pretext of liquidating the Japanese puppet spies, he arrested the underground staff of our party.

When Lu Zhiying, who was already preparing to evacuate Shanghai at that time, learned about it, he immediately decided to stay in Shanghai to cover the evacuation of our party personnel.

For this reason, he found his friend many years ago, Zheng Shaoshi, the head of the Central Union's spy in Shanghai, to dredge up the relationship.

With the help of Zheng Shaoshi, Lu Zhiying became the deputy director of the Central Committee of Shanghai's Hudong District.

Using this identity, Lu Zhiying constantly rescued our party personnel who were imprisoned by Kuomintang agents.

It didn't take long for Lu Zhiying to discover that the greatest threat to our party's latent personnel was not the Central Commander, but the Military Commander under Dai Li.

So he had a bold idea and joined the military command.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

In order to achieve this goal, Lu Zhiying grasped the contradiction between Dai Li, the army and the central unification, and successfully won Dai Li's trust.

And Dai Li also took the initiative to bring Lu Zhiying into the military command, and Lu Zhiying also took the opportunity to become an intelligence officer within the military command.

This also enabled Lu Zhiying to rescue more Communists more efficiently.

However, before Lu Zhiying could show his strength, the accident came first.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

At that time, Zhang Lianfang, the underground party of our party, was unfortunately captured by the military commanders, and under the coercion and temptation of the military commanders, Zhang Lianfang chose to compromise.

Since Zhang Lianfang was an assistant placed by our party next to Lu Zhiying at that time, he also knew Lu Zhiying's true identity.

So in order to survive, Zhang Lianfang betrayed Lu Zhiying.

After learning that Lu Zhiying was a communist, Dai Li was furious and immediately arrested and interrogated Lu Zhiying.

In the face of torture to extract confessions, Lu Zhiying did not have the slightest fear, and never revealed the slightest bit of information about our party.

In order to pry open Lu Zhiying's mouth, Lao Jiang even did not hesitate to spend 400 taels of gold to tempt Lu Zhiying, but in the end he was sternly rejected by Lu Zhiying.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man

Seeing that Lu Zhiying was so determined, Dai Li, who was annoyed and angry, directly ordered Lu Zhiying to be killed.

After he left the words "victory in sight, death without regrets", he bravely took justice, and was then buried on a hill next to the Yuhua Stone in Nanjing.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, under the instruction of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, the Nanjing public security department found Lu Zhiying's body.

In recognition of his merits, Chairman Mao also personally signed his martyr's certificate, which is the 60th martyr of the Republic.

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man


Although Lu Zhiying has left us, his spirit lives on and has always been engraved in the glorious history of the Republic.

His contribution is of great significance to the party and the country, and it is precisely because of revolutionary pioneers like Lu Zhiying, who are not afraid of sacrifice, that we have returned to our powerful country today and paid tribute to the martyr Lu Zhiying.


Stay in the history of the liver and gallbladder for a long time - Lu Zhiying--Party History Channel-People's Daily Online

The Japanese lieutenant general sent 60 truckloads of weapons to Chen Yi, and Mr. Zhu said after hearing about it: Now you can become a rich man