
The iron law of dating: If a man treats you like this, he dislikes you, don't associate with you

author:Harui Murakami
The iron law of dating: If a man treats you like this, he dislikes you, don't associate with you

The twisted melon is not sweet, and the love that is in a hurry does not end well.

Many girls think: women chase men, as long as I confess enthusiastically, insist on chasing him, and revolve around him, I will definitely be able to capture him.

Reality is not a fairy tale.

Your sincerity will be used by men as capital to show off;

Your humility will make men bully you even more;

Your stalking will only make him feel that you have no self-esteem, no self-love, and no charm.

The man who likes you, as long as you take the initiative, the other party will run 99 steps and run in front of you.

The man who is really in love with you is reluctant to look at your humble and flattering appearance.

A man who loves you will pity you, respect you, and be reluctant to snub you.

Therefore, it is actually easy to guess in a man's mind, whether there is true love between men and women, and there is no ambiguity at all.

When a man treats you like this, he must dislike you, don't deal with it!

01 Take the lead in mocking you and not defending you

Men like to use women to show their status and satisfy their vanity.

They like to show off the stupid things that women do to please him and pursue him.

I like to talk about women with the same sex, discuss women's privacy, and create an image of myself as popular with the opposite sex.

If a man talks about you behind your back, laughs at you, and talks about your privacy, then such a man must not love you.

If you don't love you, you won't be respected at all, and other men can be allowed to look at you differently and disrespectfully words.

Even when he calls you to dinner and other men target you and make fun of you with bad intentions, he doesn't protect you at all.

There are other women who laugh at you, and he doesn't defend you and doesn't keep his distance from them.

Such a man never takes you to heart and has no respect at all, so don't associate with him anymore.

No matter how good the other party is, a man who does not respect and defends you is not worthy of your affection at all.

All you have to do is stay away from him in order to better protect yourself.

Remember, a woman who loves herself is worthy of love.

The iron law of dating: If a man treats you like this, he dislikes you, don't associate with you

02 Spend your money, but never pay for you

Maybe you are in the ambiguous period, he is affectionate, and the love words come as soon as he opens his mouth.

Maybe in your relationship, he is lukewarm to you, but he is very good at complimenting you.

The common denominator is that he often asks you to ask for money, and you give money and gifts, and he does not refuse to come.

He praised you, coaxed you, and said he loved you, but he never gave you a gift or spent a penny on you.

Don't doubt it, he doesn't love you as a person at all, he just loves your money.

Even while enjoying your material, I deeply dislike you.

This kind of relationship, unless you have very strong emotional intelligence, means and background, you only need to enjoy his emotional value and be able to completely control him.

Otherwise, it must be broken quickly to avoid losing the economy and suffering damage.

The iron law of dating: If a man treats you like this, he dislikes you, don't associate with you

03 Never introduce you to relatives and friends, and don't disclose you

A man who truly loves you is eager to show you off to the world, label you as him, and prevent other men from coveting you.

The man who loves you can't wait to marry you home and monopolize you.

The man who loves you can't help but announce you and introduce you to relatives and friends.

If a man, and you all kinds of intimacy, express love.

But he never wants to make you public, there is no trace of you in the circle of friends, and he never introduces you on formal occasions.

Then, he must dislike you, and he just has no other choice for the time being, so he is with you.

If there is another choice, or to take advantage of your value, he will not hesitate to betray you and part with you.

So, if you're being treated like this by a man, then stop intermingling.

No matter how far your relationship goes, you must withdraw in time, and break it off immediately.

When a woman invests in a relationship, she must first love herself and respect herself, instead of blindly giving everything and even ignoring her self-esteem.

If you don't love yourself, who else can love you?

Remember, the way you love yourself and you are responsible for yourself is the most charming and charismatic look.

In the interaction between the sexes, mutual respect and equality are the real healthy love.
