
The story behind a photo of warlord Sun Chuanfang with his family in 1917


As an outstanding figure in modern Chinese history, Sun Chuanfang's rich and tortuous life course has made a magnificent poem, covering the road from the struggle of soldiers to the heroes who dominate one side, as well as the final setback and end. Today, let's take a closer look at the life trajectory of this legend.

The rise of warlords

On the afternoon of 1917, a photograph treasured in the annals of Sun Chuanfang's family history was unveiled for the first time. In the photo, he is dressed in a formal dress with a solemn and solemn expression, flanked by his two wives, Zhang Guixin and He Jiexian, and their five children. This family photo not only shows the harmonious family atmosphere of this famous family, but also symbolizes the bright future of Sun Chuanfang's political future.

The story behind a photo of warlord Sun Chuanfang with his family in 1917

During Sun Chuanfang's career, the experience of serving as the commander of the first division of the Hubei provisional division has provided him with a key career transformation opportunity. During this time, he demonstrated exceptional leadership and efficient tactical readiness. In particular, in 1927, at the age of 32, he was in the prime of his career, and his future was full of possibilities.

The pinnacle of power
The story behind a photo of warlord Sun Chuanfang with his family in 1917

Taking advantage of the warlord scuffle, Sun Chuanfang commanded the five provinces of East China, and the wealth of each province was in his pocket, and his political prestige rose sharply. However, his ambition was more than that, and his ultimate goal was to achieve national unity.

However, Sun Chuanfang was an extraordinary general. Not only did he win respect and praise for his outstanding military achievements, but he was also respected and respected for his strategy of using talents, empathizing with the people, and reforming the livelihood of society, making him an outstanding statesman.

The story behind a photo of warlord Sun Chuanfang with his family in 1917
The beginning of the decline

During 1927, as the offensive of the Northern Expeditionary Army became more and more fierce, Sun Chuanfang's situation gradually came to a desperate situation. After several defeats, he had to move to Tianjin, hoping for a short period of peace. Losing his fighting spirit, he showed an increasingly cold attitude towards the temptations of Japan, and resolutely decided to avoid the hustle and bustle and seek the solace of ordinary life.

The story behind a photo of warlord Sun Chuanfang with his family in 1917
A tragic ending

However, after retiring to the rivers and lakes, Sun Chuanfang did not have a peaceful life to live. In the turbulent times of 1925, he mistakenly shot the enemy general Shi Congbin in the dispute and caused a bloody case. Shi Jianqiao was deeply ashamed, vowed to pay for his blood debts, and after years of unremitting efforts, he finally locked Sun Chuanfang's hiding place. In the early morning of the next day, when Sun Chuanfang went to the temple to pray for protection, Shi Jianqiao acted resolutely and rigorously carried out the assassination plan. Sun Chuanfang, a once powerful warlord, fell under the gun in his prime.

The story behind a photo of warlord Sun Chuanfang with his family in 1917

Sun Chuanfang is like an epic of ups and downs, his rise and fall as an official is like fate manipulation, from a low-level officer to a prominent warlord, and finally gradually disappearing, like a mirror reflecting the changes of the times. The course of his life not only symbolizes the brilliant achievements of personal struggle, but also witnesses the changes of that era.


Sun Chuanfang's life course reveals a spectacular picture of the changing times. His rise and fall are deeply marked by the peculiarities of that era. The trajectory of his life has led to deep thinking about how to grasp the fate of individuals in power struggles; At the same time, it has also sparked a serious discussion about what lessons can be learned from the long course of history, which is of great significance.