
China's Qing Dynasty Diancui Wan Gong Sedan: The precious collection of the Natural History Museum in New York, the only one in the world


At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a sedan chair with ornate decoration and complex craftsmanship came out. It is not only used as a means of transportation, but also as a priceless art treasure. However, during the production process, a large number of kingfishers fell victim. Today, the palanquin is housed at the Natural History Museum in New York, a silent reminder of that luxurious but cruel era.

The origin and significance of the sedan chair

This highly valuable Wangong sedan chair in the late Qing Dynasty can be called a typical Tang costume for well-known families to show off their wealth. This object is not only used for weddings, but also as a manifestation of the status of the powerful and witnessing the glorious history of the family. According to historical records, more than 10,000 kingfishers were used to make this sedan chair, and its luxury was regarded as the pinnacle of family glory at the time.

The Qing Dynasty antique sedan chair shows the beauty of craftsmanship. This sedan house goes to the drapery, with pure handmade techniques to carve meticulously, its complexity is breathtaking, like the scene of the heavenly palace. The gold and silver decoration of the sedan roof is as majestic as a pagoda, depicting a rich variety of characters and auspicious patterns, such as "the blessing of the heavenly official" and "the unicorn sending the child" and other themes, both practical and artistic value.

China's Qing Dynasty Diancui Wan Gong Sedan: The precious collection of the Natural History Museum in New York, the only one in the world
The preciousness and cruelty of kingfisher feathers

This ornament, entitled "Ten Thousand Gong Sedan Chairs", uses the feather of the kingfisher as the raw material, highlighting its unique charm. Kingfishers are revered for their brilliant blue feathers on their backs. The delicate setting of these feathers on a yellow or gilded base to create colourful ornaments and utensils is the essence of the emerald technique. However, it is rare to use this technique in sedan chairs because of the large number of kingfisher feathers required.

Kingfishers are difficult to breed on a large scale due to their active temperament and easy excitation when they come into contact with humans, resulting in most of their feathers coming from wild catches. "History of the Song Dynasty" contains, "last year Jiaozhi tribute to 500 tails of green feathers", it can be seen that the ancients were also keen on the decoration of green feathers. But behind the high beauty, there are countless lives lost to kingfishers. It is estimated that more than 10,000 kingfishers are needed to make a sedan chair, revealing the dilemma of beauty and cruelty in real life.

The artistic value and cultural significance of the sedan chair
China's Qing Dynasty Diancui Wan Gong Sedan: The precious collection of the Natural History Museum in New York, the only one in the world

This 10,000-worker sedan chair is a collection of ancient art and literature, fully demonstrating the essence and luxury of Qing Dynasty skills, reflecting the aesthetics and values of that time. The carving on the sedan chair is not only a visual feast, but also a rich cultural connotation. In particular, elements such as the blessing of heavenly officials and the sending of children by unicorns vividly interpret the long history and rich cultural heritage of the mainland.

However, with the evolution of human morality and the changes of the social era, the use of animal sacrifices in exchange for luxury jewelry has lost its fairness. Nowadays, the restoration of cultural relics has abandoned the method of adding green feathers, and has turned to the implementation of techniques such as local paste, repair or inlay. This transformation fully demonstrates people's reverence for natural creatures and the progress of social civilization.

The current situation and protection of Wangong sedan car

Today, the treasure of the "10,000-worker sedan chair" that stands in the exhibition hall of the Natural History Museum in New York still shows the extravagance and cruelty of the late Qing Dynasty history. As an important exhibition artifact, it is not only a collection, but also bears the heavy responsibility of reminding people to respect nature and cherish life. According to the official website, this sedan chair is made of rare materials, and its luxury exceeds that of a conventional sedan chair, which requires eight strong men to work together to lift.

However, in the face of the maintenance and repair of Wangong sedan car, we still face many problems. Due to its special material composition, the restoration process requires extreme rigour, as well as a high level of expertise and experience.

China's Qing Dynasty Diancui Wan Gong Sedan: The precious collection of the Natural History Museum in New York, the only one in the world
Wangong sedan chair and the reflection of modern society

"Wangong sedan chair" represents people's pursuit of beauty and deep reflection on the true value of luxury goods. With the progress of modern civilization, human beings have gradually deepened their understanding of the natural world and biological resources, and realized that beauty is as important as ecological balance. Therefore, we need to seek a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

In the context of strict adherence to the principle of "least intervention" in countries around the world, many contemporary design experts have begun to adopt new materials, such as diversified feathers and silks, to replace the traditional dotted green techniques. However, even with techniques such as delicate filigree inlay, these new materials can present a unique and striking visual effect.

Wangong sedan chair and the protection of intangible cultural heritage
China's Qing Dynasty Diancui Wan Gong Sedan: The precious collection of the Natural History Museum in New York, the only one in the world

This sedan chair is not only an exhibition of art, but also the carrying and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage skills.

The exchange of Wangong sedan car and international culture

This sedan chair is not only an exhibit, but also an international cultural exchange.

Wangong sedan chair and the development of modern art

This sedan chair is not only an exhibit, but also a development of modern art.

China's Qing Dynasty Diancui Wan Gong Sedan: The precious collection of the Natural History Museum in New York, the only one in the world
Reflections on the Carriage of Cars and Nature Conservation

This sedan chair is not only an exhibit, but also a reflection on nature protection.

Wangong sedan chair and the progress of human civilization

This sedan chair is not only an exhibit, but also a kind of progress of human civilization.

When analyzing the splendor of the sedan chair, human beings can't help but reflect: can we return to the past years that paid a heavy price for environmental damage and loss of life? Should such luxury and wealth be sincerely accepted, or should the environment and the dignity of life be ignored or even violated? These important issues urgently need to be deeply considered and answered by every member of society.

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