
The 2024 New Rural Land Deal: "Three Prohibitions" and "Two Musts" to protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers

author:The old farmer talks about the three farmers

#头条首发大赛#农村土地是农户的根本性的大问题 is the foundation on which peasants rely for their survival and the lifeblood of rural people's life and survival.

The land of rural people is so important, why can't the farmers themselves protect the land on which they maintain their livelihoods? This is because rural land is collectively owned, and peasant households and peasants only have the right to contract and use.

In this way, everyone wants to eat the "fat meat" of the peasants' land, and everyone wants to cut the cake, so there will be many problems of infringing on the peasants' land in society.

When peasants' land rights and interests are not guaranteed, it is quite difficult for peasant households to defend their rights, and often their legitimate rights and interests are harmed, resulting in the loss of land contracting rights and use rights, and endangering peasant households' production, livelihood, and survival.

The 2024 New Rural Land Deal: "Three Prohibitions" and "Two Musts" to protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers

In accordance with this year's No. 1 Central Document and a series of laws and regulations on rural land, the state has clearly pointed out the new rural land policy in 2024: "three prohibitions" and "two musts", which are used to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of farmers' land are not infringed upon, safeguard the fundamental interests of farmers, and ensure the rational and legal development and utilization of rural collective land resources.

In 2024, the "three prohibitions" of rural land will be introduced

(1) It is not allowed to dismantle first and then make up. The need to expropriate land from the rural areas for the country's infrastructure construction is a very necessary and common thing at a time when the mainland's economy is developing at a rapid pace.

For example, the construction of national highways, the foundation of high-speed railways, the construction of water conservancy and electric power, and the construction of new urbanization industrial parks all require land expropriation from rural areas.

The state is very serious and serious about the expropriation of rural collective land, but because of the wide range of units and personnel involved, it is often very easy to infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of peasants' land.

This year, the state clearly pointed out that the land expropriated in rural areas is not allowed to be demolished first and then supplemented, and the land requisition money must be paid in full to the peasant households, and the special funds must be used exclusively to realize the special use, and the national land expropriation and demolition compensation will be directly distributed to the peasant households to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the peasants.

The 2024 New Rural Land Deal: "Three Prohibitions" and "Two Musts" to protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers

(2) It is not allowed to rent instead of levy. In the process of national land acquisition, some units and individuals want to make money from the national land acquisition compensation and cut the cake of land acquisition compensation, so they come up with crooked ideas, immoral and illegal practices, "renting instead of expropriating".

When the land is expropriated by the state, all the land compensation money is swallowed up by some units, which seriously infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of the peasant households in land contracting.

Therefore, in 2024, the state will specifically target this kind of infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of farmers' land, and resolutely prohibit the infringement of farmers' legitimate rights and interests in land by "renting instead of expropriating" in any way.

(3) It is forbidden to force peasants to quit the land. The state has reiterated on many occasions that no matter what organization or unit, under any pretext, the peasants are forced to withdraw from the land on the pretext of going to the cities to buy houses.

The 2024 New Rural Land Deal: "Three Prohibitions" and "Two Musts" to protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers

The peasants' land is not the reason of the peasant households themselves, and they need to withdraw from all the contracted land, and no other unit or organization has the right to interfere with the rights and interests of the peasants' contracted land.

The "two musts" new deal for rural land in 2024

(1) The state must ensure that the living standards of farmers are not reduced.

Rural land is the material basis for the peasants' subsistence and the source of their livelihood, and the peasants' life and survival in the rural areas are inseparable from the land, and they rely on planting and managing the land to ensure the basic livelihood of the family.

When the state needs to expropriate the land of farmers, the state must ensure that the peasants' livelihood will not decline after the demolition, and there must be a long-term guarantee for the farmers who are requisitioned and demolished, according to the relevant policies of the state on land requisition, and the landless farmers should be compensated by endowment insurance to ensure that they have no worries about the pension after the land is expropriated.

(2) The state must obtain the consent of the majority of farmers for land acquisition and demolition. When the state expropriates rural land, it must follow the wishes of each peasant household whose land has been expropriated, and must obtain their consent before land can be expropriated, otherwise it is an illegal act.

The 2024 New Rural Land Deal: "Three Prohibitions" and "Two Musts" to protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers

All in all, the new rural land policy in 2024 is a supplement to the laws and regulations regulating rural land, and is aimed at safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of farmers' land.

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