
In the event of war, ordinary people must remember to bring 5 items to save their lives when the time comes

author:The old farmer talks about the three farmers

#头条首发大赛#战争就是一种灾难, it is longer than natural disasters, the damage is greater, and the tragedy is more intense.

War is very difficult to disappear in this world, it is very difficult to avoid, with the existence of war, there is no peace in the world, therefore, everyone longs for the world to be peaceful, there is no war, peace is a kind of good hope for everyone.

If there is a war in the world and the war has spread to your homeland, what should ordinary people do? Here's a reminder to everyone, remember to bring 5 items to escape the war, and you can really save your life when the time comes.

(1) Food and water.

Once the war comes, when the war spreads to your hometown, you must bring enough dry food and drinking water for 15~30 days.

Because, once the war broke out, commodities were very tight, and it was difficult for those who had money to buy things in the war zone, so they had to prepare themselves in advance, prepare dry food and drinking water for the family, except for the elderly and children, everyone should carry one with them to ensure the dry food and water needed when escaping from the war zone.

In the event of war, ordinary people must remember to bring 5 items to save their lives when the time comes

If you have a car at home, it is much better to flee the war zone by car than on foot, so you can bring as much dry food and water as possible to escape the war zone quickly.

When fleeing the war zone, as long as there is food and drink, dry food and water, and the family can basically maintain their livelihood, they will have the motivation to flee the war zone and reach a safe area.

(2) Emergency medicines.

People with underlying diseases at home should prepare some needed medicines in advance, such as family members with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases of the three highs, the drugs must be prepared sufficiently, and the drugs must be prepared for 15~30 days, and then plan when they escape from the war zone and arrive in a safe area.

Emergency medicines include trauma treatment drugs and equipment, such as band-aids, disinfectants, Yunnan Baiyao, trauma antibiotic drugs, bandages and tapes, and simple medical equipment, all of which are necessary drugs.

There are also some commonly used medicines that need to be prepared, such as cool oil, wind oil essence, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, cold and fever medicines, masks, gloves, toilet tissues, etc., these medicines and items are very useful items when the time comes, which can protect health and safety and life, and must not be missing.

In the event of war, ordinary people must remember to bring 5 items to save their lives when the time comes

(3) Self-defense weapons.

In the process of fleeing, it is possible to meet the enemy, although ordinary people have no combat experience and ability, it is impossible to confront the enemy head-on, and can only choose to hide and compromise.

However, sometimes it is necessary to carry some simple self-defense weapons with you, and when you encounter danger, you have self-defense equipment, which is much better than when you are unarmed, and you can directly fight with the enemy for self-defense, you can save your life, and you can protect your family.

(4) Cooking utensils and fire.

When ordinary people flee the war zone, whether on foot or in transportation, when they need to cook and boil water, they must have simple cooking utensils, fire sources and fuel, so that they can solve the problem of hunger and thirst for themselves and their families.

In the event of war, ordinary people must remember to bring 5 items to save their lives when the time comes

These items, in addition to carrying food for immediate consumption and water for direct drinking, are necessary for fire, cooking utensils, and flashlights and candles lit at night.

(5) Salt and sugar.

When fleeing from the war zone, salt and sugar are not only very important daily necessities, but also important items for health and hygiene, and very useful items for self-protection.

Edible salt needs to be used when cooking, but after eating salt-free dry food for a long time, supplementing the appropriate amount of edible salt is very beneficial to protect your health.

Salt can also be used instead of toothpaste to gargle, can be disinfected and sterilized, and can be used to wipe the body that has not been bathed for a long time with salt water, so edible salt is very useful at this time.

White sugar is a carbohydrate, which is a source of energy for the human body, and when there is a lack of food, a sip of white sugar water can even save lives.

In the event of war, ordinary people must remember to bring 5 items to save their lives when the time comes

Although some people can't eat sugar, when there is a long-term lack of food, when the human body needs enough energy, it can replenish the body's energy and meet the needs of human exercise.

White sugar is also a kind of war preparation material, which can be used to make self-made bombs and other self-defense weapons, and it will be useful when the time comes.

All in all, when ordinary people encounter war, they must first prepare these five materials, which are very important materials for their own and their families' lives, health and safety, and can save their lives when the time comes.

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