
In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

author:Farmer's Note


This article is 3,500 words, according to the oral narration of veteran Zhang Jingqing, and describes in detail those little-known emotional processes behind the vigorous scene in the 80s. In order to increase readability, some episodes have been appropriately artistically processed, please pay attention to screening.

Love and marriage are indeed the most wonderful things in the world, some people get along day and night without calling, and some people meet each other, but they never leave each other for a lifetime.

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

Some people say that love and marriage need to be cautious, and it is best to know each other well, and the personality and taste are in line. So, how can you reap the full level of love?

My experience with my wife is perhaps a good example......

In 1985, at the age of 20, I had served in Shandong for two years, and in March of that year, my comrades-in-arms and I boarded a train heading south, destined for the distant southern Xinjiang of the motherland.

In those eventful years, although we had to face death and separation every day, none of our young people said a word of complaint, and there was only one very pure ideal in our hearts: to protect our family and defend our country.

After several bloody battles, at the end of August, our company was ordered to return to the rear to rest. And the so-called rear, that is, a county seat within a hundred kilometers. There's a farm there, which is used to recuperate for people like us who have been evacuated from the front.

Although I am only 20 years old, I am considered to be young among my comrades-in-arms, but I have experienced the baptism of blood and fire, and my inner strength is gradually revealed.

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

On the night of the day they arrived at the resting place, all the comrades-in-arms of the whole company gathered together, supposedly to receive psychological counseling. But most of us didn't pay much attention to it, and the atmosphere seemed a bit loose.

Halfway through the meeting, the instructor carried a big cloth bag and put it among us, because the company commander was seriously injured and sent to the hospital in Kunming, and the instructor became our current top leader, and he said to everyone with a smile:

Here are the letters of condolence written by the people in the rear to our front-line soldiers, everyone chooses a few to read, and after reading them, they must reply to them, so as not to disappoint those who write to you.

As soon as the instructor's voice fell, a group of our soldiers rushed up.

To be honest, we have long heard about the people in the rear writing letters of condolence to us, but for the first time, our company has had time to receive them.

Prior to this, there were rumors among the fighters, and it is said that some of the letters received were written by kindergarten children, as well as young women in various positions, and it is even said that there were stories of becoming "pen pals" and eventually becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

Therefore, as soon as the instructor's words fell, everyone rushed up.

Everyone is a young man with strong blood, and the little caution of each other is actually very clear, nothing more than hoping that they can have surprisingly good luck and receive a letter from a young woman of the same age.

Among my comrades-in-arms, I am also a person who is in high school, but I am not particularly interested in those problems, so I did not go with everyone to grab them.

After everyone got a few letters that I thought were handwritten and scattered, under the "gaze" of the instructor, I reluctantly walked over and picked up one casually.

The moment I got the envelope, I seemed to be touched by something: the sender's address was Hunan, which happened to be the area where my hometown was located.

My hometown is in a small city in the mountains of Hunan, and I have never heard from my family since I came to southern Xinjiang. Now when I suddenly saw the word "Hunan" on the envelope, I naturally felt very cordial.

The words on the envelope are quite beautiful, and the recipient writes "Uncle of the People's Liberation Army", which are also two common titles in all the condolence letters received by the army at that time, and there is also a "cutest person", these two recipients are the most used.

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

Looking at the letter in my hand, in addition to the cordiality and longing for my hometown, I immediately felt a burst of self-deprecation in my heart: It seems that it was written by a child, and I, a 20-year-old person, should be an uncle again.

The inscription on the envelope is a middle school, and it is full of two pieces of letterhead, which are very beautiful and neat, which makes people look pleasing to the eye. The letter writer is a girl named Xiao Tao, who is in her second year of junior high school.

Xiao Tao said in the letter that she was the secretary of the Youth League in the class, and whenever she heard about the uncle of the People's Liberation Army defending the country in southern Xinjiang, her heart boiled, and she hoped that she could be a People's Liberation Army when she grew up.

Xiao Tao also said that his academic performance is not very stable, but in the future, he must work hard to be admitted to the technical secondary school during the high school entrance examination, and make greater achievements, so as to repay the selfless dedication of his uncle in the People's Liberation Army.

I read the letter from such a strange little peach girl several times, and judging from the address, Xiao Tao's hometown is in a remote county, nearly 200 kilometers away from our urban area. I also knew that it was remote and poor, but I had never been there.

The instructor saw that everyone was laughing and reading letters to each other, and several naughty comrades-in-arms were still reading aloud, so he reminded everyone loudly:

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

It is necessary to write a reply letter within three days, which can only introduce to the masses in the rear the selfless dedication and the spirit of daring to sacrifice the fighters in the front, and can also write some words of encouragement and encouragement to the recipients, but absolutely must not take this opportunity to talk about love.

The instructor finally said that after the reply letter was written, it would be handed over to him, and he would review them one by one to find out which ones dared to deal with the situation, or the opportunity to deal with bad thoughts.

I wrote the reply and handed it to the instructor that evening, and the instructor was very happy as the first person to write the reply.

reviewed the content in front of me, praised me for writing very well, and even later used it as a model text for a few guys who really couldn't write a reply for reference.

This incident did not leave too many waves in my heart, and I immediately returned to the tense summary and practice. In our hearts, there was only one thought at that time, to return to the position where we had fought bloodily as soon as possible.

But after all, our company did not have the opportunity to go to the front again, firstly, our company has added too many new recruits, and secondly, there are too many fraternal units that are gearing up. Two months later, we were ordered to go north to defend ourselves and leave southern Xinjiang, where we had been fighting for half a year.

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

In the past two months, I have received three letters from Xiao Tao, in which she was surprised that she could receive a reply.

Xiao Tao also said that she was the only one in the class who received a reply from her uncle of the People's Liberation Army, which greatly encouraged her, and she repeatedly said in the letter that she must study hard in the future.

As a result, I had to write to her before I left to tell her that I was going back to the north and that I would not write to me again.

But I don't know why, not long after I returned to my original place, I still received a letter from Xiao Tao, which was very strange at first.

Later, I learned that Xiao Tao had an uncle who had been a soldier in our army, and he knew from the letterhead I wrote back that it was his previous unit number, so I sent it according to the address.

So, since then, Xiao Tao and I have become the most fashionable "pen pals" at that time, and we are willing to talk to each other about some things that we don't want to say to others.

Of course, in my heart at that time, although Xiao Tao was a pen pal, she had a taste of forgetting her old friends.

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

At the end of 87, I returned to my hometown in Hunan after my retirement and demobilization, and was placed to work at the city's health and epidemic prevention station. The year before, I had received a letter from Xiao Tao, telling me that she had been admitted to the regional health school.

Actually, I didn't have the heart to see Xiao Tao, although she repeatedly told me in the last letter that I must go to see her when I returned, but I really didn't have this plan. At least in the two or three months since I returned to my hometown, I have almost forgotten about the existence of Momo.

In the middle of '88, at the age of 23, I went to work every day, mainly to learn and master the business as soon as possible, and by the way, to do some propaganda things.

By chance, the leader arranged for me to go to the regional health school to do publicity. When I finished explaining some basic epidemic prevention policies to my classmates and was about to pack up and leave, a girl stopped me, she was Xiao Tao.

When we were in correspondence, Xiao Tao asked me for a photo, and it happened that I had an extra inch in my hand at the time, so I stuffed one in the envelope, so she recognized me today.

I didn't intend to remain silent, and explained to her that I had just joined the work and was so busy every day that I really didn't have time to see her.

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

Xiao Tao generously "forgiven" me for my clumsy lies, and even comforted me to calm down and work hard.

Since then, Xiao Tao has come back to me almost every weekend, and as long as I don't go to work, I take her to visit some small scenic spots around the city.

Sometimes she would help me go to the dormitory to clean up, and it could be seen that she had great respect for me, the "uncle of the People's Liberation Army".

In the second half of 89, Xiao Tao began to intern. It was very difficult for her to find a good internship unit, and according to the school's assignment, she was likely to go back to her hometown, a remote township health center called "Nanjin".

Xiao Tao told me that she didn't want to go back to the township health center for an internship, and that there were not even two regular doctors in such a remote place, so what could I learn by going there for an internship?

I had no choice but to find a lot of relationships and acquaintances, and finally arranged for her to intern at a county hospital next to the city.

For someone like me from an average family, this is already the biggest help I can do. After all, from the "Uncle of the People's Liberation Army" to the "pen pal" later, and then to the "big brother" today, my identity has changed in Xiao Tao's mouth, but the friendship has not deteriorated in any way, so why not help her in her career?

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

And Xiao Tao, who was able to stay in the city, walked more and more frequently between me and me.

I was 25 years old at the time, and there were enthusiastic people who introduced me to people, but either they couldn't impress me, or they looked down on me. After many times, even I became a little depressed: Could it be that I could only live alone for the rest of my life?

One afternoon at the beginning of the '90s, I failed on a blind date again, and I was very depressed. It just so happened that Xiao Tao came to me, and when she saw that my face was not good and her expression was depressed, she asked me what had hit me.

In my heart at that time, I was almost defenseless against Xiao Tao. All along, from the beginning of the "junior", to the later "New Year's friend", and then to the current "big brother", she is more like a niece in my eyes, so I told the blow she just received.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Tao heard it but said happily: Big brother, how about I be your girlfriend?

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

This sentence made me unbelievable, and I looked at Xiao Tao beside me in amazement, and found that there was really no banter on her face except for a little shyness.

I also realized in hindsight that the yellow-haired girl at the beginning had grown into a slim girl unconsciously!

I fell in love with Xiao Tao, although I was indeed a little awkward at first, but under her patient "enlightenment", I slowly let go of my prejudices.

We got married in '92, and after graduating, Xiao Tao stayed in the hospital where I interned with my help. On the wedding day, I was embarrassed to say to Xiao Tao, who was already my wife:

Don't blame me, the "uncle" back then, for having bad intentions, it's really a matter of love.

In 85 years when I was in southern Xinjiang, a letter of condolence fell in love with a junior high school girl, who grew up to become my wife

On the contrary, my wife told me very sincerely: Since I was in junior high school, you have been a hero in my heart, and I also believe that you will be an eternal hero in my heart!