
During the Anti-Japanese War, a group of puppet soldiers surrounded the hawkers to eat white food, but they didn't know that the other party's basket was full of bullets

author:Talking about Xiao Li

During the Anti-Japanese War, a group of puppet soldiers surrounded the hawkers to eat white food, but they didn't know that the other party's basket was full of bullets. In that era of national crisis, war was raging and the people were in dire straits. However, in such an environment, there are still a group of grassroots heroes who are fighting silently and contributing to the country's independence in their own way. Such stories are little known, but they are an indispensable part of the magnificent picture of the people's war. Today, let's walk into Tongshan County in 1943 and see what happened back then? How an ordinary peddler turned into a hero and made his own contribution to the anti-Japanese cause.

During the Anti-Japanese War, a group of puppet soldiers surrounded the hawkers to eat white food, but they didn't know that the other party's basket was full of bullets

In 1943, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression entered its most difficult period. Although the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army fought guerrilla warfare in North China and Central China and performed many feats, the combat situation has always been very difficult due to the huge disparity in the strength of the enemy and us. It was in this day and age that an exciting little thing happened. In April 1943, Zhao Weiji, the village head of Zhaoji Village, Maozhuang Township, Tongshan County, received a special task from his superiors - to smuggle back a batch of bullets from the underground liaison station in Xuzhuang, an enemy-occupied area.

What a dilemma! Xuzhuang is located in the area occupied by the Japanese army, and there are many enemy guards, and even the hidden personnel of the underground liaison station are extremely difficult to transport the ammunition out smoothly. Once discovered by the enemy, not only will the previous achievements be wasted, but also the lives of the soldiers will be sacrificed. Zhao Wei thought about it again and again, and finally made up his mind and decided to go in disguise.

During the Anti-Japanese War, a group of puppet soldiers surrounded the hawkers to eat white food, but they didn't know that the other party's basket was full of bullets

Taking advantage of the chaos in the Xuzhuang market, he blended into the crowd and found the small vendors who had been designated in advance to sell fried goods. After the code confirmed, the two sides entered a farmhouse courtyard. It turns out that this greasy peddler is an underground worker! Early the next morning, Zhao Weiji picked up a load of seemingly ordinary fried goods, but in fact there were hundreds of bullets hidden in it, and quietly set off to return to the base area.

Along the way, he trembled, for fear of being detected by the enemy. Fortunately, the checkpoint was not too strict, so he swayed all the way, shouting and selling south. Just as they were about to arrive at the base area, a group of puppet soldiers with guns suddenly blocked the way. Zhao Wei's heart jumped fiercely, and he almost ran away. After some pretended calm, the puppet army was finally bluffed, and he was able to escape.

During the Anti-Japanese War, a group of puppet soldiers surrounded the hawkers to eat white food, but they didn't know that the other party's basket was full of bullets

Returning to the base area, Zhao Weiji lifted the curtain at the bottom of the burden, revealing the bullets hidden inside. Looking at these ammunition that can ensure the safety of the soldiers' lives, he sincerely sighed: "If I was eaten by the yellow-skinned dog just now, it would be too big!"

In this way, an ordinary petty trader accomplished his feat and added strength to the Victory Camp. Although this story is ordinary, it just reflects the extraordinary of ordinary people in that era.

During the Anti-Japanese War, a group of puppet soldiers surrounded the hawkers to eat white food, but they didn't know that the other party's basket was full of bullets

History has always been like this, and the well-known celebrity heroes naturally shine brightly. But those little people who have not been heard of and forgotten are the mainstays that supported the entire war years. Countless ordinary and great people like Zhao Weiyi, who used their meager strength to write a magnificent chapter of the people's war, are worth remembering.

In those turbulent years, it was countless little people who came forward to form a powerful joint force and finally won the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Although they are not remembered in the annals of history, their deeds and fighting spirit are still worthy of our learning and remembrance. As the saying goes, "little people, big spirits", history has always been extraordinary written by ordinary people. Let us always remember these unsung heroes, their dedication and noble qualities, and carry forward this indomitable fighting spirit in the days to come, so as to contribute to the prosperity and strength of the motherland. #头条首发大赛#