
A traitor evaded pursuit with the two Japanese troops, and someone shouted halfway through: The one next to you is the Eighth Route Army

author:Talking about Xiao Li

A traitor evaded pursuit with the two Japanese troops, and someone shouted halfway through: The one next to you is the Eighth Route Army. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, people's wars were everywhere. In the enemy-occupied areas at that time, there were also some underground anti-Japanese forces, who risked their lives and persisted in the struggle. This time, we are going to tell a story that happened in Ju County, Shandong, about how an underground anti-Japanese cadre outwitted a traitor and finally captured him alive.

The situation was so dangerous that it almost ended in death, but with his wit and courage, he was able to turn the situation around. This tortuous and bizarre record of "catching traitors" can be called a vivid microcosm of the people's war of those years. Let's follow in the footsteps of those eventful years and find out how this underground worker completed this thrilling mission?

A traitor evaded pursuit with the two Japanese troops, and someone shouted halfway through: The one next to you is the Eighth Route Army

At the end of June 1945, the area around Juxian County was in the midst of continuous anti-Japanese beacon fires, with guns and bullets raining non-stop during the day, and ambushes and sneak attacks at night occurred from time to time. In this era full of gunpowder, groups of underground anti-Japanese cadres were secretly active, and they became "people's heroes" and always maintained a high degree of vigilance.

The protagonist of this story, Wang Ruiyu, was an ordinary and great underground anti-Japanese worker in that turbulent era. In order to smash the Japanese puppet sabotage force, the underground party organization in Juxian County decided to arrest a lurking traitor first. Because of the traitor's tip-off, a brutal massacre occurred in Xiaoyuege Village, where 286 militiamen were brutally killed. Another traitor, Zang Weixiang, was one of the initiators of this incident, and the party organization issued an order that he must be brought to justice as soon as possible.

A traitor evaded pursuit with the two Japanese troops, and someone shouted halfway through: The one next to you is the Eighth Route Army

However, it was not easy to capture Zang Weixiang, who had to penetrate multiple blockades and penetrate deep into the hinterland of enemy-occupied areas. This task is extremely risky, and in the end, the arduous task fell on Wang Ruiyu. Don't look at Wang Ruiyu's usual weak writing, his "fighting" energy at critical moments is not small. In this way, Wang Ruiyu took a soldier, and the two disguised themselves as puppet soldiers and quietly infiltrated a village in the enemy-occupied area on a summer night.

It's a long story, it rained heavily that night, and if it hadn't rained so heavily, it is estimated that they would have to walk dozens of miles of mountain roads and cross many blockades. This rain is simply God's pie, opening a "convenient door" for the people's heroes. They took advantage of the cover of the rainy night and easily broke out of the blockade.

A traitor evaded pursuit with the two Japanese troops, and someone shouted halfway through: The one next to you is the Eighth Route Army

Who knew that they encountered a tricky situation like a dogskin plaster next, Wang Ruiyu and the others just arrived at the edge of the village, they were blocked by several guys from the imperial army, and they took out their guns and pointed them at them. This frightened the two of them, and if their identities were revealed, it would become "the snipe and the clam fighting, and the fisherman benefiting". Fortunately, Wang Ruiyu was alert, and quickly took out a spy card, pretending to be a spy of the "Leyuan Mansion". It's really a mouth that can deceive all the ghosts, this paragraph is simply hilarious.

Fortunately, those fools believed it, so Wang Ruiyu successfully entered the village and blended into the crowd of villagers for flood control. The rain was pouring down, and Wang Ruiyu took advantage of the chaos to find out about Zang Weixiang's residence. Then there was a conversation between you and me, Wang Ruiyu took advantage of the rain to cover and lied to Zang Weixiang that it was ordered from above to transfer him, because the Eighth Route Army was coming to arrest him. As soon as he heard this, Zang Weixiang, the traitor, was so bold that he took it seriously, and followed Wang Ruiyu and the others to the so-called "safe zone" without hesitation.

A traitor evaded pursuit with the two Japanese troops, and someone shouted halfway through: The one next to you is the Eighth Route Army

It's really amazing to say, walking and walking, suddenly there is a gunshot from the pursuers, and a person is still shouting: "The one next to you is the Eighth Route Army!" At that moment, Zang Weixiang realized that he had won the plan. Later, when the traitor was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, Wang Ruiyu held him up with a gun and captured him alive.

This Wang Ruiyu's wisdom and bravery, with vigorous and alert eyes and cautious thinking, reversed the situation in the midst of a crisis, and finally successfully completed the task. Such a tortuous and bizarre story of catching traitors undoubtedly reflects the revolutionary character of the people's heroes who were not afraid of hardships and dangers, and were wise and brave. After listening to this story, it really makes people's blood boil, and I applaud the group of revolutionary pioneers who sang and cried back then!

A traitor evaded pursuit with the two Japanese troops, and someone shouted halfway through: The one next to you is the Eighth Route Army

Through this story, we can clearly feel the hardships and outstanding wisdom of the underground workers during the anti-Japanese period. Wang Ruiyu single-handedly successfully arrested a traitor who collaborated with the enemy, fully demonstrating his excellent tenacity in the face of danger and calm response. In the face of crisis, they never flinched, and used wisdom to turn defeat into victory. It can be said that it was with such a group of martyrs who defended their homeland with their lives that they finally won the great victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Although the deeds of Wang Ruiyu and others have faded with the passage of time, their revolutionary spirit is always worth remembering and inheriting. Let's sing for the heroes of that era! #头条首发大赛#