
After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!

author:Senior science popularizer


NASA has put some pressure on China to release the lunar soil carried back by Chang'e-6.

Asking China to share these lunar soils has no purpose behind this move by the United States, and it is impossible to explore the moon alone.

As a space power, the United States itself has not sent astronauts to the moon, nor is it possible for the United States to make a breakthrough in this area to sabotage China's space development.

On the one hand, Chinese scientists want to show their value to the country, and despite all kinds of restrictions imposed by the United States, China's space program is also achieved overnight.

After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!

Chinese scientists have also discussed these lunar soils repeatedly, but in the end they did not share these important lunar soils with the United States.

The United States has once again attacked China through international public opinion in response to China's rejection, saying that China is immoral.

How did the U.S. restrict China, why was it interested in the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6, and how did Chinese scientists study it?

"Challenge" Chinese scientists.

However, when the "conspiracy theory" of the United States was surging, the United States expressed concern about China and conducted a study of the lunar soil collected by China.

China's young astronauts are already doing so well, and with the help of Chinese scientists, the United States will be able to explore the moon's water resources even faster.

In the field of space research and exploration, without the help of Chinese scientists, the United States would not be able to explore the moon's water resources, but this US measure is a suppression of China's development of space and an elevation of the level of confrontation.

The United States has not brought much benefit to China in space cooperation, and has long imposed restrictions on China's development in the space field, such as the Wolf Clause, which is also a bill that the United States can never automatically cancel.

Imagine that if China and the United States cooperate in space, it can be said that it is a win-win situation, for the United States, China's launch cost will be a lot of money.

However, China needs support from various quarters in the field of aerospace, and it can be seen that this move is still from the hegemonism of the United States, so this kind of practice against China is not allowed.

Therefore, the United States has taken a series of measures, and China's space program is "aimed at China", so that China cannot break through.

But now that China has achieved tremendous results, even the United States is amazed, but the United States is "running to the extreme with one foot on the accelerator", even for the need to sign additional documents, relax some restrictions, but it is not at ease.

As for the launch of satellites, only China is using Chinese rockets, and it cannot be used on American satellites.

But there is that special situation in this, which is the courage of Mars, and only the use of American satellites, although the United States is opening a window to China, but still sets some restrictions.

China is paying $74.8 million for the use of U.S. satellites, and is also asking China to ban satellite technology to Iran and North Korea, which are hostile countries to the United States.

Of course, this agreement is also a kind of deterrent for the United States against China, and the agreement is to let China be the wedding dress for the United States, which is not in line with the principle of equality and mutual benefit in China-US space cooperation.

Moreover, even in Iran and North Korea, the United States is really good at suppression, like "jumping over the wall in a hurry", for its own interests, it does not consider making a wedding dress for the United States, and in terms of space cooperation, the United States will of course be dissatisfied with China's approach.

It does not see the interests in Sino-US cooperation, and this agreement for China is also to put pressure on China, just like the United States has repeatedly suppressed China's 5G wave, but the content of the strategy is a big problem.

After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!

Scientific cooperation should not be dictated by politics.

So what reason does the United States have why it should be so interested in lunar soil?

Six years ahead of American astronauts, it was American astronauts who brought a small amount of lunar soil back to Earth for research.

In the second year of the astronauts' return, NASA began distributing lunar samples.

First they were distributed to scientists all over the world, and then the United States took back the samples, studied them, and distributed them to scientists all over the world.

Last year, NASA announced that it would auction 27 lunar samples, and it can be said that the United States has been arrogantly challenging Chinese scientists.

After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!

But what makes sense of this, the United States is once again reckless, as early as 1969, the astronauts of Apollo 11, in order to make the spacewalk smoother.

When they went to the moon, they picked up two pieces of soil, the first and the second that they had seen, and brought them back to Earth.

At that time, they put the two pieces of soil in a sealed jar and stored them on the U.S. space shuttle when they returned to Earth.

The two pieces of soil were stored on Earth for four years, and in 1974, American astronauts put them in a glass bottle at the funeral home, closed the mouth, and sent them home to the two employees.

The names of the two employees are John Schmidt and Eugene Sirnan, both American astronauts, and John Schmidt is also a scientist.

These two pieces of soil were placed in their homes and accompanied them for nearly 10 years.

After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!

John Schmidt died of cancer in 1985, while Eugene Syrnan died in 1997, and by 2019, the two plots of soil had been sold by their heirs.

Because John Schmidt had no children, these two plots of soil were inherited by John Schmidt's wife, and Eugene Syrnan's heir was his daughter.

Both pieces of soil were sold to private auctioneers by their heirs for a high price, after which they were acquired by private individuals.

In July of this year, the lunar soil was sold privately for $210,000, and it can be said that the United States has been in the dark against China, in order to bring China's space program to a standstill.

But cooperation in scientific research should transcend national borders and should not be influenced by politics, and the importance of the study of lunar soil is self-evident.

It can be said that the study of lunar soil has been promoted to the common benefit of all mankind, and scientists around the world should work together to explore more mysteries of lunar soil.

We should not be constrained by the restrictions of other countries on the road of exploring the unknown, and there will be more scientific results to be shared, which is also a good thing for scientific research in the world.

After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!

Growing vegetables in lunar soil, combined with traditional Chinese culture.

The lunar soil carried by Chang'e-6 carries great scientific value, but also carries more research difficulties, and the surface of the moon is a place that has never been landed by humans.

The study of the far side of the lunar soil is even more difficult, and if the far side of the moon is a place where no humans have landed, then the study of the lunar soil will slow down a lot.

However, Chang'e-6 was overcome by scientists, allowing Chang'e-6 to successfully detect and accurately return to Earth.

From the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6, the names of the metal elements in these soils, gold, silver, and platinum, we may have seen these three names, but these metal elements are very special.

After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!

They are all things that are not found in ordinary steel on the earth, and when we see these three metals, we will realize that these metals are rare metals in the world.

The rarity of these metals can be said to be very common on the earth, but they are very rare on the moon, and if our scientists can find some rare metals in these lunar soils, it will greatly improve the scientific and technological level of human beings.

In addition to the chemical components, there is another component of the soil is organic matter, which is the basis of life and is also a breath of life.

But the organic matter on the moon is one of the points of our curiosity, but on the moon only two elements carbon and hydrogen can form organic matter, and there is also the water that we are familiar with on earth, which is also the point of our curiosity.

Needless to say, water is the origin of all life, but there is no water on the moon, but hydrogen and oxygen in the soil can react to form water, which means that there is water on the moon.

When we knew these ingredients, the scientist thought about whether we could turn these soils into life-friendly soil for planting.

It's a daunting task, but our scientists in China have come up with a way to make the soil more suitable for planting.

That is, the scientists in Nanchang used the soil on the moon in the process of planting, they constantly adjusted according to the experiment, and in the process of trial and error, after thousands of attempts, in the end, the soil on the moon became suitable for planting.

After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!

With everyone's thousands of failures, in the end, we still won the victory, and planted green seedlings that looked very lovely in the gap between the branches and leaves, and had a new vitality.

At the same time, it also represents that our Chinese people combine ancient Chinese culture with new science and technology in the process of scientific and technological innovation, which is something to be proud of.

After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!


China's science and technology are always innovating, but the United States will not let go of this opportunity, the Chinese are particular about auspicious times, in the traditional festivals of the mainland, many things are also done using the yellow calendar.

The Yellow Calendar still has the time of the Yellow Calendar, so in order to ensure the success rate of things.

In some traditional festivals in our country, it is expensive to do some things, so Americans are in a foreign country, but they have not followed it at all, and they continue to suppress us in China.

And it has always been the same, this is the reason for the white-eyed wolf, for these suppressions by the Americans, we in China should stop in moderation, China's aerospace can make great progress, we are capable.

After the United States wanted China's lunar soil to be rejected, it exerted pressure through international public opinion to say that China is immoral!

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