
In 1958, a group photo of He Changgong and his wife, why did the sense of existence become lower in the early days?

author:May Fourth Youth
In 1958, a group photo of He Changgong and his wife, why did the sense of existence become lower in the early days?

In 1958, He Changgong and his wife Yin Qingping, a rare group photo, the camera captured their demeanor and emotions at that time. In the shot, He Changgong is dressed in a tunic suit, a traditional Chinese costume that looks simple and generous to him, revealing his calmness and restraint as an elder. His wife, Yin Qingping, had the most fashionable curly hair of that era, elegant and energetic, and her beauty formed a harmonious contrast with He Changgong's solemnity.

This year, He Changgong is 58 years old, and his eyes are still firm and profound, as if he can perceive everything in the world. And his wife Yin Qingping, who is 16 years younger than him, is in the prime of her life, and her eyes are full of admiration and love for her husband. The two stand side by side in a group photo, as if they are indispensable pillars in each other's lives.

At this time, He Changgong served as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Geology, and his responsibilities were heavy and heavy. However, he has always maintained his enthusiasm and dedication to his work, contributing to the country's geological cause. and his wife, Yin Qingping, works in the Supervision Commission and also silently dedicates herself to their respective posts.

In 1958, a group photo of He Changgong and his wife, why did the sense of existence become lower in the early days?

The name He Changgong is not unfamiliar to many people. In many film and television dramas with the theme of the Red Army, his image often appears and has become a hero in people's hearts. He Changgong is a native of Yueyang, Hunan, and he was a progressive young man full of ideals when he was young. He once went to France to work and study, absorbing advanced scientific knowledge and revolutionary ideas. In 1922, he resolutely joined our party and became a party member, which can be said to be longer than some later marshals and generals.

He Changgong left a strong mark in the history of the revolution. He was the key figure in facilitating the "Zhu Mao Meeting". In October 1927, in accordance with the instructions of the organization, he set off from Ninggang, Jiangxi Province in disguise, and after many hardships, he finally found the Nanchang uprising troops of Mr. Zhu and Mr. Chen, and realized this historic rendezvous. He also has strong military ability, and has held military positions many times, serving as the commander of the Red Eighth Army, party representative and political commissar.

However, during the Long March, He Changgong, who had always been cautious and had a strong party spirit, made a mistake. On the issue of "going south" and "going north", he supported the decision to "go south". This attitude caught many people by surprise and brought him great controversy. In the end, it turned out that the decision to "go south" was wrong, and He Changgong was questioned and disappointed by everyone.

In 1958, a group photo of He Changgong and his wife, why did the sense of existence become lower in the early days?

Despite such setbacks, He Changgong did not give up. He still maintained his loyalty and enthusiasm for the revolution, and was conscientious and diligent in all his posts. His spirit has also won people's respect and praise. In 1987, He Changgong completed his 87-year-old life journey. His life was full of legend and revolutionary spirit and will always be remembered.