
"Daughter-in-law, give your sister-in-law a room, you let her live in your house" "Okay, pay the accommodation fee first"


As the saying goes, marriage is difficult, but it is not difficult for two people who love each other to get along, in order to be with the beloved, we can choose to accommodate each other and change each other, so that we can love each other more happily.

Marriage is not the same as love, marriage is a part of real life, real and not romantic. No matter how much two people love each other, they need to learn to accept the reality and tolerate the challenges of each other's family and marriage. Only in this way can the two spend their lives together smoothly and create a better future.


I recently noticed that my colleague, Mr. Zhang, always had a sad face. As a good friend of his, I learned that he was starting to worry about his marriage again. His wife does not seem to be able to adapt well to family life and seems to be estranged from Mr. Zhang's family. This situation made Mr. Zhang very distressed.

"Daughter-in-law, give your sister-in-law a room, you let her live in your house" "Okay, pay the accommodation fee first"

Mr. Zhang is a veteran employee of the company, who has been working for the company since graduating from high school, and has been working diligently in his life. When the company needed to recruit a group of new employees, Mr. Zhang led the interns to work, and in the process, he met his current wife, Ms. Wang.

During the internship, Mr. Zhang took great care of Ms. Wang. Ms. Wang has just graduated from university and is still a little unfamiliar and uneasy about society, but having such a man who can take care of her makes her feel extremely warm.


After a period of getting along, the relationship between them gradually deepened. Soon after, they received their marriage certificate. But many people have expressed doubts about their marriage, and it turns out that their married life is not satisfactory.

When the two fell in love for the first time, the relationship was very sweet. Mr. Zhang took great care of Ms. Wang, and Ms. Wang did not mind Mr. Zhang's academic qualifications. The love between the two made colleagues very envious. But after getting married, I faced the reality and found that living together was really hard.

"Daughter-in-law, give your sister-in-law a room, you let her live in your house" "Okay, pay the accommodation fee first"


When Ms. Wang returns home after graduation, she always puts herself first. Although she and her mother-in-law get along well, her arrogant personality makes her mother-in-law not very satisfied, so her mother-in-law loves her biological daughter even more.

Because of this incident, Ms. Wang and her mother-in-law often had conflicts. Later, Mr. Zhang's sister graduated and was looking for a job. At this time, Mr. Zhang thought it would be more appropriate for her to live in her own home, which would reduce her stress and allow her to gain some experience and lessons from her daughter-in-law.

Later, her mother-in-law found Ms. Wang and said to her, "Daughter-in-law, give your sister-in-law a room and let her live in your house first." ”

"Daughter-in-law, give your sister-in-law a room, you let her live in your house" "Okay, pay the accommodation fee first"

It may be that the mother-in-law feels that her tone is a little bad, or it may be that Ms. Wang doesn't want another woman in the family. So, Ms. Wang replied, "Okay, but you have to pay the accommodation fee first." Hearing this, the mother-in-law suddenly fell silent. Her daughter is already living with her brother and now has to pay for her own accommodation. Is this young college student's daughter-in-law a blessing or a curse for her?

Sentiment Analysis:

It is easy for the two to fall in love, but it is difficult to get along. If you want to judge whether the two are suitable, you need to communicate more and not risk getting married. Sometimes, when you are in love unmarried, you can be very sweet, but after you get married, you can destroy each other.

Marriage is a big event and there are many factors to consider. Sometimes, although we like and appreciate each other, we may not be happy if we are together, because it is difficult to integrate into each other's family.

"Daughter-in-law, give your sister-in-law a room, you let her live in your house" "Okay, pay the accommodation fee first"

When a woman is unable to get along with her mother-in-law, it may be caused by a generation gap. Even if two people love each other, it is difficult to achieve happiness when they are together, and this kind of relationship is helpless.

Feelings do not have the concept of winning or losing, but there is a judgment of right or wrong. A proper relationship should be that the husband and wife live in harmony, that there is no conflict between the wife and the mother-in-law, and that both are able to treat each other's family members as if they were their own relatives. If it is difficult for two people to meet these conditions, then they may not be suitable for being together and should leave as soon as possible.