
The real reaction of a woman who doesn't love you: "passive"


"Treat each other with sincerity and connect with each other" is often regarded as a belief in life. But in the relationship, this sentence loses some power. Because in a relationship, even hard work does not guarantee a reward, and time cannot create true love. Time is actually often a useless element in relationships.

When men pursue women, they always hope to touch the hearts of women because of their actions and persistence, so that they have the opportunity to be with the women they like. In love, the sequence of time does not determine everything, some people fall in love with each other after a few months of acquaintance, and even get married in a flash. And some people pursue it hard, but in the end they have to leave the scene.

When chasing girls, you must have discernment and not blindness. It is necessary to understand the difference between "reserved" and "passive" girls. If the girl you get along with is always "passive", it is likely that she is just not interested in you, not testing you.

The real reaction of a woman who doesn't love you: "passive"

I have a colleague named Xuanxuan, and everyone calls her "Aquaman" because she always captures men who like her. There was once a boy named Xiaogang who confessed to her that he had been pursuing Xuanxuan for a long time, but Xuanxuan felt that he was not good-looking enough, so he didn't stay with him.

Although Xiao Gang looks average, he is very honest and trustworthy, and takes care of Xuanxuan so much, taking care of her meticulously. Although Xuanxuan doesn't love Xiaogang, she doesn't want to lose this meticulous care, so the relationship between the two is quite passive.

I don't often take the initiative to ask Xiao Gang out, but Xiao Gang asks her out ten times and she will consider it once. Xiao Gang always felt that Xuanxuan still wanted to socialize more with him, so he still had some hope. However, Xuanxuan just didn't want Xiao Gang to leave her, and she didn't plan to be with Xiao Gang.

In love, dedication and sincerity are very important, but men must also understand women. If you don't understand them, your sincerity and dedication will be useless. Women may behave passively in relationships, which means they may not love you, but there are many different reasons for a passive mindset that men must understand.

The real reaction of a woman who doesn't love you: "passive"


It's just vanity at work

Many girls think that the attention of many men around them is a very charming and charming thing, and they don't fall in love just to enjoy the feeling of being valued, and they don't think about the possibility of falling in love at all.

Some women will feel superior because of vanity, knowing that they have no love for you, but they are still ambiguous with you and accept your benefits. They do it just to satisfy their vanity and make you give them love and favor. Although they will accept your benefits, they will never take the initiative, which shows that they do not have a place for you in their hearts.


Just use you like a spare tire

A woman who treats you as a spare tire will not take the initiative to ask you out, but will only think of you when she has no other choice, like a spare key.

Although they don't love you, they won't ignore you completely, but will maintain a certain connection. Because, your help may be needed in the future. She doesn't automatically contact you when she's doing well, and she can be a little impatient when you do.

The real reaction of a woman who doesn't love you: "passive"

When a woman encounters difficulties or twists and turns, she will respond enthusiastically whenever you contact her. But after you help her solve the problem, she will leave you aside and live her life. A woman will not deliberately think about you, but she also does not want to give up on your kindness to her, so she will passively accept your love.


There is no longing with you in my heart

A woman's love for someone is to hope to be together all the time, to love someone is to experience many things with him, even if many things are a little naïve, but in a woman's heart, it still seems very romantic.

A real woman doesn't take the initiative to step out of the safe zone, but she will definitely have her own ideas when you're together. She won't necessarily argue with you, but she won't compromise either. A woman who is emotionally active is one who genuinely cares about you.

No matter what you say, women just adapt to society's expectations and lack their own independent thinking. Don't think they're showing love, they just don't want to embarrass you and express their opinions.

The real reaction of a woman who doesn't love you: "passive"

Emotional Summary:

Sora Shuangshu once said: "To be your true self, love is not about sacrificing yourself for each other, but what both parties see is the truest side of each other." "For the person you like, if you give up yourself, even if you get the other person, the relationship is incomplete.

To truly like and love someone is to be reluctant to let him suffer, and I can't bear to see his heartache. Whether it is a woman who treats a man as a spare item, or a woman who is indifferent to a man, it will cause great harm to the man's heart.

If a woman who is with you always makes you feel powerless and just passively accepts your goodness and you don't have any sense of involvement in her life, then she is not testing your love for her, but simply not loving you. Men, don't let yourself be physically and mentally exhausted by this kind of person, you deserve better love.