
Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health talk

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On a warm spring morning, Zhang Wei (not his real name) hurried to the hospital. As an office worker in his 30s, his nightly sleep quality has plummeted in recent weeks.

Every night he was plagued by symptoms such as frequent nocturia, difficulty sleeping, soreness in his waist and knees, and waking up from dreams. The family told him that these could be signs of kidney deficiency and advised him to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Walking into the gate of the hospital, Zhang Wei went straight to the registration office of the internal medicine department.

At the registration window, he briefly explained his symptoms and quickly got a urology number.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

While waiting, Zhang Wei's mind flashed through various possible diagnoses, hoping that it was just a temporary problem caused by the stress of life and not enough rest.

The door of the urology department opened, and Zhang Wei walked into the consultation room. Sitting behind the desk is an amiable middle-aged doctor, Dr. Chen. He sat Zhang Wei down and began to ask him in detail about his medical history and symptoms.

"Mr. Zhang, how have you been sleeping at night lately?" Dr. Chan asked straight to the point.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

"Dr. Chen, I have to get up several times every night lately, and sometimes I have back pain, and I always feel very tired. I've never been like this before. Zhang Wei replied, with a bit of anxiety in his tone.

Dr. Chan nodded and continued, "In addition to frequent nocturia, do you feel soreness in your waist and knees or wake up easily at night?" ”

"Yes, sometimes I even wake up from nightmares, which makes me much less productive during the day." Zhang Wei said helplessly.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

Dr. Chan listened carefully, picked up a pen and recorded some information in the medical record, and then said, "Based on your description, it is indeed possible that these symptoms are related to the decline of kidney function.

However, we still need to do some checks to confirm. Dr. Chen prescribed several tests for Zhang Wei, including urine routine, blood biochemistry and ultrasound of the kidneys.

Zhang Wei was a little apprehensive in his heart, but he also knew that this was a necessary step. He took the checklist and walked to the laboratory department.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

In the laboratory department, Zhang Wei queued up to take blood and leave urine samples, and the whole process lasted nearly an hour.

After the examination, he returned to the urology department to wait for the results. As time passed, Zhang Wei's mood became more and more nervous. Finally, the nurse called his name, and he walked into Dr. Chen's office again.

Dr. Chan looked at the results of the examination and there was no particularly noticeable change in expression on his face. Zhang Wei asked tentatively, "Doctor, what are the results of my examination?" ”

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

Dr. Chen put down the report in his hand, smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, you don't have to worry too much. Your test results show that your kidney function is not significantly impaired, but only some mild symptoms of kidney deficiency.

This may be related to your lifestyle habits and work stress. Hearing this, Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, but still had some doubts: "Then how can I improve these symptoms?" ”

Dr Chan patiently explains, "Kidney deficiency is a broad concept that is considered by traditional Chinese medicine to include various types such as kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

For your situation, we can start with lifestyle adjustments. It is recommended that you maintain a regular schedule, reduce water intake at night, and increase exercise appropriately, especially for the waist and abdomen.

You can take some foods that have the effect of tonifying the kidney, such as black sesame seeds, wolfberries, etc. ”

Zhang Wei nodded in understanding. Dr Chan continued, "If your symptoms do not improve after lifestyle adjustments, you can consider TCM Conditioning with some Chinese herbal medicines. ”

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Chan. I'll do what you suggest. Zhang Wei felt a lot more at ease and said gratefully.

After leaving the hospital, Zhang Wei followed Dr. Chen's advice and began to adjust his lifestyle.

Go to bed early and wake up early, reduce the amount of water you drink at night, participate in some light exercise, and add black sesame seeds, goji berries and other kidney-tonifying ingredients to your diet.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

After a few weeks of adjustment, his nocturia frequency has decreased significantly, his sleep quality has also improved, and his mental state has improved a lot.

Zhang Wei's experience tells us that the quality of sleep at night can indeed reflect some health conditions of the body, especially kidney function.

Although the concept of kidney deficiency is widely explained in Chinese medicine, modern medicine focuses more on improving these symptoms through scientific examinations and reasonable lifestyle adjustments.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

When facing similar problems, do not be overly nervous, seek medical attention in time, and through professional examinations and doctors' advice, you can often find a suitable solution.

Symptoms such as frequent nocturia, difficulty falling asleep, soreness in the waist and knees, and frequent awakening when sleeping at night may be related to decreased kidney function, but there is no need to worry too much.

Proper lifestyle modifications and proper medical check-ups are important means of maintaining kidney health.

Whether the kidneys are good or not, you will know after a good night's sleep! There are 4 manifestations at night, which means that you should really replenish the kidneys

It is hoped that through Zhang Wei's story, more people can realize the importance of paying attention to their own health, identify and solve problems in time, and thus have a better quality of life.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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