
The Battle of Glory for Heroes at Dusk: Miles Meets the Glory of Football Legends

author:Small waves talk about balls

Where there are rivers and lakes, there will be stories, and every European Cup is like a martial arts novel, with continuous stories and the possibility of continuing to write new chapters. There are a lot of highlights in this year's European Championships, with the 39-year-old Ronaldo making his debut and becoming the first player in history to reach six consecutive European Championships. This record is a real god, and if you need to maintain your condition for a long time, you also need to ensure that you have the strength to be selected for the national team! And Portuguese veteran defender Pepe, who co-started with Ronaldo, also became the oldest player in the history of the European Championship at the age of 41.

The Battle of Glory for Heroes at Dusk: Miles Meets the Glory of Football Legends

Ragnarok, twilight heroes. Among these many veterans, the most tragic is the Croatian veteran Luka Modric. A few days ago, Croatia faced Italy, and it was their last battle.

In the classic 96th minute, Luka Modric fired a shot that made a wonderful arc into the back of the net. The audience erupted in thunderous cheers, and the "worldfirst" on the billboard behind him seemed to celebrate him. Everyone thought Croatia were going to qualify, and this goal would be a classic of Modric's career.

However, the match was not over until the last second, as Italy fought back and drew in the 97th minute to see Croatia eliminated. At the moment when Italy's goal was frozen, the "worldfirst" on the billboard also seemed to sigh for Croatia, and at this moment, although the Croatian players had tried their best, the final result still made them have to accept reality.

The Battle of Glory for Heroes at Dusk: Miles Meets the Glory of Football Legends

Do your best, it's worldfirst! This is Modric's farewell performance, and he has become a legend in world football with his superb football wisdom and unyielding fighting spirit.

Netizens have said that the collective "broken defense". So, the European Cup, or football, is actually teaching us some attitudes towards life. In the world of football, there is no such thing as a permanent winner, and the outcome of every game can change. However, it is these unpredictable processes that leave a deep imprint on our memories and make us unforgettable.

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The Battle of Glory for Heroes at Dusk: Miles Meets the Glory of Football Legends

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The Battle of Glory for Heroes at Dusk: Miles Meets the Glory of Football Legends

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