
Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!

author:Rong Baa is the happiest


It's the weekend, and it's another day to see our cute handsome mighty and domineering cute Fu Zai!


Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!





Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!


Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!


Give the child a sticker and kiss!

Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!


‬因为我们仔仔真懂事,亲亲小孩哥,表示感谢呢! Wow, I can't help but love the boy [heart]

‬要不说福仔招人疼呢! When others give gifts, they also know their relatives' families, this emotional intelligence is very good!

The fans are too rolly, what should I give Fu Zai Long, let me think about it!

Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!

‬鸡腿模样玩具怎么样? The kind that can bite!


Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!


Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!
Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!
Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!
Ke Police Fu Zai's emotional intelligence is very good! When Tsai Tsai received a gift from the child's brother, he immediately kissed and pasted it!

‬仔仔好开心! But pay attention to the trailer, don't run away [呲tooth]

‬ 保护好福sir,前几天刷到一个视频云南那边的一只警犬被人偷了!

The braided puppy Fuzai is too long for Weifang! Officer Corgi Jr. has supported Weifang's propaganda and tourism business!
