
Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

author:A rabbit who is grateful for life
感谢各位看官‬友友‬们‬阅览今日精彩话题,希望能够获得您的点赞、关注和评论。 [Handshake] [Handshake] [握手]小编在此祝大家万事顺意、财运亨通、心想事成‬! [Bikoin] [Bikoin] [Bikoin]

"I want to play Daji" "I don't have a problem with this"


Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed
Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

Not to mention that she could play a "girl" at the age of 60 before, but now she is 74 years old, Xiaoqing's grandmother's self-confidence is unmatched in the entire entertainment industry, and she boasts that she can still perform the charm of Daji!


Video source: China Film Report

Unexpectedly, as soon as this remark came out, it rushed directly to the hot search, and everyone's reaction made people laugh until their stomachs hurt...... 不知道‬晓庆‬奶奶‬能不能‬看到‬[大笑][大笑][大笑]

The moment when the acting skills are tested [laughing and crying]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

Have you asked you two what they think[flash of inspiration]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed
Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

People fancy Daji [covering his face]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

It should be the director who ran overnight [laughs]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

It seems that no one forces [wit] to play it all by himself

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

The Internet has memories, and netizens also have memories[Covering their faces]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

Are you sure you tell the truth [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed
Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

Let everyone listen to it [laugh] [laugh]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

I dare to act, what is it [laughing and crying]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

Are you sure [laughs] [laughs] [laughs]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

Let's see, is this self-confidence worth learning......


Video source: China Film Report

Is this what Grandma Xiaoqing said about "returning to youth" and "decades ago"? Has she forgotten what she used to look like? [covers face]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

How can you say that now at the age of 74, you can still be like more than 30 or 20? [laughing and crying] can't you play a kind and kind old woman, why do you still want to squeeze into the market of other young people's [cover your face] [cover your face] [cover your face]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

Another netizen thinks that Grandma Xiaoqing does have acting skills

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed
Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

That's right, no matter how much acting skills you have, you can still play a primary school student [covering your face]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

Yes, the most important thing is for people to be happy in life

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed
Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed
Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed


Thank you again for reading [handshake] [handshake] [handshake] [handshake] [heart] [heart] [heart]

Xiaoqing's grandmother is 74 years old "Daji Dream", and she boasts that she can play a young person! The hot search comment area laughed

May you be indomitable in the Year of the Dragon, two dragons are high-spirited, Sanyang Kaitai, four seasons of wealth, five blessings and Yingmen, six fortunes and prosperity, seven stars shining, eight directions into the treasure, ninety-nine auspicious, perfect, everything is smooth, a thousand things are satisfactory, everything is prosperous!

(特此声明:本文信息‬及相关图片‬均‬来自网络,旨在娱乐分享,个人‬观点‬,无‬不良‬意图,谨慎‬甄别‬,若发现有误、涉及‬版权‬或‬其他侵权行为,‬请‬联系‬小编第一时间‬会修改或删除! ‬)