
Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

author:A rabbit who is grateful for life
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In the past, because Yi Nengjing's son was hotly discussed because he wore women's clothes, some people could accept it, and some people couldn't understand it.

Recently, Bi Ling, the daughter of Bi Fujian, the former host of "Avenue of Stars", has attracted the attention and heated discussions of many netizens because of her still unique and personalized style.

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

On June 29, 27-year-old Bi Ling's recent photos were exposed, and compared with before, this girl once again appeared in front of the public with a bold and unique image.

This first glance to be honest when I saw that picture of my tongue sticking out, I just wanted to say, uh...... It's so greasy! I didn't expect it to be a girl!

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

In the photo, Bi Ling is standing with a group of foreign friends, compared with the girl in a white dress on the left, although both of them are fat, Bi Ling looks stronger!

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

Such a figure that resembles a man, plus she has shaved her hair on both sides, and she has a long middle, which is to walk on the street, not to mention that it is impossible to say that it is a boy.

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

Bi Ling looks like this and stands with a group of people, dressed like a certain coal boss [covering his face]

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

Zooming in, Bi Ling still laughs a bit like a girl, a very cute smile, but this figure is not as good as Bi Bibi, a foreign boy on the right.

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

I've seen people on the Internet say that Bi Ling looks like this and that.

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!
Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!
Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

Xiao Yueyue, this, I really felt similar to him at first sight, and I thought that Xiao Yueyue had gone abroad, and if I didn't look carefully, I really couldn't tell it.

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

Bi Ling and her father Bi Fujian don't look very similar, but they used to be relatively little girls when they were younger.

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

Later, after her parents divorced, Bi Ling has been living abroad.

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

Do all those who study art have such individuality? It is said that Bi Ling is also an art major abroad.

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

Although her image is far from the traditional female image, this is precisely the unique charm of a person!

Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!
Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

#毕福剑女儿近照曝光 ##毕福剑女儿近照曝光, 16 years of not seeing, his daughter has grown like this? ##毕福剑女儿的照片##毕福剑女儿的长相##毕福剑女儿女大十八变#

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Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling's 27-year-old recent photo, this sturdy figure with a punk head, more and more like a boy!

May you be indomitable in the Year of the Dragon, two dragons are high-spirited, Sanyang Kaitai, four seasons of wealth, five blessings and Yingmen, six fortunes and prosperity, seven stars shining, eight directions into the treasure, ninety-nine auspicious, perfect, everything is smooth, a thousand things are satisfactory, everything is prosperous!

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