
In 1949, the civil war continued, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached a fever pitch

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

In 1949, the civil war continued, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached a fever pitch. Mao Zedong personally "pointed" Ye Jianying, so that this veteran, who had experienced many battlefields, returned to his hometown in fine clothes and led the battle for the liberation of Guangdong. Swear to defend the southern gate of the motherland! However, after the liberation of Guangzhou, the "strain" tumor left by the Kuomintang was raging, can Ye Shuai cross the narrow road skillfully?

In 1949, the civil war continued, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached a fever pitch

In April 1949, the People's Liberation Army set off a frenzy of advancing towards the central and southern continents. After a fierce battle in July, the Kuomintang army Bai Chongxi clique was finally forced into a desperate situation. Chairman Mao, a veteran revolutionary, sent a telegram to the army: It is necessary to adopt the operational policy of "great detour, great encirclement, and great annihilation" to completely eliminate this stubborn force.

And Guangdong, the red base area, is undoubtedly the last important place to tackle tough problems. Chairman Mao knew very well that Guangzhou was the largest city in the south, which carried almost all the power organs of the old Kuomintang regime, and was also an important den of international intelligence agencies. More importantly, she will play the role of the gateway of New China in the south. Therefore, how to clean up the mess is of great importance to New China.

In 1949, the civil war continued, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached a fever pitch

After thinking about it again, Chairman Mao decided to personally "point the general" and let Ye Jianying, a veteran who has experienced ups and downs, lead the liberation of Guangdong. Ye Jianying was born in Meixian County, Guangdong, and knows this hot land in his hometown well. He followed Sun Yat-sen in his early years and spared no effort for the cause of democracy. After Chiang Kai-shek's rebellion and revolution in 1927, Ye Jianying resolutely joined the Communist Party of China and participated in the planning of the Nanchang and Guangzhou uprisings. During the Long March, he also stopped the discordant plans within the Red Army and made great achievements. Ye Shuai is known as "brave and wise" and is undoubtedly the best candidate for the liberation of Guangdong.

In 1949, the civil war continued, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached a fever pitch

On August 1, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China officially appointed Ye Jianying as the supreme person in charge of Guangdong's liberation work. Before going south, Ye Shuai visited Chairman Mao many times and carefully asked for instructions on work arrangements. At that moment, the scene of the hero's return to his hometown was frozen in the Shuangqing Villa. Ye Shuai made a sonorous oath: "I am determined to live up to the expectations of my hometown and guard the southern gate of the motherland!"

In 1949, the civil war continued, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached a fever pitch

After the liberation of Guangzhou, Ye Shuai set up a new provincial and municipal party, government, and military organs. But at this time, the cancer of the Kuomintang's "strain" began to ferment. Guangzhou is shrouded in the dark clouds of underworld forces, with spies, terrorists, and bandits all over the streets, openly extorting and robbing, and even deliberately assassinating the top level of the Communist Party. The underworld forces are extremely arrogant and jaw-dropping.

In 1949, the civil war continued, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached a fever pitch

"If the enemy tries to get us into trouble, we will shave them like a haircut!" Ye Shuai learned from the pain and immediately set out to suppress the bandits and restore order. As soon as Guangzhou was liberated, a veteran army assumed the task of guarding and militarily controlling the city's first-aid facilities. The miners of Huhe Road concentrated tens of thousands of people, some people secretly fanned the flames, and the veterans responded calmly and disintegrated and infiltrated. After the triad elements were discovered, they were immediately punished on the spot.

In 1949, the civil war continued, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached a fever pitch

Ye Shuai personally supervised the formation in every detail, did his best, and with iron-fisted determination, he finally let the dark forces gradually disappear. So far, the wind and waves are calm, and we live in the city of Guangzhou.

In 1949, the civil war continued, and the contradictions between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached a fever pitch

Ye Jianying used his passionate revolutionary fighting spirit to win the arduous defense battle in Guangdong. With wisdom and courage, he put an end to the darkness of the old era and opened a new page for New China in South China. The heroes returned from the expedition, lived up to the mission and trust, and wrote glorious revolutionary poems with actions. Let us always remember these eventful years#头条首发大赛! #