
"Three things to avoid on the summer solstice, and the year goes well", which three things are said? Is there anything special about it?

author:Good luck comes with you

【Title】The summer solstice is coming, avoid the three taboos, and everything goes well in the hot summer

"Three things to avoid on the summer solstice, and the year goes well", which three things are said? Is there anything special about it?

Hey, old guys, summer is coming, and our traditional festival, the summer solstice, is also quietly coming. Do you know? On this sunny day, our ancestors left some taboos of wisdom, saying that "the summer solstice taboo three things, the year goes well". Today, I'm going to talk to you about these three things to make your summer cool and pleasant.

"Three things to avoid on the summer solstice, and the year goes well", which three things are said? Is there anything special about it?

The first taboo is gluttony and coldness. The ancients said: "The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow", during the summer solstice, yang energy is the most vigorous, and our body needs to be warm. Don't be greedy for a momentary pleasure, although watermelon and cold drinks relieve the heat, excessive consumption hurts the spleen and stomach. Remember, appropriate light and warm food is paired to make the body have a comfortable environment.

"Three things to avoid on the summer solstice, and the year goes well", which three things are said? Is there anything special about it?

The second taboo is to stay up late to cool off. Turning on the air conditioner at night and watching the World Cup is the wrong way to turn on the "cool breeze on a summer night". Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the yin qi is the most abundant when the child is in the hour", staying up late hurts the body, and the summer solstice requires going to bed early and getting up early. Remember, go with nature, recharge your energy, be full of energy during the day, and sleep peacefully at night.

"Three things to avoid on the summer solstice, and the year goes well", which three things are said? Is there anything special about it?

The third taboo is that there are large mood swings. Summer is hot, and people are easily irritable. Don't let your temper soar like the temperature, the ancients said: "The heart is calm and naturally cool". When something doesn't go your way, it's better to chat with friends, take a walk, or listen to cool music to make your mood as bright as summer flowers.

"Three things to avoid on the summer solstice, and the year goes well", which three things are said? Is there anything special about it?

These seemingly simple taboos actually contain the wisdom of life. Remembering them is like adding an insurance policy to your life, ensuring that you can enjoy the cool and stay healthy on a hot summer day. As the old saying goes, "contentment is always happy", and a simple lifestyle often brings the greatest satisfaction.

"Three things to avoid on the summer solstice, and the year goes well", which three things are said? Is there anything special about it?

Of course, these "three taboos" are not to ask you to live carefully, but to remind us to find balance in our busy lives. After all, the secret to happiness is to enjoy the moment, not to blindly pursue external coolness. Therefore, the summer solstice has arrived, let us spend it easily and happily together, and pass on this wisdom and joy to more people.

Finally, I wish you all a happy summer solstice, good health, and no matter what you do, remember to avoid these three little taboos and let good luck follow you. If you think I am right, then like and forward, so that more people can benefit, and let's welcome this beautiful summer together!

"Three things to avoid on the summer solstice, and the year goes well", which three things are said? Is there anything special about it?