
What should I do if I cough non-stop? These TCM tips may be effective for many people

author:Department of Neurology Zhang is the chief physician

Aunt Li has been plagued by a constant cough recently, and she has not improved after taking many western medicines. Her neighbor, Uncle Zhang, suggested that she try some tricks of traditional Chinese medicine, and after a few days, Aunt Li's cough turned out to be much better. Many middle-aged and elderly friends have similar experiences with Aunt Li, and the cough does not heal for a long time, which not only affects the quality of life, but also makes people physically and mentally exhausted. So, what can we do in the face of this stubborn cough? Today we are going to share some tips of Chinese medicine, I hope it will be helpful to you.

What should I do if I cough non-stop? These TCM tips may be effective for many people

Causes of cough

Cough is a common symptom that can be caused both by an infection and by other factors. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the main causes of cough are external sensations, internal injuries and seven emotions, and uncontrolled diet. Understanding the cause of your cough is key to choosing the right treatment.

Extrinsic cough

External cough is usually caused by the invasion of the lungs by external evils such as wind cold, wind heat, and wind dryness. Wind-cold cough is mostly manifested as cough with white and thin sputum, wind-heat cough with yellow and sticky sputum, and wind-dry cough with dry cough with little phlegm.

Cough from internal injuries

Internal injury cough is mostly caused by the dysfunction of the internal organs, such as weakness of the spleen and stomach, stagnation of liver qi, and deficiency of the lungs and kidneys. This type of cough is usually manifested as long-term recurrent episodes, coughing up more or less sputum.

Cough caused by poor diet

Poor diet, such as spicy, fatty and sweet, or cold diet, will affect the function of the spleen and stomach, and then cause cough.

Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation and treatment of cough

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) focuses on syndrome differentiation and treatment, that is, different treatment methods are adopted according to the specific situation of the patient. Here are a few common TCM treatments for cough.

Wind chill cough

The treatment of wind-cold cough is mainly based on Xinwen to relieve the surface and promote lung cough. The recommended prescriptions include Jing Fang Septic Powder, Guizhi Tang and so on. At the same time, it can be combined with ginger brown sugar water, green onion white soup and other dietary therapy methods.

Wind-heat cough

The treatment of wind-heat cough is mainly to relieve the surface of the cold and cool and clear the heat and relieve cough. Commonly used prescription medicines include mulberry chrysanthemum drink, silver qiao san and so on. In terms of dietary therapy, you can choose pears, loquats, mulberry leaves and other ingredients that have the effect of clearing heat.

Dry cough

The treatment of dry cough is mainly to moisten dryness and relieve cough and promote lungs. Commonly used prescription medicines include mulberry apricot soup, dry lung saving soup, etc. In terms of dietary therapy, you can choose pears, honey, lilies and other moisturizing ingredients.

What should I do if I cough non-stop? These TCM tips may be effective for many people

Cough caused by a weak spleen and stomach

The treatment of cough caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach is mainly to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough. Commonly used prescription medicines include Liujunzi Soup, Shenling Baizhu Powder, etc. In terms of dietary therapy, you can choose yam, lotus seeds, barley and other ingredients that strengthen the spleen and qi.

Cough caused by stagnation of liver qi

For cough caused by stagnation of liver qi, the treatment is mainly to relieve liver qi and relieve cough. Commonly used prescription medicines include Bupleurum Shu Gansan, Xiaoyaosan, etc. In terms of dietary therapy, you can choose ingredients such as bergamot and roses to soothe the liver and regulate qi.

Cough caused by insufficient lungs and kidneys

For cough caused by lung and kidney insufficiency, the treatment is mainly to nourish yin and nourish the kidneys and suppress cough. Commonly used prescription medicines include lily solid gold soup, wheat flavor rehmannia pills, etc. In terms of dietary therapy, you can choose lily, wolfberry, walnut and other ingredients that nourish the lungs and kidneys.

Traditional Chinese medicine acupressure

Acupressure is one of the effective methods of TCM to treat cough, which can regulate the meridians and relieve symptoms by stimulating specific acupuncture points.

Stimulating goya hole

The Hegu point is located between the first and second metacarpal bones on the back of the hand, at the midpoint of the radial side of the second metacarpal bone. Massaging this acupoint can play a role in promoting the lungs and relieving the surface, relieving cough and asthma.

Stimulates the lungs

The lung Yu point is located on the back, when the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra is 1.5 inches apart. Massaging this acupoint can play a role in promoting lung and regulating qi, relieving cough and asthma.

Stimulating Chufu Hole

The Zhongfu point is located on the outer upper part of the anterior chest wall, when the first intercostal space, the lower border of the clavicle is concave. Massaging this acupoint can play a role in promoting lung and regulating qi, relieving cough and reducing phlegm.

Stimulates the Zusanli acupoint

The Zusanli point is located on the outside of the calf, 3 inches from the lower edge of the patella. Massaging this acupoint can play a role in strengthening the spleen and stomach, enhancing immunity, and thus indirectly relieving cough symptoms.

What should I do if I cough non-stop? These TCM tips may be effective for many people

Traditional Chinese medicine dietary therapy

Medicinal diet therapy is one of the important methods of TCM treatment of cough, which can play a role in regulating the body and relieving cough through a reasonable combination of ingredients and medicines.

White fungus pear soup

Tremella fungus has the effect of moistening the lungs, nourishing yin and moistening dryness, and Sydney pear has the effect of clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, moistening the lungs and relieving cough. Soak the white fungus, stew it with Sydney pear, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste, and take it daily to help relieve dry cough.

Kawa 贝炖梨

Fritillary has the effect of clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, and pear has the effect of clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, moistening the lungs and relieving cough. Peel and core the pears, put them in the Sichuan fritillary and stew them, and take them daily to help relieve phlegm and cough.

Red date and lily soup

Red jujube has the effect of nourishing the qi, nourishing the blood and calming the nerves, and the lily has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing the heart and calming the nerves. Boil red dates with lilies in soup and take them daily to help relieve long-standing coughs.

Almond and walnut porridge

Almonds have the effect of moistening the lungs, relieving cough and asthma, and walnuts have the effect of tonifying the kidneys and consolidating essence and moistening the intestines and laxative. Porridge with almonds and walnuts is taken daily to help relieve cough and strengthen physical fitness.

Common Chinese patent medicines are recommended

For friends who are inconvenient to decoction Chinese medicine, Chinese patent medicine is also a good choice. Here are a few common proprietary Chinese medicines for your reference.


Chuanbei loquat paste has the effect of moistening the lungs, relieving cough and dissolving phlegm, and is suitable for various types of cough, especially wind-heat cough and dry cough.

Pediatric cough and phlegm granules

Pediatric cough and phlegm granules have the effect of cough and phlegm, and are suitable for children with cough and phlegm.

Yukinashi River

Sydney Chuanbei paste has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, and is suitable for various types of cough, especially wind-heat cough and dry cough.

Sangju cold tablets

Sangju cold tablets have the effect of clearing heat and dissolving the surface, promoting the lungs and relieving cough, and are suitable for wind-heat cough and cough caused by cold.

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