
Thompson basically leaves the Warriors! He wants to be teammates with James!

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Thompson basically leaves the Warriors! He wants to be teammates with James!

Thompson's Farewell to the Warriors: The End of an Era and a New Journey

In the long history of the NBA, the story between players and teams has always been full of emotions and entanglements. Recently, a news about the possible departure of Klay Thompson, the Warriors' super shooter, has aroused widespread concern among fans. The player, known as the "Warriors' Big Three" along with Curry and Green, seems to be standing at a new starting point in his career and is ready to start a new journey.

The end of the Warrior era

As the Warriors' dominance in the NBA has waned in recent years, there has been a growing amount of speculation and discussion about the future of the players within the team. Among them, Thompson's future is undoubtedly one of the most concerned questions for fans. According to a joint report by renowned journalist Shams and Warriors reporter Anthony, the Warriors seem to be ready for Thompson's departure, marking the end of a glorious era for the Warriors.

As one of the core players of the Warriors, Thompson created the Warriors' dynasty with Curry and Green. The tacit cooperation and deep friendship between the three of them have become the most valuable asset of the Warriors. However, with changes to the roster and salary structure, Thompson's future with the Warriors gradually became uncertain. Although Curry has repeatedly expressed his desire to retire with Thompson and Green with the Warriors, the reality is not so simple.

Thompson's inner struggle

Thompson's career with the Warriors has been marked by numerous highs and lows. He and Curry have created countless classic game moments together, and they have also weathered the team's downturn together. However, with the team facing salary pressure and roster adjustments, Thompson had to face his future.

The Warriors reportedly didn't have much of a conversation with Thompson within the free agent negotiation window. They want to deal with the contract issues of Wiggins, Paul and other players first, and then negotiate a contract extension with Thompson. Moreover, the extension price offered by the Warriors will not be too high, which makes Thompson feel offended and insincere. As a result, he began to consider leaving the Warriors to look for new teams and opportunities.

A New Journey: Thompson's Joins Forces with James?

While Thompson was considering leaving, several teams also extended olive branches to him. Among them, the Lakers have become a potential home for him. According to Lakers reporter Brad Turner for the Los Angeles Times, Thompson is very interested in playing with James on the Lakers. As long as James renews his contract with the Lakers, Thompson is willing to join the Lakers.

This news has undoubtedly sparked heated discussions among fans. James and Thompson are both top players in the NBA, and their combination will undoubtedly bring a huge combat boost to the Lakers. Moreover, Thompson, as an excellent shooter and defender, can also play an important role in the Lakers.

However, there are also fans who have expressed concerns about Thompson's prospects with the Lakers. After all, he has already spent his prime with the Warriors, and does he still have the quality and form to adapt to the new team and system? In addition, the Lakers are currently facing some roster and salary issues, and it is also unknown whether they will be able to provide enough support and security to Thompson.

Summary and outlook

Thompson's farewell to the Warriors marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new journey. An excellent player and one of the core members of the Warriors, Thompson has left a deep mark on the history of the Warriors. Whether he ultimately chooses to stay with the Warriors or join another team, we should respect his decision and wish him more success in his future career. At the same time, we also expect teams such as the Warriors and Lakers to show more exciting performances and competitive standards in future games.

Thompson's departure from a fan's perspective: The changes of the Warriors era and future reflections

As a veteran NBA fan, I've seen the Warriors go through the ups and downs of the Warriors in recent years. When I heard the news that Klay Thompson might be leaving the Warriors, I had mixed feelings. The player, who forged the Warriors dynasty with Curry and Green, may now face the fate of leaving, which is not only a turning point in the team's history, but also affects the hearts of countless fans.

The splendor and emotion of the warrior era

Looking back at those years, the Warriors, led by Curry, Thompson and Green, overcame obstacles in the playoffs again and again, and finally lifted the championship trophy. Their tacit cooperation, excellent skills and tenacious spirit have become the idols of countless fans. I still remember those emotional moments, Thompson's magical three-pointer at the crucial moment, and the joy and hug of the three of them as they celebrated their victory. These wonderful memories will forever be engraved in my heart.

However, over time, the Warriors also faced a number of challenges. Salary pressures, player injuries, and an aging squad have become apparent, and the team's dominance has begun to decline. Despite this, the Warriors are still a respectable team with a consistent spirit and attitude to the game. However, the news of Thompson's possible departure has undoubtedly brought more uncertainty to this team.

Reflections on Thompson's departure

I feel both sorry and understanding for the news of Thompson's possible departure. As a player, he is eager to continue his quest for glory and victory later in his career. However, in the current situation with the Warriors, he may not be able to get enough salary and security. In addition, as he gets older and has been plagued by injuries, he will also need to make smarter choices later in his career.

For the Warriors, Thompson's departure is undoubtedly a huge blow. He is not only one of the core players of the team, but also a representative of the team's culture and spirit. His departure will greatly affect the strength of the Warriors and will also make it more difficult for the team to rebuild. However, from another perspective, Thompson's departure may be an opportunity for the Warriors to usher in a new era. This is an opportunity for teams to make line-up adjustments and tactical changes to be better prepared for future matches.

Fans' expectations and discussions

As a football fan, I couldn't be more sorry for Thompson's departure. However, I also understand the choices and decisions of the players and the team. In this commercialized world of sports, players and teams alike need to take into account their own interests and development while pursuing glory and victory. Therefore, I respect the decision of Thompson and the Warriors and hope that they can achieve even better results in the future.

For the Warriors, they need to show plenty of intelligence and grit at this critical time. They need to make roster changes and tactical changes as soon as possible after Thompson's departure to ensure that the team remains competitive in the future. At the same time, they also need to maintain the culture and spirit of the team in the process, so that fans can still see the familiar Warriors.

In addition, Thompson's departure has also sparked widespread discussion among fans. Many fans are concerned about Thompson's future and hope that Thompson can continue to perform well in his new team and bring more exciting games to the fans. At the same time, some fans are worried about the future of the Warriors, and they hope that the team can get out of the trough and return to the top as soon as possible.

Closing discussion

Thompson's departure undoubtedly had a huge impact on the Warriors and fans. However, in this unpredictable world of sports, we need to learn to accept and adapt. Whether Thompson ultimately chooses to stay with the Warriors or join another team, we should respect his decision and wish him more success in his future career. At the same time, we also look forward to the Warriors showing stronger strength and more exciting performances in future games, bringing more surprises and touches to the fans. In this process, let's follow and support this great team together!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Warriors leave songs, and the years leave traces

The river flowed eastward, and the hero was full of tears. Warriors Thompson, Golden State parted deeply. The glorious things of the past have become old dreams now. I once remembered three points of rain and broke through thousands of clouds.

The sword points to the championship, and the glory is full of it. Curry Green, a dynasty co-founded. Nowadays, the situation is changing, and the salary is under heavy burden. Warriors need to choose, and the soup god may die.

Looking back on the past, the years have flown by. Tang Shen Stadium dances, fluttering like flying cranes. Three points are like divine help, and one arrow is the answer. The defense is also invincible, and the opponents are fearful.

However, the fate is uncertain, and the future is unknown. The departure of the team is a foregone conclusion, and the fans are concerned. What do the warriors depend on? A new chapter is waiting to be reopened. I hope that in the future, I will still see the mighty warriors.

The ambition is not rewarded, and the warrior spirit will last forever. Tang Shen's departure is not the end, and the Golden State Warriors raise their heads again. Fans have hope in their hearts and are waiting to see the new chapter written in the romance.

The battle of Jin Ge Iron Horse is still in full swing, and the dream of the warriors is not broken. Thompson don't go to the warriors, goodbye is a hero. Fans shed tears on the side of the court, only for the warriors to be more affectionate.

At the time of parting, it is difficult to give up, and the warrior years will never be forgotten. Thompson has no intention of staying and will always cherish it in the hearts of fans. The spirit of warriors has been passed down through the ages, and the Golden State is glorious in all directions.

Tang Shen said goodbye to tears, and the warriors left the song to move people's hearts. Time flies and it is difficult to keep, but the Golden State warriors will always remain. Fans are looking forward to the new chapter and look forward to the Warriors' glory.


In this long poem, I try to use classical rhyme and imagery to describe the emotional impact of Thompson's departure on the Warriors and fans. From the past glory of the Warriors, to the reality of Thompson's departure, to the expectations and blessings of fans, every line of poetry carries deep emotions and memories.

Sub-heading: Warriors leave songs, and the years leave traces

The title not only sums up the theme of the whole poem—the changes of the Warriors and the departure of Thompson—but also alludes to the passage of time and the traces of history. It conveys the fans' reluctance and blessings for the Warriors and Thompson, and also shows the determination and courage of the Warriors to face the challenges ahead.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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