
1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

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"Xiao Wang, has your hair fallen out lately? Is it too stressful? Aunt Wang asked with concern while helping Xiao Wang sort out the documents on the table.

"Yes, Auntie, the project has been stressful lately, and it's normal to stay up late and lose your hair, right?" Xiao Wang smiled helplessly and gently stroked his thinning hair with his hand.

"Hey, young people are stressed nowadays, hair loss is a common thing, I heard that 1 in 5 people now lose their hair!" Aunt Wang's tone was heavy, as if she was saying something terrible.

1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

"Really? So serious? Xiao Wang raised his head in surprise, his eyes full of worry.

"Not really! I heard a doctor say that if you don't want to be bothered by baldness, there is a trick in Chinese medicine called 'full tone', which can solve the problem of hair loss at the root. Aunt Wang mysteriously lowered her voice, as if telling a secret.

"Full tune? What full tone? Can you elaborate on that? Xiao Wang's curiosity was completely aroused, and he was eager to know what this "full tune" was and whether it could help him solve the trouble of falling out of his hair.

1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

"This 'full tone' is not a simple medicine or massage, it should start from your living habits, diet, mood and so on, and carry out all-round conditioning."

Aunt Wang explained, "I don't know exactly how to do it, but I heard that the effect is very good, and many people say that they have cured hair loss with this method." ”

"Really? That's great! Tell me, how exactly does this 'full tune' work? Xiao Wang asked excitedly, as if he saw the hope of rebirth of his thick hair.

1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

"Well, I don't know the specific details, but I heard that there is a Chinese medicine doctor named Dr. Li, he is very experienced in this area, you can ask him." Aunt Wang suggested.

Xiao Wang listened to Aunt Wang's words, his heart was full of hope, and he decided to look for this Dr. Li to see if he could help him solve the long-troubled hair loss problem.

When Xiao Wang found Dr. Li, Dr. Li was checking the pulse of a patient. Dr. Li is a kind old man, who carefully observes the patient's complexion and tongue coating, and asks about the patient's daily diet, sleep, mood and other conditions.

1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

"Dr. Li, I've been losing a lot of hair recently, I heard that you have a trick for treating hair loss, can you help me take a look?" Xiao Wang asked anxiously.

Dr. Li smiled slightly, motioned for Xiao Wang to sit down, and then began to ask Xiao Wang about his specific situation.

"Have you been stressed lately? Do you often stay up late? What about eating habits? Dr. Li asked.

1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

"Recently, I have been under a lot of work pressure, often working overtime and staying up late, eating irregularly, and often eating takeout." Xiao Wang replied truthfully.

After listening to Xiao Wang's answer, Dr. Li nodded and said, "Your situation is very common, and many young people now have hair loss, mainly due to factors such as stress, lack of sleep, and unbalanced diet. ”

"So what do you think I should do? Is there any treatment available? Xiao Wang asked anxiously.

1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

Dr. Li said: "Your condition is not serious, and you can be treated through the 'full adjustment' method of traditional Chinese medicine, which is to start from many aspects and carry out all-round conditioning, including dietary conditioning, lifestyle adjustment, emotional regulation and so on. ”

"Diet? Can you elaborate on that? Xiao Wang asked.

"In terms of diet, you should pay attention to balanced nutrition and eat more foods rich in protein, vitamins and trace elements, such as black sesame seeds, black beans, walnuts, kelp, seaweed and so on." Dr. Li explained, "At the same time, we should eat less spicy and stimulating food, and drink less strong tea and coffee. ”

1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

"What about lifestyle adjustments? What should I do? Xiao Wang asked again.

"In terms of living habits, you should pay attention to regular work and rest, ensure adequate sleep, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, and avoid staying up late." Dr. Li said, "At the same time, it is necessary to exercise appropriately to relax and reduce stress. ”

"What about emotional regulation?" Xiao Wang continued to ask.

"In terms of emotional regulation, you need to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, learn to release stress, and try some ways to relax your body, such as listening to music, yoga, meditation, etc." Dr. Li suggested.

1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

"Doctor Li, I have memorized all these methods you said, and I will definitely work hard to do it." Xiao Wang nodded seriously.

"Well, as long as you stick to it, I believe your hair will slowly return to health." Dr. Li encouraged.

Xiao Wang listened to Dr. Li's words, his heart was full of hope, and he decided to follow Dr. Li's advice and seriously recuperate.

1 in 5 people lose their hair! The doctor said frankly: I don't want to be bothered by baldness, and Chinese medicine is fully adjusted

Xiao Wang began to adjust his living habits and diet according to Dr. Li's advice, he went to bed early and got up early every day, ensured adequate sleep, and began to insist on exercising every day, and he also learned some ways to relax and relax, such as listening to music, doing yoga and so on.

After a period of conditioning, Xiao Wang obviously felt that his physical condition had improved, his mental state was much better, and the phenomenon of hair falling out had also decreased significantly. Xiao Wang thanked Dr. Li and said that he would continue to persevere.

Disclaimer: This article is for reference only, and the medical knowledge described is true and well-founded, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other


1. National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China. (2020). National Nutrition Plan of the People's Republic of China (2017-2030). [] (

2. China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. (2022). Knowledge of health care in traditional Chinese medicine. [] (

3. Chinese Academy of Sciences. (2023). Bureau of Academicians, Chinese Academy of Sciences. [] (

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