
Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink

author:Lychee with iced rice balls

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Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink

In an age dominated by numbers and algorithms, the daily life of a mathematical genius has always attracted curiosity and attention. Wei Dongyi, a young man known as "Wei Shen", became famous in the "Challenge the Impossible" program with his amazing mathematical talent. But what is his life really like under this aura?

Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink

Recently, Wei Shen and his cousin's trip to the Great Wall revealed a corner of his life, showing a familiar and unfamiliar Wei Dongyi.

As the morning dawns, Beijing's Badaling Great Wall welcomes two special visitors. Wei Dongyi and his cousin stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the winding and circling city walls. This magnificent building, known as a World Heritage Site, has witnessed countless historical events, but today it is the other side of a mathematical genius.

My cousin originally thought that Wei Dongyi, who had been immersed in the world of mathematics all year round, might not be good at this kind of physical activity. However, the truth was much more than she expected. I saw Wei Dongyi walking like a fly, climbing the steep steps with ease.

Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink

His physical fitness amazed his cousin. In the difficult climbing process, Wei Dongyi not only maintained a steady pace, but also looked back to care for his cousin from time to time and reached out to help. This warm scene is in stark contrast to the image of a "math madman" who is immersed in arithmetic problems in people's impressions.

When he reached the top, Wei Dongyi stood on the top of the city wall, looking into the distance. The sun shone on his face, outlining the resolute and gentle outline of a young man. The cousin took the opportunity to take pictures of this precious moment: Wei Dongyi had a bright smile on his face, carried a backpack, and strode forward.

The photo was later shared on social platforms and sparked heated discussions among netizens. People were surprised to find that "Wei Shen" also had such a sunny and youthful side.

Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink

However, what is really surprising is not only Wei Dongyi's physical fitness, but also his attitude towards life. According to his cousin, Wei Dongyi's living habits are very simple. He does not like to drink all kinds of drinks, but has a habit of carrying a 1 with him. 5 liter kettle, filled with plain water. This simple and disciplined lifestyle is an interesting contrast to his excellence in mathematics.

What's even more surprising is that the cousin also revealed that Wei Dongyi's salary card was kept by herself. This detail has sparked curiosity about Wei Dongyi's family background. It turned out that Wei Dongyi's father died when he was young, and now 8 years have passed.

The blow of losing his father did not break the young man, but made him more mature and stronger. With the support of his family, Wei Dongyi not only achieved amazing academic achievements, but also maintained a humble and frugal attitude towards life.

Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink

In daily life, Wei Dongyi shows not only the side of mathematical genius, but also the simplicity and sincerity of an ordinary young man. When dining in restaurants, he is always quiet and polite, and behaves appropriately.

This kind of behavior has won the respect and affection of the people around him. Wei Dongyi's success lies not only in his mathematical talent, but also in the fact that he has always maintained his love for life and kindness to human nature.

In the days when my cousin was with Wei Dongyi, I deeply felt the characteristics of this young man. She said: "Dongyi's growth path was not smooth, but he was never knocked down by difficulties.

On the contrary, these experiences have made him stronger and more mature. This tenacity and courage are the driving force that supports Wei Dongyi's continuous progress on the road of mathematics.

Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink

Wei Dongyi's story is not only the growth process of a mathematical genius, but also an inspirational story about sticking to dreams and overcoming difficulties. He proved with practical actions that even in the face of major setbacks in life, as long as you maintain your original intention and love for life, you can create a wonderful life of your own.

Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink

In this impetuous era, Wei Dongyi's story has undoubtedly brought us a breath of fresh air. He tells us that true success is not just about excellence in a certain field, but also about staying true to yourself, being kind, and loving life.

Whether it is the tenacity shown when climbing the Great Wall or the simplicity in daily life, it shows Wei Dongyi's inner quality.

Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink

Finally, perhaps what we should think about is that on the road of pursuing our dreams, can we also be like Wei Dongyi, keep our original intentions and never forget our true truths? Because the real winner in life is not only to succeed in the field that he is good at, but also to live a wonderful life in ordinary daily life. Wei Dongyi's story undoubtedly sets a vivid example for us.

What do you think about this? Comments are welcome.

Wei Shen climbs the Great Wall, his physical fitness is amazing! My cousin said that he kept his salary card by himself and still filled it with 1.5 liters of boiling water to drink
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