
What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

author:Super Six Animation

Disclaimer: The content of this article is purely fictional, all from the Internet, all shared by netizens, please do not take it seriously, do not sit in the right seat, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence!

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Text: Super Six Animation

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What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Today's topic: What happened to those who were told by doctors to disobey?

1. Netizens shared:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

When you go to the hospital, listen to the doctor, listen to it more, and your illness will be cured, so you must remember!

2. Netizens shared:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

The doctor's advice is that you should avoid eating, and as a result, you have to eat and drink nonsense, but I didn't expect it to directly cause heart problems, but if you listen to it, you won't be hospitalized!

3. Netizens shared:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

I can't eat for a simple appendicitis operation, okay, I found it in time before the operation, I really didn't expect to eat it in vain!

4. Netizens shared:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

People, I always think that I am very capable, I always feel that I recover quickly, I don't want to listen to the doctor, and I have stayed for a few more days!

5. Netizens shared:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

People have said that the tooth is inflamed and cannot be extracted, but you still have to believe it, you see that if you pull it out, you will be hospitalized directly!

6. Netizens share:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

And listen to the doctor's words, saying that let you go in a few minutes, you will go in a few minutes, and don't go out in advance, this will be a loss!

7. Netizens shared:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

The doctor said that he could eat it, but the nurse scolded the doctor with his head and face, and the status of the nurse is really higher than that of the doctor!

8. Netizens share:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

If you can't eat, you can't drink, so don't eat at all, don't drink, no matter how thirsty or hungry you are, you have to endure it, a little water will cause a sting!

9. Netizens shared:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

I said that I tried to eat porridge as much as possible, but I had to eat those indigestible ones, and you see that it eventually led to internal bleeding, but fortunately, I picked up a life!

10. Netizens shared:

What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Author's point of view:

People have said that you can eat some liquid food, but you still have to let people eat meatballs, and you have to have a second operation!

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What about those who were told by the doctors and didn't listen? Netizen: A meatball leads to a second operation!

Answer in this issue: "Glass"