
The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

author:13 lectures on literature

The scene was silent, and all eyes were focused on Zhang Jianguang. He took a deep breath and pointed his fingers at the back of the caged pig like lightning. A "pop" sounded, but I saw that the little pig was still jumping around, and there was nothing unusual.

Sighs of disappointment followed, and the audience shook their heads and prepared to leave. Suddenly, an unexpected scene happens. The little pig, which seemed to be unharmed, stiffened and fell straight to the ground.

Its hind legs were as stiff as ice, and no matter how much the experts slapped them, they didn't respond. There was doubt in his shocked eyes: Is there really a legendary "point magic skill"? Where does this mysterious power come from? For a moment, the scene fell into a whirlpool of consternation and thought.

Zhang Jianguang's martial arts journey began with a dream when he was young. This seemingly ordinary middle-aged man has had a special love for traditional Chinese martial arts since he was a child.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

The gears of fate began to turn, and the young Zhang Jianguang was fortunate to worship under the gate of Wudang Mountain and start his martial arts journey. However, life is always full of drama. Just as Zhang Jianguang had his first glimpse of the acupuncture technique, the bad news came - his beloved master passed away suddenly.

The blow was undoubtedly heavy for the young Zhang Jianguang, but it also served as a catalyst for a stronger desire for knowledge. He swore in his heart that he would learn the essence of this magical skill.

With the remembrance of his master and his dedication to martial arts, Zhang Jianguang embarked on a long road to find a master. He traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers and visited all kinds of martial arts masters, just to find a famous teacher who was willing to teach the tricks of the point.

This experience is exactly as the old saying goes: "There is nowhere to find the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get them." "Hard work pays off. By chance, Zhang Jianguang finally met a new master who was willing to teach him.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

Since then, he has devoted himself to hard cultivation. Day after day, year after year, Zhang Jianguang's acupoint kung fu gradually improved. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and he is confident that he has mastered this magical skill.

However, Zhang Jianguang's martial arts background is not without controversy. Attentive netizens found that Zhang Jianguang's name was not among the four batches of disciples of Zhong Yunlong, the current head of Wudang.

There are even rumors that Wudang's point stunt is only passed on to the master, and other people have no chance to learn it at all. These doubts continued, casting a veil of mystery over Zhang Jianguang's martial arts background.

In the face of these doubts, Zhang Jianguang has remained silent. He firmly believes that the real ability lies not in the name, but in the actual ability. It was this perseverance and self-confidence that made him accept the proposal of using Piggy to test his ability to point points without hesitation in the face of the challenges of experts.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

Zhang Jianguang's story is not only the growth process of a martial arts enthusiast, but also a legend about perseverance and faith. No matter how the outside world questioned him, he insisted on his own martial arts path and proved his ability with practical actions.

This spirit of perseverance may be the key to the inheritance of traditional Chinese martial arts. As Zhang Jianguang's reputation as a "master of acupoints" gradually rose, doubts and curious voices also followed.

Some martial arts experts have expressed doubts about his ability, believing that the so-called "acupoint magic skills" may just be a trick. In order to uncover the truth, they made a bold suggestion: use a small pig to test Zhang Jianguang's point point technique.

This proposal made Zhang Jianguang feel uneasy. He had never used acupuncture points on animals, and the acupuncture points of people and animals were already different, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty. But in order to prove himself and maintain the results of years of hard training, Zhang Jianguang gritted his teeth and agreed.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

In full view of everyone, Zhang Jianguang publicly demonstrated his acupoint skills for the first time. He moved his wrists and arms as if he were putting the finishing touches on the upcoming performance.

Then, he made a quick shot and aimed it at the buttocks of the piglet in the cage. However, the expected effect did not appear, and Piggy remained dazed and seemed to be completely unaffected.

This time, Zhang Jianguang chose the left calf of the little pig. He held his breath and nodded intently. Sure enough, the little pig stopped moving, and the scene was silent, and everyone was waiting with bated breath.

But it didn't take long for the piglet to jump up and down again, as if nothing had happened. The audience began to exchange heads, and their suspicious eyes turned to Zhang Jianguang. He took a deep breath, adjusted his mindset, and decided to try one last time.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

This time, he targeted a "death hole" on the piglet's back. Zhang Jianguang knew that once this acupuncture point was hit, it might have a serious impact on the piglet. He gathered all his strength and slammed it into the piglet's back.

A "pop" sounded, and everyone's eyes were focused on the little pig. However, the little pig was still unharmed, and even ran happily. The atmosphere at the scene dropped to a freezing point, people began to talk about it, and some people were even ready to leave.

Zhang Jianguang's face was full of confusion and disappointment, but he didn't give up. He explained to the experts: "It may take some time for the effects of the acupuncture points to appear, so please be patient."

While some were skeptical of this explanation, most chose to stay. They wanted to see if the man, who claimed to be a master of acupuncture, could finally prove his ability.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

Just when everyone thought that this verification had failed and was about to leave, the unexpected happened. The seemingly unscathed little pig suddenly fell straight down, its hind legs stiffened as if it had been frozen.

No matter how the experts slapped and stimulated, the piglets did not react. This scene not only proves that Zhang Jianguang's acupoint kung fu is indeed effective, but also triggers people's in-depth thinking about the essence of acupoint technique.

Why is the effect of the acupuncture point delayed? Does this mean that acupuncture is more complex and esoteric than we think? For a moment, the scene fell into surprise and contemplation.

When discussing the miraculous effects of acupuncture, we have to mention another legendary figure - Li Shiping, who is known as the "miracle doctor". His story is widely circulated among the people, casting a veil of mystery over the acupoint technique.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

Li Shiping's clinic is located in an inconspicuous alley with a sign that makes it hard to believe that it is staffed by a highly regarded doctor. However, there is a constant stream of people who come to see the clinic every day, and there is always a long queue outside the clinic, and people do not hesitate to travel long distances just to see the miracle doctor.

According to local residents, many dying patients have miraculously been given a new lease of life under Li Shiping's medical skills. One of the most impressive was the case of a patient with cerebral palsy.

At that time, the patient's life was hanging by a thread, and the family had given up almost all hope. However, Li Shiping used his exquisite acupoint technique to miraculously revive the patient and regain his vitality.

Such stories, while they may sound incredible, do spread locally. Li Shiping seems to have perfectly integrated acupoint techniques with traditional Chinese medicine theories, and has made remarkable achievements in the field of medicine.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

His presence seems to provide a powerful proof of the miraculous effect of the acupuncture technique. However, Li Shiping's story has also caused a lot of controversy. Some modern medical experts have questioned the scientific nature of this treatment, arguing that it may be exaggerated or misleading.

They point out that the natural healing process for many ailments can be misunderstood as the effect of acupuncture. But it is undeniable that Li Shiping's reputation is well-known in the local area, and many people respect him very much, and even regard him as their last hope.

Li Shiping's example shows us that acupoint art does not only exist in martial arts novels, but can also play an unexpected role in real life. The miracle doctor applied acupoint to his medical practice, showing a different side of this ancient skill.

His story provokes people to think about the relationship between traditional medicine and modern medicine, and also makes us think about Zhang Jianguang's abilities in a new way. Although Li Shiping and Zhang Jianguang are in different fields, one dedicated to medical treatment and the other to martial arts, they both explore the mysteries of acupoint art in their respective directions.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

Li Shiping's story provides us with a new perspective: Perhaps, acupoint magic does have the power that we have not yet fully understood? Not only can it be used in martial arts performances, but it may also play an important role in the medical field.

This case also makes us rethink Zhang Jianguang's point experiment. Although the piglet's reaction is delayed, does this mean that it takes some time for the effects of the acupoint technique to appear? Does Li Shiping's medical practice provide some explanation for this phenomenon? With these questions, we can't help but have a deeper curiosity about the nature of acupuncture.

Let's go back to the tense scene where Zhang Jianguang showed off his acupoint stunt. Each attempt was like a thrilling experiment, and the end result was unexpected and surprised everyone present.

On the first attempt, Zhang Jianguang chose the buttocks of the piglet as the target. He took a deep breath, a twinkle of confidence in his eyes. Shoot quickly, and it seems to be confident.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

However, the little pig did not react, and even tilted his head to show a cute expression. The audience began to whisper, and their suspicious eyes turned to Zhang Jianguang. In the face of doubts, Zhang Jianguang remained calm and explained: "The acupuncture point structure of people and pigs is different, and it is inevitable that the first attempt will be a little rusty.

Although there was a hint of nervousness in his tone, he still insisted on making a second attempt. The second time, Zhang Jianguang turned his target to Piggy's left calf. He closed his eyes and concentrated with all his heart.

The fingers are like lightning bolts on the target acupuncture points. This time, the little pig did stop moving, and the scene was silent. However, just when everyone thought they had succeeded, the little pig jumped up and down again, as if nothing had happened.

The audience's expressions changed from anticipation to disappointment, and some even began to shake their heads and sigh. Beads of sweat oozed from Zhang Jianguang's forehead, but his eyes were still firm. He knew it might be his last chance.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

On the third attempt, Zhang Jianguang focused his attention on a "dead hole" on the piglet's back. He was well aware of the danger of this acupuncture point, but in order to prove himself, he decided to take the risk.

Zhang Jianguang held his breath, used all his body strength, and slammed at that acupuncture point. A "pop" sounded, and everyone's eyes were focused on the little pig. However, the piglet seemed unscathed and still ran happily.

The atmosphere at the scene dropped to a freezing point, people began to talk about it, and some people were even ready to leave. That's when the unexpected happened. The little pig, which seemed to be unharmed, suddenly fell straight down, and its hind legs became stiff, as if it had been frozen.

No matter how the experts slapped and stimulated, the piglets did not react. The scene was in an uproar. People couldn't believe their eyes and gathered around to check on the situation. Experts are helpless to explain this delayed response.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

Zhang Jianguang's face finally showed a smile of relief, as if years of hard work had finally been recognized. This scene not only proves that Zhang Jianguang's acupoint kung fu is indeed effective, but also triggers people's in-depth thinking about the essence of acupoint technique.

Why is the effect of the acupuncture point delayed? Does this mean that acupuncture is more complex and esoteric than we think? Zhang Jianguang's three attempts, from the initial failure to the final astonishing reversal, not only show the magic of acupoint pointing, but also reveal the complexity of this ancient skill.

It makes us realize that there may be mysteries in traditional martial arts that we have not yet fully understood, and that deserve further exploration and research. Zhang Jianguang's amazing performance not only verified the results of his years of hard work, but also unveiled the mystery of acupuncture.

Experts are beginning to revisit this ancient craft in an attempt to explore the science behind it. In an interview afterwards, Zhang Jianguang modestly explained: "The points do have their own unique power, but they are not as immediate as they are shown in film and television works.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

It requires a process of reaction and seizure. He further elaborated that the secret of the acupuncture points lies in the use of the power of the inner fist to accurately hit specific acupuncture points in the body of a person or animal.

The incident also triggered a public rethinking of the heritage of Chinese martial arts. People are beginning to realize that martial arts skills that were once considered "mythical" may indeed contain principles that we don't fully understand.

It is not only part of the cultural heritage, but also has the potential to provide new ideas for modern medical and physiological research. In any case, Zhang Jianguang's point-to-point display has undoubtedly regained attention and respect for this ancient skill.

It is not only a powerful interpretation of traditional martial arts, but also opens up a new direction for scientific research. Although this verification is controversial, it also shows us the possible connections between tradition and modernity, between mystery and science, and stimulates people's desire to explore uncharted territory.

The man has been practicing the "magic skill of the point" for decades, and the experts brought the wild boar to test the authenticity and what the result was

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