
The Israelis unleashed wild boars to destroy the land, expelled the Palestinians, and built settlements to encroach on the land

author:Discernment and insight

The advance movement of illegal settlements encroaches on Palestinian land

On Palestinian land in the West Bank, the Israelis continue to build "unofficial" settlements, gradually encroaching on Palestinian territory.

The Israelis evicted local Palestinians around the settlements and opened up a large number of farms, pastures, orchards, and eventually Israel would declare the legalization of these illegal settlements, and the land would become Israel's national territory.

The Israelis unleashed wild boars to destroy the land, expelled the Palestinians, and built settlements to encroach on the land

Eroded Palestinian land.

On the evening of June 27, Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich said that Israel's Security Cabinet had approved the so-called "legalization" of five "illegal" Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

As these illegal settlements continue to move forward, large swathes of Palestinian territory have gradually become part of Israel.

The Israelis unleashed wild boars to destroy the land, expelled the Palestinians, and built settlements to encroach on the land

Illegal settlements pioneered by illegal Israeli settlers

The United States announced sanctions against illegal settlers

Illegal settlers, known to Israelis as they call "pioneers," have been widely criticized by the international community for their frequent use of violence and even killings when opening up new settlements.

On March 14, 2024, the United States announced new sanctions against Israeli settlers in the West Bank, including freezing their bank cards and banning them from doing business with the United States, citing a series of measures for "destabilizing" the region.

The Israelis unleashed wild boars to destroy the land, expelled the Palestinians, and built settlements to encroach on the land

Illegal settlers in Israel

However, the illegal settlers scoff at the US sanctions because they no longer need to use the bank cards that are covered by the sanctions, let alone do business with the US. The so-called U.S. sanctions have had little impact on their lives, and have instead made them "heroic" to the Israelis.

To avoid international condemnation and sanctions, the Israelis released wild boars to expel the Palestinians

Regardless of whether the sanctions have a substantive effect or not, after all, this expresses the attitude of the United States towards this matter and also represents the dissatisfaction of the international community with it.

In order to avoid an international backlash from the violent evictions, the Israelis sent large quantities of wild boars to the land they had pioneered, hoping to destroy the farmland, pastures and orchards of the local Palestinians and force them to relocate.

The Israelis unleashed wild boars to destroy the land, expelled the Palestinians, and built settlements to encroach on the land

Peace Fighters is an organization called for peace funded by the Swiss government and German foundations. They went deep into the West Bank in a video showing Israeli settlers driving trucks full of wild boars to the outskirts of local Palestinian villages at night and releasing them into local farmland and orchards.

The wild boars attacked local sheepfolds, beehives, peach trees and a number of other crops.

At the same time, the Israeli settlers joined forces with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to prohibit locals from killing the wild boars in the name of protecting wildlife.

The Israelis unleashed wild boars to destroy the land, expelled the Palestinians, and built settlements to encroach on the land

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) helped illegal settlers attack Palestinians

Last year, three Palestinians were bitten to death by wild boars as they tried to round up Israelis without using their weapons.

Michael Tausig, a professor of anthropology at Columbia University, also posted a denunciation on social networking sites, saying that Israel is unleashing wild boars to attack Muslims.

Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority and the leader of the PLO and Fatah, also reluctantly stated: "Every night, they release hundreds of wild boars to attack us. ”

The Israelis unleashed wild boars to destroy the land, expelled the Palestinians, and built settlements to encroach on the land

Illegal settlers destroy Palestinian orchards

Even the Israeli left has expressed dissatisfaction with such actions supported by the Israeli right-wing government, criticizing:

"Doing so would trigger an escalation of tensions between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which could lead to Israel facing retaliation from Fatah while fighting Hamas."
The Israelis unleashed wild boars to destroy the land, expelled the Palestinians, and built settlements to encroach on the land

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