
I can't laugh anymore! What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, is the pot wrapped meat!

author:Yuri 227
I can't laugh anymore! What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, is the pot wrapped meat!

What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, has to count the delicacy of pot wrapped meat! Recently, Jilin held a pot meat competition. Originally, the brothers of Heilongjiang and Jilin also joined forces to "besiege" Liaoning's "tomato pot wrapped meat", ridiculing it for not being "authentic Northeast flavor" enough. But now it's okay, and all kinds of flavors of the pot meat contest have appeared......


Video source: Entertainment class representative

Netizens are hotly discussed

Netizen: This competition belongs to the "civil war" in the three eastern provinces, hahaha

I can't laugh anymore! What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, is the pot wrapped meat!

Netizen: The world's pot bun meat China, China's pot bun meat in the Northeast, where is the pot bun in the Northeast? [Witty]

I can't laugh anymore! What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, is the pot wrapped meat!

Liaoning netizens: I love to eat tomato-flavored pot-wrapped meat, but every time I see and discuss pot-wrapped meat... I don't even dare to squeak... As soon as I opened my mouth, someone wanted to expel me from the "Northeast" [covering my face]

I can't laugh anymore! What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, is the pot wrapped meat!

Netizen: Please quickly give me a destination for my summer vacation!

I can't laugh anymore! What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, is the pot wrapped meat!

Netizen: Cumin pot wrapped meat and durian pot wrapped meat are here, can't there be a place for my tomato pot wrapped meat?

I can't laugh anymore! What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, is the pot wrapped meat!

网友‬:甭管‬是酸甜口的传统锅包肉,还是创新口味的锅包肉,都是东北人锅包肉。 Radish and cabbage have their own preferences, and I personally think it's over if it's delicious.

I can't laugh anymore! What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, is the pot wrapped meat!
I can't laugh anymore! What can make the three eastern provinces start infighting, in addition to the ranking problem, is the pot wrapped meat!

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