
Accused of leaning on the shadow of the father! Liang Jingqi was recognized for the first time in 20 years after entering the industry, and she changed careers without the popularity of the audience

author:The past is like a cloud of smoke

Liang Jingqi (Toby) has been in the industry for 20 years, initially entered the music scene as a member of the girl group "Girls' Dormitory", and later switched to TVB dramas.

Accused of leaning on the shadow of the father! Liang Jingqi was recognized for the first time in 20 years after entering the industry, and she changed careers without the popularity of the audience

Toby was recently interviewed by Commercial Television's "Star", and admitted that after entering the industry, she faced most negative comments and rarely received praise, so she was very touched by the recognition of the audience and her father for the first time with her performance in the drama "Home 2".

Accused of leaning on the shadow of the father! Liang Jingqi was recognized for the first time in 20 years after entering the industry, and she changed careers without the popularity of the audience

Liang Jingqi choked up and said. I didn't dare to play this unflattering role, my image was already unflattering, and I was afraid of being scolded! In fact, this time the drama hit the streets, and the response in the first few weeks was very poor, because the audience didn't see the changes and levels of the characters.

Accused of leaning on the shadow of the father! Liang Jingqi was recognized for the first time in 20 years after entering the industry, and she changed careers without the popularity of the audience

I didn't read the comments on the Internet until the main show, and I was always a mother now, and I didn't want to take care of my children with negative energy. In the end, my dad sent me a comment that someone liked me, and added a 'stick' gesture emoji. I was so touched when I received it that I wanted to cry.

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