
On 28 June, the central authorities passed the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, and the rural areas are about to become big collectives again

author:Grand Master

Rural collective economy: the only way to break out of the cocoon into a butterfly

On 28 June, the central authorities passed the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, and the rural areas are about to become big collectives again

On June 28, the central government passed the Law on Rural Collective Economic Organizations, which is like a spring thunder, indicating that rural collective economic organizations will usher in new development opportunities. Some people joke that "the countryside is going to have a big collective again", but this is not a simple historical repetition, but the innovation and development of the rural governance model in the new era.

For a long time, rural governance has faced many challenges. Among them, the economic issue is at the core. The growth of peasants' incomes is slow, and it is difficult to substantially improve their living standards, which directly affects the harmonious, stable, and sustained development of rural areas. Therefore, solving economic problems and developing the collective economy has become the only way for rural governance.

On 28 June, the central authorities passed the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, and the rural areas are about to become big collectives again

We must make it clear that the development of the collective economy is not a return to the old era of big pot rice. The collective economy in the new era is an economic development model guided by the market economy, with farmers as the main body, and characterized by cooperation, sharing and win-win. It emphasizes the dominant position of farmers, respects the initiative spirit of farmers, and realizes the sustainable development of the rural economy by integrating rural resources, optimizing industrial layout, and improving agricultural production efficiency.

The development of the collective economy is conducive to the realization of common prosperity for the peasants. Under the framework of the collective economy, peasants can participate in the development of the collective economy through land shares, capital shares, labor shares, etc., and share the fruits of collective economic development. In this way, the peasants' income level will be substantially raised, the quality of life will be markedly improved, and the harmony and stability of the rural society will be further consolidated.

On 28 June, the central authorities passed the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy, and the rural areas are about to become big collectives again

However, the development of the collective economy is not achieved overnight. In the process of advancing, we need to overcome many difficulties and challenges. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the building of rural grassroots organizations and enhance their cohesion and combat effectiveness. Second, it is necessary to deepen the reform of the rural property rights system, clarify the ownership relationship of rural property rights, and provide institutional guarantees for the development of the collective economy. Finally, it is necessary to strengthen the building of a contingent of qualified personnel in rural areas, train a group of new-type peasants who understand technology, know how to operate, and are good at management, and provide talent support for the development of the collective economy.

In short, the development of the collective economy is the only way to govern rural areas. We should take the passage of the Law on the Organization of the Rural Collective Economy by the central authorities as an opportunity to accelerate the pace of development of the rural collective economy. Only in this way can we fundamentally solve the economic problems in rural governance and achieve harmonious, stable, and sustainable development of rural society. Let us work together to create a better future for the rural collective economy!


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