
Discuss! Rethink! Lianshui Jiang Ping incident: "Seek truth from facts, face the people, and respect common sense"!

author:It's a mess, everything

Oops, the media is making a big fuss this time! Pushing too hard makes people panic. For that bit of traffic, all the means have been used, which is really chilling. We'll have to talk about what the hell is going on.

Discuss! Rethink! Lianshui Jiang Ping incident: "Seek truth from facts, face the people, and respect common sense"!

Come on, everyone knows what is the most expensive in this society now? Information is the most expensive! But if you think that all media is gold, you are very wrong. There is such a thing, you have to make people lift the table. No, some time ago, a news broke out, saying that a certain celebrity had done something terrible. As soon as this happened, it was like throwing a stone onto the surface of a calm lake, stirring up a circle of waves.

In order to grab the headlines, the media will pour out any information regardless of the three, seven, twenty-one. You say, "How serious is this?" It's so serious that even the family members of the celebrity are implicated, and whoever looks at it is angry. But you know what? Later, this matter was found out, and it turned out to be fake, an empty joy!

Discuss! Rethink! Lianshui Jiang Ping incident: "Seek truth from facts, face the people, and respect common sense"!

You see, this media doesn't mention the cost of writing articles, but the consequences of this rumor mongering are great. The celebrity's reputation plummeted, and to put it bluntly, he was pitted by these unscrupulous media for the sake of traffic. This incident not only deceived one person, but also lowered the trust of the entire society.

Besides, some of these media are specially designed to blow the wind and ignite the fire, do you think they will have a bottom line? That's naïve! Their bottom line is that there is no bottom line, as long as they can attract everyone's attention for a while, they can do anything. No, some reports are directly made up stories, not even novels, and the stories in the novels are still marked as "fictional", what about them? I didn't even bother to bid for this, so I just said it seriously.

Although this celebrity's reputation was later restored, do you think this tone can be smooth? As soon as this incident came out, everyone began to doubt, how much of this media report is true? Every time I watch the news, I have to filter it three times first, are you tired? Not to mention the real victims, who may not even have a chance to clarify, and are swallowed up by this crooked wind.

Discuss! Rethink! Lianshui Jiang Ping incident: "Seek truth from facts, face the people, and respect common sense"!

And, do you think it's only the media messing around? There's a driving force behind this. Some companies, for their own interests, are not willing to be lonely, and send materials to the media, which is called a hot one. As soon as they do this, the whole society becomes their chessboard, and they can play as they want.

What does this tell us? Tell us that in this era of information explosion, we have to have a little common sense, we can't go up to the wind and believe everything. The current information, it's really good to have one out of ten, no, it makes people feel quite helpless. We should also learn how to distinguish the true from the false, and don't let these irresponsible reports sway our emotions and judgments.

Discuss! Rethink! Lianshui Jiang Ping incident: "Seek truth from facts, face the people, and respect common sense"!

In short, this turmoil caused by the media is not only as simple as victimizing a celebrity, but also a serious test of public trust. We have to be careful, and we can't be fooled by these bells and whistles. In this world of faces, we have to see more clearly what the truth behind this is.