
Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

author:Xiao Jiu said finance

Automobiles, as an indispensable means of transportation in our lives, are quietly undergoing an unprecedented change.

Driven by the wave of science and technology, intelligence, electrification, and networking have become the key words for the development of the automobile industry. Especially as 2025 approaches, industry insiders expect that there will be major changes in automobile consumption.

As a young car enthusiast, Xiao Gang is very interested in intelligent cars. But he was very distressed and didn't know what to choose.

So, how do we, as average consumers, respond to this change? What are the new options to keep an eye on when buying a car?

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

Electric Vehicles: The Future of New Energy

With the improvement of global environmental awareness, electric vehicles have become the vane of the transformation of the automotive industry. Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, the biggest advantage of electric vehicles is zero emission and low energy consumption. This is a qualitative leap forward in improving the quality of the urban environment.

When it comes to electric vehicles, we have to mention its "heart" - battery technology.

In recent years, the energy density of batteries has been increasing, and the range has been increasing. Taking the Tesla Model 3 as an example, its long-range version of the NEDC range can reach 668 kilometers, which is equivalent to driving from Beijing to Shanghai only needs to be charged once.

This undoubtedly clears the way for long-distance travel by electric vehicles.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

At the same time, the construction of charging piles across the country is also in full swing.

According to the National Development and Reform Commission, by the end of 2023, the number of charging infrastructure in the country has reached 3 million, and the coverage rate of charging stations in highway service areas has exceeded 80%. The problem of "difficult charging of electric vehicles" is being gradually solved.

When choosing an electric vehicle, in addition to paying attention to the range and charging convenience, the model selection is also an important factor.

As more and more automakers enter the electric vehicle field, consumers' choices are expanding. From a small miniature scooter, to a powerful high-performance sports car, to a spacious and comfortable family SUV.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

It is worth mentioning that new domestic car-making forces such as Xpeng, Weilai and other companies, with their innovative exploration of intelligence and digitalization, make electric vehicles not only a means of transportation, but also an intelligent mobile space.

When you sit in the car, the big screen in front of the steering wheel not only has common functions such as navigation and music, but also realizes human-computer interaction such as voice control and gesture recognition, making driving more intelligent, convenient and interesting.

The popularization of electric vehicles not only means a change in travel mode, but also an innovation in the energy structure.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

As the proportion of renewable energy generation increases, the use of electric vehicles will further reduce the carbon intensity of society as a whole. Electric vehicles are leading us to a new era of cleaner, more efficient, and smarter mobility.

But electrification is just one microcosm of the transformation in the automotive industry.

In addition to electric vehicles, new technologies such as unmanned driving and intelligent networking are also quietly emerging, bringing more possibilities for the development of future automobiles.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

Autonomous Vehicles: A Revolutionary Level of the Driving Experience

When it comes to autonomous driving, many people may have images of cool scenes from science fiction movies: people in cars reading and chatting leisurely, and cars moving freely down the road, as if there were invisible hands at the helm.

Such scenarios will no longer exist only on the screen, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, sensors and other technologies, autonomous driving is gradually entering reality.

The essence of autonomous driving is to replace human drivers with on-board computers to achieve autonomous decision-making and control of vehicles.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

Its implementation is inseparable from three key technologies: perception, decision-making, and control.

Perception is like the "five senses" of a car, and through sensors such as lidar, camera, and millimeter-wave radar, the car can detect the surrounding environment in real time and identify objects such as lane markings, traffic signs, pedestrians, and other vehicles.

Decision-making is the "brain" of the car, which needs to build an environmental model based on perceptual information, predict the movement trend of the target object, and plan the driving path accordingly.

Control is to put the results of decision-making into action, and realize the motion control of the vehicle through steering, acceleration, braking and other operations.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

What is the appeal of autonomous driving?

The most intuitive thing is to free your hands and make driving easy and comfortable.

What's more, autonomous driving has the potential to fundamentally improve traffic safety. According to statistics, more than 90% of traffic accidents are caused by human error.

Fatigue driving, drunk driving, and distracted driving caused by long-term driving are all important factors that lead to accidents. The autonomous driving system will not fatigue or drink driving, and it can greatly reduce the probability of accidents through accurate environmental awareness and rapid decision-making and response.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

Of course, the development of autonomous driving is inseparable from the support of infrastructure and the guidance of policies.

At present, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other cities have opened autonomous driving test roads, providing a "testing ground" for the implementation of autonomous driving technology.

At the same time, a series of supporting policies have been introduced at the national level to encourage the innovation and development of the autonomous driving industry. In 2020, the State Council issued the "Intelligent Vehicle Innovation and Development Strategy", which proposed that by 2025, the technological innovation, industrial ecology, infrastructure, regulations and standards, product supervision and network security system of China's standard smart vehicles will be basically formed.

It is foreseeable that with favorable policies and the joint efforts of the industry, autonomous driving will continue to move towards the goal of large-scale application.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

Intelligent networked vehicles: a new entrance to mobile and connected life

When you sit in an intelligent connected car, it is as if you have stepped into a new digital space. Not only is there a familiar steering wheel and instrument cluster, but also a large touchscreen at your fingertips, like a door to the world of the future.

What is an intelligent connected car?

In short, it is to realize the information interaction and sharing between vehicles and people, vehicles and vehicles, and vehicles and infrastructure through on-board sensors, network communication, artificial intelligence and other technologies, so as to provide safe, efficient, comfortable and energy-saving travel services.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

Sitting in an intelligent networked car, you can enjoy a variety of convenient intelligent services.

For example, the car's intelligent voice assistant can help you check the weather, set up navigation, play music, and even chat with you.

The in-car augmented reality head-up display projects navigation information onto the front windshield, so you can keep your eyes on the road ahead without looking down at navigation. There are also a series of active safety functions such as fatigue driving reminder and blind spot monitoring to protect your driving safety at all times.

When it comes to intelligent networked vehicles, 5G communication technology can be described as a "great hero".

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

5G not only brings higher transmission rates and lower latency, but also gives wings to the Internet of Vehicles technology. Imagine that when you are driving on a highway, the in-vehicle system receives real-time information about the road ahead through the 5G network and plans the optimal route in advance.

When you encounter an emergency and need rescue, the on-board system can automatically call the rescue center and upload information such as the location of the vehicle and the type of accident in real time...... These scenarios, which were difficult to achieve in the 4G era, will become a reality in the 5G era.

The application scenarios of intelligent connected vehicles are much more than that.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025

Of course, the development of intelligent networked vehicles also faces many challenges.

Cybersecurity, personal privacy protection, and the improvement of laws and regulations all require the joint efforts of all parties in the industry to solve them. However, it is foreseeable that with the continuous advancement of technology and the improvement of infrastructure, intelligent networked vehicles will become the mainstream trend of future automobile development.

It will not only reshape the pattern of the automotive industry, but also profoundly change people's travel mode and mobile life experience.

Is the big change in the automotive industry coming? Insiders revealed: It is recommended to buy these 3 types of cars from 2025


Looking ahead to 2025, the automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented transformation.

Electrification, autonomous driving, and intelligent networking are three major technology trends that are reshaping people's travel patterns and car consumption concepts.

As a consumer, are you ready to embrace this new era of smart mobility in the midst of this revolution in the automotive industry? Have you started to think about how to weigh the value of new technologies such as electrification, autonomous driving, and intelligent connectivity when buying a new car?



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