
I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

author:Xiao Jiu said finance

On a hot summer day, after walking on the road for 10 minutes, my back was wet, and my hair was soaked with sweat, sticky to my face, which made people irritable.

I believe that everyone has such a feeling, as soon as summer comes, the little troubles of sweating on the head are like shadows, which seriously affects life and work.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

Xiao Liu is 28 years old this year, and as long as he exercises a little in summer, he sweats profusely, and often his clothes are not soaked, and his hair is wet first.

Once, when having dinner with friends, the steaming hot pot made Xiao Liu's head sweat, and everyone laughed at him as the head of the pot.

In fact, Xiao Liu's troubles are not unique, I believe that you in front of the screen will also be troubled by wet hair! So, do you know what the reason is?

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

1. What is the reason behind the love of sweating?

Sweating on the head, known as "head sweating" in traditional Chinese medicine, is a common manifestation of self-sweating.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the head is the meeting of the sun, and the sweat is transformed by the heart fluid, and the head sweat is often related to the heat of the body.

People with a hot physique are prone to rise yang energy, and the heat is steaming and gathering in the head, coupled with the main sweat of the heart, the heat disturbs the mind, and it is easy to cause the head sweat to overflow.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

As the saying goes, "the fire goes first", and that's actually the truth.

However, when the fire is severe, not only the head is sweaty, but also may be accompanied by dry mouth, yellow urine and other hot signs.

On the other hand, a deficiency of qi and blood can also lead to frequent sweating.

The reason is that the human body is deficient in yin essence and blood, and the internal heat will take advantage of the deficiency to enter, burning the fluid, especially the blood deficiency can not be glorified on the head, and the jin has nothing to attach, then it will be head sweat.

Qi deficiency is not solid outside, the intestines are vented, and there is a lot of sweating, which is more common in the postpartum period, the beginning of recovery from serious illness, and other times when the qi and blood have not recovered.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

In addition, liver stagnation is also a common cause of head sweating.

This is because the liver is drained, and if the mood is not smooth, the qi is stagnant, and the depression turns into heat, which is contrary to the Qingyang, so I see sweat.

On weekdays, you can observe that people around you who are stressed and emotionally anxious are more likely to have this condition.

It is worth noting that some diseases can also cause symptoms of head sweating, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, hyperthyroidism, etc.

This also reminds you that if there is a sudden and obvious increase in head sweating, accompanied by other abnormal manifestations, it needs to be paid attention to and diagnosed and treated in time.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

Head sweat reflects the imbalance of yin and yang, qi and blood in the human body, and the reasons behind it may include physical heat, qi and blood deficiency, liver stagnation and qi knots, etc., which are different and require specific analysis of specific problems.

2. What are the dangers of sweating?

Excessive scalp sweating for many years may seem inconsequential, but in fact the harm should not be underestimated.

If it is not improved in time, it will have repeated attacks, and over time, it will have many adverse effects on our image, health and even quality of life.

First of all, dandruff increases, and oil secretion is vigorous, giving people a raunchy and sloppy feeling.

This is because sweat soaks, making the scalp locally damp and a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi to multiply. What's more serious is that the scalp is itchy, red, swollen, and peeling, and the tar-like dandruff falls off one after another, like a snow disaster, how embarrassing!

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

Secondly, the hair is not immune to the doom. Excessive sweat and oil can clog hair follicles, interfere with normal hair growth, and make hair dry and frizzy, like a handful of waste grass.

People who love to sweat are often laughed at by the people around them as oily noodles, because in less than half a day, the freshly washed hair will be greasy and greasy on the face, exuding a smell of sweat, which makes people avoid it. Over time, these harmful oils and sweat stains accumulate at the roots, causing chronic damage to the hair follicles, which can become thinner, eventually exacerbating hair loss and even leading to alopecia areata.

What's more, severe head sweating can also cause psychological distress. In interpersonal interactions, self-confidence and self-esteem inevitably take a hit.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

Some sensitive people may also have low self-esteem and depression because of this, become withdrawn, unwilling to communicate with others, and suffer setbacks in their enthusiasm for work and life, falling into a vicious circle.

It can be seen that the beads of sweat on the head are by no means a simple physiological phenomenon. It's not just about our outward appearance, it's also about our inner emotional well-being.

Therefore, we should attach great importance to the problem of sweating, find the right cure as soon as possible, and maintain our physical and mental health.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

3. How does Chinese medicine improve sweating?

In the face of the trouble of head sweating, TCM has a unique treatment concept and method.

Different from Western medicine, which simply relieves perspiration, Chinese medicine advocates starting from the whole, differentiating syndromes and treatments, treating symptoms and symptoms, so as to achieve the goal of balancing yin and yang and harmonizing qi and blood.

For head sweat caused by physical heat, you can choose to use traditional Chinese medicine to clear away heat and dispel dampness, diarrhea and detoxification, such as honeysuckle, forsythia, skullcap, rehmannia root, etc., which can not only clear the heat of scorching, but also nourish yin and rejuvenate, so that sweat stops spontaneously.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

If it is accompanied by constipation, bitterness in the mouth and other signs of real heat, you may wish to try laxatives, such as rhubarb and miscanthus salt, to relieve heat in the intestines and reduce head sweating.

For head sweat caused by qi and blood deficiency, it is advisable to nourish qi and blood, and benefit essence, such as Codonopsis, Astragalus, Angelica, White Peony, etc., so that the qi is strong and the blood is strong, and the tendons are dense, and the sweat is self-contained.

At the same time, it can be supplemented with astringent and antiperspirant herbs, such as floating wheat and lotus seed heart, to reduce astringency and solidify the surface, so as to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

For head sweating with liver stagnation, soothing the liver and relieving depression is the key. It can be used to regulate qi and open depression, relax emotions, and use products that nourish qi and nourish blood, regulate the liver and spleen, and stop sweating.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

In addition to symptomatic medication, TCM also pays great attention to life conditioning.

If you can comb your hair often, gently rub the acupuncture points such as Baihui, Fengchi, and Sun, you can dredge the meridians, activate the blood, invigorate the yang, and reduce the onset of head sweating.

If it can be combined with auricular acupoints, such as Shenmen, subcortical, occipital and other acupoints, the effect is better.

In addition, you should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest, go to bed early and get up early, and avoid excessive fatigue.

Be optimistic and cheerful, and reduce worries and worries.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

The diet should be light and easy to eliminate, quit smoking and drinking, avoid spicy stimulation, moderate exercise, and choose Tai Chi, Baduanjin, etc., in order to achieve a happy state of body and mind.

Although sweating is a common disease, there is a way to maintain health, medicine is applied according to the symptoms, and the specimen is taken into account, which will definitely reduce recurrence and stay away from trouble.

In addition, mood is also closely related to excessive sweating. When you are irritable and anxious, you are more likely to sweat.

It is important to learn to release stress reasonably and maintain an optimistic and peaceful attitude. If necessary, seek professional help from psychological counseling.


The beads of sweat on the head, although small, cannot be ignored, because it reflects the state of our physical and mental health, and also reflects the advantages and disadvantages of lifestyle.

As the ancients said: the safety of the body does not forget the danger, and the survival is in one mind. For this reason, we must always be vigilant and not take it lightly.

I love to sweat on my head, and my hair is always wet, what is wrong? Listen to the detailed explanation of the Chinese medicine doctor

Compared to other countries, we are very happy because Chinese medicine provides us with a good path. "Looking, hearing, asking, differentiating and treating, taking into account the specimens, and reconciling inside and outside", after this "operation", we can get rid of troubles and solve problems, and sweat without a trace!


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