
The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, and the actor was transferred to the post of "director of peace", and actively formulated an armistice plan, which was released within the year

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: On June 29, 2024, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently announced a major initiative that could lead the peace process. Zelensky confirmed that the Ukrainian government is actively developing a comprehensive truce plan, which is expected to bear fruit within the year. However, the deep involvement of the United States and its NATO allies in Ukraine has made the path of Kyiv's independent ceasefire plan full of thorns. Netizens' interpretation: Russia gets a good opportunity, it depends on Russia's performance.

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Ukraine's "Director of Peace" was launched, and Zelensky revealed that Ukraine was actively formulating a truce plan.

Kyiv, 29 June 2024 – As Russia's invasion of Ukraine enters its third year, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently announced a major initiative that could lead the peace process. Zelensky confirmed that the Ukrainian government is actively developing a comprehensive truce plan, which is expected to bear fruit within the year. This statement not only demonstrates Ukraine's determination to end the crisis, but also gives the international community a glimmer of hope for peace.

The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, and the actor was transferred to the post of "director of peace", and actively formulated an armistice plan, which was released within the year

According to Zelensky, the plan will cover a number of key areas such as energy cooperation, grain exports, and prisoner of war exchanges, demonstrating Ukraine's all-round efforts to achieve peace. At the recent summit in Ukraine, Kyiv has begun to articulate its vision for peace to international partners through the framework of this "comprehensive plan", with the aim of mobilizing more international forces to support the peace process.

The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, and the actor was transferred to the post of "director of peace", and actively formulated an armistice plan, which was released within the year

It is worth noting that Zelensky deliberately emphasized in his speech that "not everything depends on Ukraine", which seems to send a double signal to the outside world: on the one hand, Ukraine recognizes the limitations of its own capabilities and shows a pragmatic attitude; On the other hand, it may be suggesting that Russia should seize the moment and act constructively in response to Ukraine's peace initiative.

The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, and the actor was transferred to the post of "director of peace", and actively formulated an armistice plan, which was released within the year

Recently, the Russian side has also put forward the basic conditions for peace talks, mainly including Ukraine's neutral status and not joining any anti-Russian military alliance. However, given the huge differences between the two sides over the territorial dispute, it is still difficult to reach a consensus in the short term. The Russian government has clearly warned that if Ukraine rejects its position, the conditions for future negotiations may be more stringent.

The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, and the actor was transferred to the post of "director of peace", and actively formulated an armistice plan, which was released within the year

In a rare acknowledgment, Zelenskyy acknowledged the enormous losses suffered by Ukraine as a result of the conflict, and said that the crisis should not be prolonged and that a way out should be explored in a few months. This shows that despite multiple pressures at home and abroad, Ukraine's need to end the war as soon as possible is becoming more and more urgent.

However, the deep involvement of the United States and its NATO allies in Ukraine has made the path of Kyiv's independent ceasefire plan full of thorns. How the Zelensky government strikes a balance between safeguarding national interests and meeting the expectations of external partners will be key to determining whether the peace process can move forward smoothly.

The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, and the actor was transferred to the post of "director of peace", and actively formulated an armistice plan, which was released within the year

To sum up, although Zelensky's truce plan provides a new opportunity for the resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the actual progress still needs to be observed by the follow-up practical actions of both sides and the support of the international community. The road to peace is difficult, but every attempt is crucial.

Netizens' interpretation: Russia gets a good opportunity, it depends on Russia's performance.

At the moment, information about the specific terms of the truce plan announced by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is not yet fully disclosed, but from the existing reports and the framework of previous peace talks, we can speculate about some key elements that may be included and Russia's potential attitude towards it. Please note that the following is based on reasonable speculation based on historical background and recent developments, and is not an official release of exact terms.

Possible provisions of the armistice plan for Ukraine:

  1. Neutral Status Guarantees: Ukraine may reaffirm its willingness to adopt neutral status and commit not to join NATO or other military alliances against Russia in order to address Russia's security concerns.
  2. Territorial issues: Involving the complex situation in the Donbas region (including Donetsk and Luhansk) and Crimea, Ukraine may propose some form of autonomy or special status arrangement as a compromise, while seeking international guarantees to preserve its territorial integrity.
  3. Security guarantees: The international community, especially the United States and European countries, is asked to provide Ukraine with security guarantees in case of future violations. This could include economic assistance, arms supplies and international monitoring mechanisms.
  4. Withdrawal and buffer zones: Establish a specific roadmap for the withdrawal of troops, which may include the establishment of buffer zones in certain disputed areas, to be overseen by international peacekeepers.
  5. Humanitarian measures: including prisoner exchanges, search for missing persons, evacuation of civilians, reconstruction assistance and emergency humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected areas.
The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, and the actor was transferred to the post of "director of peace", and actively formulated an armistice plan, which was released within the year

Possible attitudes of Russia:

  1. Neutral status: Russia may welcome Ukraine's formal declaration of neutrality, but this requires a legally binding agreement accompanied by a strict enforcement monitoring mechanism.
  2. Territorial issues: Russia's position on Crimea has always been that it considers an integral part of Russian territory and supports claims to independence in the Donbas region, so any proposal involving territorial concessions is likely to meet with tough resistance.
  3. Security Assurances: Russia may require that any security safeguards not harm its national security interests and explicitly exclude the military presence of Western countries in Ukraine.
  4. Withdrawal and Buffer Zone: Russia may be willing to consider withdrawing its troops, but only if its security concerns are addressed and that the establishment of a buffer zone should not be seen as a direct threat to the areas under its control.
  5. Humanitarian measures: Russia is likely to support humanitarian cooperation, especially in the exchange of prisoners of war and humanitarian aid, which will help ease the pressure on the international community.

Overall, the key to progress on Ukraine's truce plan lies in whether the two sides can find acceptable compromises on core issues, and at the same time requires the active participation and support of the international community. Russia's attitude will depend to a large extent on whether the plan effectively meets its security needs and recognition of its territorial claims.

The Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, and the actor was transferred to the post of "director of peace", and actively formulated an armistice plan, which was released within the year

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • Zelensky does not have the right to dominate, so what he says doesn't count.
  • An actor is an actor after all, and he has to listen to the director's arrangement for what he plays, not to mention that the show has been played until now, when the end of the show can only listen to the director, and his master has to write the words.
  • More than 3,000 state-owned enterprises in Ukraine have been sold, and I don't know what to sell next. Ukraine won, and in the end, the defeat is to cede land to the West.
  • Historically, the weak did not have the right to decide, and it was all proposed by the strong.


Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only