
Iran's reformists are likely to win the presidency. Netizen: The election without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: On June 29, 2024, Iranian state television released the progress of the 14th presidential election, and the preliminary vote count showed that the candidate representing the reform faction, Massoud Pezeshkian, took the lead. At the same time, the data showed that none of the candidates received a majority in the first round of voting, and according to the election process, the two candidates with the highest votes - Pezeshkian and Jalili - are expected to face off in the second round of voting on July 5. Netizen: The election without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!

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Preliminary vote count in Iran's presidential election: reformist Pezeshkian is in first place

According to the latest report released by Iranian state television on June 29, 2024, preliminary vote counts in the highly-anticipated 14th presidential election in Iran, the candidate representing the reform faction, Massoud Pezeshkian, took the lead. This development marks a temporary gain of the upper hand in this pivotal political contest between the moderate and open-minded camp.

Iran's reformists are likely to win the presidency. Netizen: The election without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!


Pezeshkian, the former Iranian health minister, was the only reformist representative in the election, and his campaign platform focused on resuming dialogue with the West, particularly trying to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, which was seen as a key path to easing international sanctions and boosting Iran's economic recovery. Preliminary figures for the vote count show that Pezeshkian has received more than 5 million votes, or about 40 percent of the votes counted, while his main rival, conservative candidate Saeed Jalili, is close behind with about 4.87 million votes.

Iran's reformists are likely to win the presidency. Netizen: The election without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!

Participant in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal

The election commission revealed that among the more than 12 million votes that had been counted, 1.63 million votes were received by the speaker of the Iranian parliament, Mohammad-Bajir Kalibaf. These preliminary figures suggest that none of the candidates will be able to directly obtain a majority in the first round of voting, and according to the election process, the two candidates with the highest votes, Pezeshkian and Jalili, are expected to face off in the second round of voting on July 5 to determine the direction of Iran over the next four years.

Iran's reformists are likely to win the presidency. Netizen: The election without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!

Bagir Kalibaf

Turnout in the election was around 40 percent, the lowest since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, reflecting declining voter participation in the political process. Nonetheless, the reformists' temporary lead is seen as a positive sign that some voters are eager to change the status quo and promote a détente in the country's foreign relations.

Iran's reformists are likely to win the presidency. Netizen: The election without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!


It is worth noting that the election results will not only have a profound impact on Iran's domestic political ecology, but will also have an important impact on the regional and international situation, especially the direction of negotiations between Iran and world powers on the nuclear issue. The world's eyes are closely watching the outcome of this election and the policy changes it may bring.

Iran's reformists are likely to win the presidency. Netizen: The election without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!

Tehran at night

Netizen: Iran's so-called reformers are accepting the arrangement of the West and capitulating to the United States.

The key characteristics of Iranian reformists include the following:

  1. Political liberalization: Reformers favor a more liberal political environment, support greater political pluralism, and advocate for civil rights and political freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly.
  2. Economic Modernization: They advocate economic reforms, marketization and privatization, attracting foreign investment, and strengthening ties with international markets to promote economic growth and improve people's livelihoods.
  3. Social openness: Reformers advocated social and cultural openness and tolerance, supporting a moderate relaxation of Sharia's strict restrictions on daily life, such as the softening of women's dress codes (such as the hijab law), and the encouragement of free expression in the arts, culture, and education.
Iran's reformists are likely to win the presidency. Netizen: The election without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!

Iran's energy industry

  1. Rule of Law and Transparency: Emphasizing the principle of the rule of law, promoting judicial independence, enhancing transparency and accountability in government decision-making, reducing corruption, and improving administrative efficiency.
  2. Pragmatism in foreign policy: In foreign affairs, reformers tend to establish more friendly relations with Western countries, support the diplomatic settlement of international disputes, especially negotiations on the nuclear issue, and seek the lifting of international sanctions in favor of economic development.
  3. Education and Technological Development: Emphasis is placed on education and technological innovation, which is the key to national modernization and international competitiveness.
  4. Separation of religion and politics: While still respecting the place of Islam in the state, reformers advocated reducing the direct influence of religion on politics and promoting the separation of church and state to suit the needs of modern society.
  5. Democratic participation: Encourage broader political participation, including by supporting free and fair elections and strengthening the role of parliaments and other democratic institutions.

These characteristics reflect the desire of Iranian reformists to modernize and progress the country through a series of internal reforms and improved international relations while maintaining the country's independence and cultural identity.

Iran's reformists are likely to win the presidency. Netizen: The election without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!

Iranian automobile manufacturing industry

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • The reformists both surrendered to the United States.
  • Elections without Ahmadinejad will not be exciting!
  • Iran is going to change, will it be biased towards the West, and it must be prepared early?
  • Iran needs a hard-line president, not a capitulation president!
  • The ultimate goal of Iran's reformists has always been to throw themselves into the arms of the West.


Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only.

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