
Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: On June 27, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China made clear China's position at a regular press conference today in response to the Japanese government's decision to expand the continental shelf of the Ogasawara Plateau on the east side of Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Islands by 120,000 square kilometers. Mao Ning said: Japan's move is contrary to the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and international practice. Netizen: This behavior exposes Japan's ambitions in resource development and geopolitics.

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Japan decided to expand its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers, and China responded

BEIJING, June 27 – China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs made clear China's position at a regular press conference today in response to the Japanese government's decision to expand the continental shelf of the Ogasawara Sea Terrace, located on the east side of Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Islands, by 120,000 square kilometers. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning pointed out that Japan's actions are not in line with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and international practice, which has attracted China's attention.

Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

Mao Ning

Mao Ning mentioned that as early as 2012, the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf had already proposed amendments to Japan's submission involving the continental shelf off Ogasawara, but the Japanese government has not made adjustments in accordance with the Commission's recommendations, but has unilaterally expanded the scope of its continental shelf claims. She stressed that, according to UNCLOS, only the limits of the outer continental shelf delineated on the basis of the Commission's recommendations were legally certain and binding, and that any claim that was not confirmed by such a procedure should not be recognized by the international community.

Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

Ogasawara Islands

In addition, Mao Ning reiterated China's international legal position on the delimitation of the outer continental shelf, that is, all States parties must strictly abide by the principles established by UNCLOS, especially the principle of common heritage of mankind, when making submissions, to ensure that relevant actions do not infringe on the international seabed area and do not harm the overall interests of the international community.

Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

The 200-nautical-mile area calculated from the baselines of the territorial sea is called the exclusive economic zone

The Chinese Foreign Ministry's public response not only reflects China's respect for and upholds the international maritime order, but also sends a clear signal to the international community that it adheres to the rule of law, fairness and justice on the issue of maritime rights and interests. Japan's unilateral actions have undoubtedly exacerbated the dispute over regional maritime rights and interests, which may have an impact on regional stability, and the international community continues to pay attention to this development.

Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf

This act exposes Japan's ambitions in resource exploitation and geopolitics. Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

日本决定扩大大陆架面积至12万平方公里的举动,是为了‬争夺‬海洋‬资源‬,打造‬海洋‬大国‬。 可以从多个角度分析,这‬背后涉及到资源开发、地缘政治、国际法运用以及国家长远发展战略等多个因素。 The following is an analysis of Japan's resource exploitation and geopolitical ambitions that may have been exposed by this act:

Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

1. Access to resources and protection of national security:

  • Resource scarcity: As an island country, Japan has extremely limited natural resources, especially mineral resources, and is highly dependent on imports of important energy sources such as oil and natural gas. The expansion of the continental shelf may give Japan the opportunity to explore and develop more seabed resources, such as oil, natural gas, minerals, etc., so as to enhance resource self-sufficiency, reduce dependence on external resources, and ensure national energy security.
Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

2. Geopolitical considerations:

  • Strategic Space Expansion: By expanding its continental shelf, Japan can legitimately expand its control and influence in the high seas within the framework of international law, increasing its voice in international maritime affairs, which is an important step in geopolitical competition.
  • Dealing with Rivalry in the East China Sea: In the complex geopolitical landscape of East Asia, Japan's move may also be a response to the activities of neighboring countries, particularly China and South Korea, in the East and South China Seas, in an effort to balance the regional balance of power and ensure that its interests are not violated.
Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

3. Flagrant violation of international legal conventions:

  • United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Japan's unilateral announcement to expand its continental shelf in violation of the requirements of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is an example of its illegal strategy of maximizing benefits outside the framework of international law.

4. Long-term development of the country:

  • Economic and strategic purposes: the development of marine resources can not only meet the needs of economic development, but also part of the long-term national strategy. The abundance of marine resources can support the sustainable development of Japan's economy and strengthen its strategic position in the region and even the world.
  • Technology and Capability Display: The application of marine technology and deep-sea exploration technology demonstrates Japan's technological strength and marine development capabilities, and strengthens the international community's perception of Japan as a maritime power.
Japan has privately expanded its continental shelf by 120,000 square kilometers with the aim of gaining more exclusive economic zones in the sea.

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • Internationally, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say.
  • If you dare to cross the line, you will be beaten, and you will speak with strength at all times.
  • The moon is all Chinese, what are you afraid of him?
  • Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation: Japan's territory is limited to the large islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku.
  • We have extended the continental shelf of the East China Sea for more than 1,500 kilometres.
  • Reason with the villain, there is no reason to talk about it, and you should shoot it.


Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only.

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