
Italy's "blues" night: an unexpected variation on the European Cup

author:Peach Blossom Stream Lord

When Italy's "Azzurri" sets foot on the field of the European Championship, people always look forward to a picturesque football feast. However, in the clash with Switzerland in the early hours of this morning, the familiar "blues" melody unexpectedly changed, and Italy unexpectedly stopped in the round of 16 with a score of 0-2, which shocked countless fans and experts.

Italy's "blues" night: an unexpected variation on the European Cup

Italian football has long been synonymous with tenacity and elegance. Their excellent defence and precise passing have left countless classic moments in world football. However, in this game, they seemed to lose their usual rhythm and were completely crushed by two precision strikes from the Swiss team.

Italy's "blues" night: an unexpected variation on the European Cup

First of all, we have to mention the excellent performance of the Swiss team. With their bucket-like defence and efficient and sharp counter-attacks, they managed to break down Italy's defence. In the game, the Swiss team showed a high level of tactical literacy and execution, leaving the Italian team with nothing to do. This tactical success not only reflects the strength of the Swiss team, but also exposes the inadequacy of the Italian team in dealing with different tactical systems.

Italy's "blues" night: an unexpected variation on the European Cup

Secondly, the Italian team also had a disappointing performance in the game. They were too nervous on the pitch and lacked the composure and confidence they used to have. Whether it was passing or shooting, it seemed too hasty and sloppy. This imbalance in mentality not only affects their technical performance, but also prevents them from seizing opportunities at critical moments.

Italy's "blues" night: an unexpected variation on the European Cup

Of course, we can't ignore some objective factors. For example, the Italian team suffered a number of injuries at this European Championship, which affected their overall strength to some extent. In addition, the game of soccer itself is a contest full of uncertainties, and any team can lose for a variety of reasons.

Italy's "blues" night: an unexpected variation on the European Cup

However, despite the defeat suffered by the Italian team in this game, we cannot negate their quality and achievements because of that. As a team with a long history and a brilliant record, Italian football still has a strong heritage and potential. They need to learn from this failure, sum up their experience, and constantly improve their strength.

Italy's "blues" night: an unexpected variation on the European Cup

Let's take a look at two of Switzerland's goals:

Italy's "blues" night: an unexpected variation on the European Cup

Here's just the start of the second half, and the Swiss team scored again!

Italy's "blues" night: an unexpected variation on the European Cup

Finally, let's end today's comment with a poetic sentence: "In the world of football, there are no permanent winners and no permanent losers. Only those teams that continue to pursue and keep forging ahead can leave an eternal mark in the long river of history. "I hope that the Italian team can get out of the trough as soon as possible and regain its own "blues" melody. #欧洲杯##欧洲杯 America's Cup#

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