
Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

author:Life is full of sunshine 168

Today let's talk about some excitement, talk about those buildings built on cliffs, which are guaranteed to make your heart beat faster!

1. Hengshan Hanging Temple - (Shanxi)

When it comes to cliff buildings, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely it - Hengshan Hanging Temple! This temple, built on a cliff, has stood for more than 1,500 years and is an absolute marvel in the history of architecture.

You've probably seen it in documentaries, but seeing it for yourself, the shock is absolutely unparalleled!

To go to Hengshan Hanging Temple, you can first take the high-speed rail to Datong, Shanxi, and then transfer to the car.

The scenery along the way is also beautiful, and you can enjoy the typical scenery of the Loess Plateau.

When you arrive at the foot of the Hanging Temple, looking up at this temple that "hangs" in the air, you will sigh at the wisdom and courage of the ancients.

The temple is not big, but the incense is very strong, and it is said to be very effective!

2. Fanjing Mountain Red Cloud Golden Dome - (Guizhou)

Remember the "Castle in the Sky"?

The Red Cloud Golden Dome of Fanjing Mountain can definitely satisfy all your fantasies about it!

It is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, and the golden dome seems to float in the clouds, like a dream.

To go to Fanjing Mountain, you can fly to Guiyang first, and then take a bus to the scenic spot.

It is advisable to stay at the foot of the mountain for one night and go up early the next day so that you can see the most beautiful sunrise.

Watching the sun rise from the sea of clouds and the golden dome dyed gold, it was really beautiful!

3. Ancient buildings of Wudang Mountain - (Hubei)

Wudang Mountain, but the holy land of Taoism, here not only has beautiful natural scenery, but also many palaces and temples built on the mountain, the most famous of which is the Golden Dome.

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

To reach the Golden Summit, you need to climb a steep mountain road, but when you stand at the top of the mountain and look out over the mountains, you will feel that all the hard work is worth it.

To go to Wudang Mountain, you can first take the high-speed rail to Shiyan, and then transfer to the scenic bus.

It is advisable to stay one night in the mountains and feel the atmosphere of Taoist culture.

You can also see the stars in the sky at night, which is very romantic!

4. The Golden Dome of Laojun Mountain - (Henan)

Laojun Mountain, a famous Taoist mountain, the most attractive thing here is the golden peak.

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

The Golden Dome is built on top of a cliff and only has a narrow ladder to pass through, which is thrilling!

To go to Laojun Mountain, you can first take the high-speed train to Luoyang, and then transfer to the car.

It is recommended to take the cable car up the mountain, which can save energy and enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery from the air.

5. Tayun Mountain Golden Dome Guanyin Hall - (Shaanxi)

Tayun Mountain, known for its steepness, and built on the top of the mountain Guanyin Temple

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

It's even more breathtaking.

To reach the Kannon Temple, you need to climb an almost vertical "ladder", which is definitely a test of courage and physical strength!

To get to Tayun Mountain, you can first take a train to Ankang, and then transfer to a car to get there.

It is recommended to wear comfortable hiking shoes with plenty of water and food.

6. Zizhu Monastery - (Tibet)

In the Qamdo region of Tibet, there is an ancient temple built on a cliff - Zizhu Monastery

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

The temple is more than 1,500 years old and is a Nyingma monastery of Tibetan Buddhism that is full of mystery.

To get to Zizhu Temple, you need to fly to Qamdo first, and then charter a car to go.

The scenery along the way is spectacular, and you can enjoy the highland scenery such as snow-capped mountains, grasslands, and rivers.

7. Lingtong Temple - (Fujian)

Lingtong Temple

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

It was built on the stone wall in Ninghua County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, and was built in the Tang Dynasty and has a long history.

The temple is built against a hill and makes clever use of the natural surroundings and looks spectacular.

To go to Lingtong Temple, you can fly to Fuzhou first, and then transfer to a car.

The surroundings of the temple are tranquil and a great place to relax and soak up the Buddhist culture.

8. Horseshoe Temple - (Gansu)

Horseshoe Temple

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

Located in Sunan Yugur Autonomous County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, it is a monastery integrating Han Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism.

The temples are built on the hill and are scattered, the most famous of which is the Thirty-Three Day Grotto, which was built on a cliff.

To go to the Horseshoe Temple, you can fly to Zhangye first, and then charter a car to go.

After visiting the Horseshoe Temple, you can also go to the nearby colorful Danxia landform to see, which is definitely worth your trip!

9. Ganluyan Temple - (Fujian)

Ganlu Rock Temple

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

, located in Taining County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, built between cliffs, only a narrow plank road can be passed, thrilling!

The temple was built in the Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 800 years and is full of legends.

To go to Ganluyan Temple, you can fly to Fuzhou first, and then transfer to a car to go.

The temple is surrounded by beautiful surroundings and fresh air, making it a great place for a summer vacation.

10. Incense Burner Temple - (Shaanxi)

Perfumer Temple

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

, located in Jia County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, built on a boulder by the Yellow River, resembling an incense burner, so it is named.

The temple was built in the Song Dynasty and has a history of more than 900 years and is a famous tourist attraction in the local area.

To go to the incense burner temple, you can first take a train to Jia County, and then take a taxi to go.

Standing on the incense burner temple, you can overlook the Yellow River and feel the majestic momentum of the Yellow River.

11. Shuangta Mountain - (Hebei)

Twin Towers Mountain

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

Located in Chengde City, Hebei Province, it is named after the two pagodas on the mountain.

These two pagodas were built in the Liao Dynasty and have a history of more than 1,000 years, which is a precious material for studying the architectural art of the Liao Dynasty.

To get to Shuangta Mountain, you can first take a train to Chengde, and then take a taxi to get there.

The surrounding environment of Shuangta Mountain is beautiful, the air is fresh, and it is a good place to climb the mountain and exercise.

12. Maijishan Grottoes - (Gansu)

Maijishan Grottoes

Inventory of 12 buildings built on cliffs in China, 6 of them are qualified, and 10 of them are really amazing

Located in Tianshui City, Gansu Province, it is a bright pearl on the Silk Road.

The grottoes were excavated in the Sixteen Kingdoms after the Qin period, after the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and other more than 10 dynasties of excavation and repair, there are 221 existing cave niches, which is the treasure house of ancient Chinese Buddhist art for studying.

To get to Maijishan Grottoes, you can first take a train to Tianshui, and then transfer to a car.

After visiting the Maijishan Grottoes, you can also go to the nearby Tianshui Fuxi Temple, Xianren Cliff and other scenic spots, which will definitely make you full of harvest!

What do you think?

Isn't it an eye-opener for you to see these buildings built on cliffs?

They are not only a miracle in the history of architecture, but also a symbol of human wisdom and courage.

If you have the chance, be sure to see them and feel the charm of them!

How many have you been to?

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