
The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

author:Master of cooking

【Stir-fried asparagus with beef】【Braised pork belly with quail eggs】【Braised pork belly with bamboo shoots】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Spicy boiled fish】【Braised eggplant】【Sausage fried snow peas】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Spicy shrimp】【Stir-fried potatoes with sausage】【Braised winter melon】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Chilled cucumber】【Sixtieth winter melon soup】【Spicy chicken feet】【Braised rice with eggplant and potatoes】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Stir-fried green beans with shredded pork】【Scrambled eggs with tomato】【Spicy chicken breast】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Tomato scrambled egg】【Stir-fried pork belly with leeks】【Braised chicken wings】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Stir-fried cabbage】【Stir-fried lotus root slices with pork】【Stir-fried sausage with sharp pepper】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Chicken and mushroom soup】【Stir-fried vegetables with garlic】【Scrambled eggs with pork belly】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Stir-fried pork ears with sharp peppers】【Stir-fried potato chips with onions】【Stir-fried wheat vegetables】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Steamed egg with meat foam】【Spicy chicken】【Stir-fried green beans】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Steamed carrots with pork ribs】【Stir-fried carrots with pork】【Stir-fried spinach】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Scallion egg】【Scrambled pork liver with green onion】【Sour and hot shredded potatoes】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

【Tomato scrambled egg】【Braised chicken wings】【Stir-fried asparagus with shredded pork】

The half-month dinner ceremony of the small family, every dish is made with heart, and of course it is necessary to take pictures

Hello everyone, I'm Candy Grandma, I take my granddaughter at home and work as a home chef.

The food I cook is beautiful and delicious, and everyone around me praises me.

I hope to be friends with everyone through food!

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