
Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult

author:Mo Xiao asked

On May 2, Guo Jinan officially announced his divorce.

"Thank you for having gone through a good time with you!

We have been living separately since two years ago, and the decision to divorce was made after careful consideration and communication.

The decision is helpless and difficult, and we are grateful that we have worked hard for each other and for our families...... Give each other the greatest blessings. ”

All of a sudden, countless people were surprised: why did they leave?

After all, in everyone's hearts, they are still a model couple in the entertainment industry.

They met because of the drama and fell in love at first sight, even though they were 15 years apart, they still entered into marriage smoothly after 7 years of long-distance love.

In marriage, they stayed together for 18 years.

But if you look back at the past of the two, you will find that there are early signs of divorce.

Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult

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In 1999, Guo Jinan returned to TVB.

At that time, he was already well-known in the entertainment industry.

Due to work reasons, he met Ou Qianyi, who was still a newcomer.

He was 15 years older than her, and due to the age gap, he only regarded her as an ordinary junior at first, and had no other ideas.

Maybe it's because of the aura of his predecessors, maybe it's because of his calmness and seriousness, which left a lot of good impression on Ou Qianyi.

Ou Qianyi is a brave girl who takes the initiative to pursue someone she likes when she meets her.

She ironed his clothes, cleaned up, and cooked for him......

Gradually, he was moved and surrendered his true heart.

They are in love together.

Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult

Love can indeed overcome many difficulties, but there are still some difficulties that cannot be overcome.

For example, the difference in perception due to the age gap.

They even broke up because of this.

In 2002, Guo Jinan proposed to break up.

But Ou Qianyi disagreed, she struggled to stay, and finally he chose to stay.

In 2003, Guo Jinan proposed to Ou Qianyi.

That year, he was 39 years old and longed for a stable home.

Unexpectedly, Ou Qianyi refused.

Because she is only 23 years old, she still wants to continue to work hard in her career.

In this way, the matter of marriage was put on hold.

Three years later, she finally relented and was willing to marry him.

On July 22, 2006, they were married at Hong Kong Disneyland.

Everyone thought that they would live happily ever after, just like the princesses and princes in fairy tales.

It's a pity that life is not a fairy tale.

Marriage is a game between two people.

If one person gains too much and the other person is unwilling, one day the conflict will erupt.

Two people will also go to strange places.

This is the case with Guo Jinan and Ou Qianyi.

Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult

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They have just entered marriage, and their lives are still very sweet.

Ou Qianyi focuses on her family, raising children, and taking care of her husband.

Guo Jinan worked hard to give his wife and children a better living environment.

At that time, in addition to taking on the responsibility of supporting the family, he also took care of his wife's feelings.

Will take the initiative to arrange a romantic dinner and accompany her shopping.

Because I was afraid that she would be too boring, I took her to the show.

social platform, the two use the same account.

Mobile phone screensavers are always a family photo.

He even spent a lot of money to buy a house for his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Over the years, he has rarely had lace news.

Gradually, he became a model husband in people's hearts.

Some people also said that Ou Qianyi's good state was spoiled by him.

Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult

Sometimes, marriage is like a robe, outsiders only see the gorgeous side, and only the person who wears the robe on the body knows that it is already full of lice.

Their marriage has long been buried with thunder behind the sweetness.

Just because, Ou Qianyi is not willing to be just an unknown housewife.

Guo Jinan once explained on the show why he proposed in 03 and got married 3 years later?

He said: "In order to fight for his career, he still quarreled over the old problem of taking care of his family. ”

Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult
Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult

Ou Qianyi also said: "Everyone has their own opinions. ”

He hoped that she would take care of the family.

But she hopes that she can continue to work and break out in her career.

It is not difficult to see from the direction of the later story that Ou Qianyi compromised.

She returned to her family and became a housewife.

But she was not reconciled.

Perhaps, now that this unwillingness has reached its peak, she can no longer control it, so she can only choose to walk out of the city of marriage.

Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult

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In the years of marriage, Ou Qianyi never gave up being herself.

She gave up being an actress and tried her hand at cooking food instead.

Over the years, she has spent a lot of time learning to cook, and has published two cooking books.

I even studied nutrition.

Today, he has obtained a master's degree in nutrition from the University of Hong Kong.

Ou Qianyi's ambition, Guo Jinan saw it, but he didn't support it.

On the contrary, she felt that her insistence on her career would cause many inconsistencies in the lives of both parties.

Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult

However, he doesn't understand that no one is obliged to give everything to support another person's life.

Most people get married because they want to find a like-minded person to face the ups and downs of life together.

Instead, burn yourself and give your other half.

There are also rumors that there are five suites in the family, but they are all under Guo Jinan's name.

Deposits, too, are in his sole hands.

Ou Qianyi was unwilling, she had no money in her hands, and naturally she had no sense of security.

After enduring it for so many years, now I don't want to endure it anymore, so I want to divorce and live my own life.

As for the specific reason for the divorce, only the parties are clear.

It's just that it will be a pity to see them stay together for 26 years and go to a strange place unconsciously.

Love at first sight, 15 years apart, 26 years of divorce, he said: This decision is helpless and difficult

After regretting, it also makes people realize the truth of marriage:

Marriage is not a safe haven for a person, nor should it be a shackle for a person.

Two people entering a marriage should strive to be a haven while trying to be sheltered from the wind.

At the same time, while trying to run forward, we must voluntarily put on shackles, for the sake of the family, for the sake of each other, slow down.

If only one person becomes a safe haven, it will naturally be tiring after a long time.

If only one person is forced to put on the shackles, one day they will rebel.

Marriage has come to a strange place.

May we, before we enter into marriage, be prepared to be a haven of shelter and be willing to sacrifice for it.

May the person you meet be prepared to do the same.

Author丨Mo Xiaowent

Editor丨Mo Xiaowent