
Liu Luanxiong personally described the truth of the year! 60-year-old Guan Zhilin really can't let go this time


From a peerless beauty in Xiangjiang to an old woman who can never get rid of the label of "golf", Guan Zhilin has become a person with a "mixed reputation" because she has been in a relationship with Liu Luanxiong.

Time finally healed her scars, but what people didn't expect was that 71-year-old Liu Luanxiong actually brought up the old matter again and personally held a press conference to clarify the "golf" incident.

Liu Luanxiong personally described the truth of the year! 60-year-old Guan Zhilin really can't let go this time

I don't know if Guan Zhilin, who saw this "absurd" scene, would be grateful or speechless?

Liu Luanxiong still attaches great importance to this press conference. He prepared detailed information and responded to the questions raised by the reporters for up to 90 minutes.

After watching the whole press conference, everyone said that the content was too rich and amazing, so what is the truth?

Liu Luanxiong said that although he has talked about many girlfriends, he is not a fool. Although some people say that he is an "actress sniper", in fact, the girlfriends he has talked about are not as good as other rich people.

Liu Luanxiong personally described the truth of the year! 60-year-old Guan Zhilin really can't let go this time

And he is benevolent to every girlfriend, and he will give as much as he can give, such as famous bags, diamonds, etc.

At the same time, he also denied the rumor that his favorite girlfriend was Li Jiaxin. Although Li Jiaxin is known as the "most beautiful Hong Kong sister", he doesn't like her so much.

Most of the things he did for Li Jiaxin on the Internet were hype, such as a high-rise building built for Li Jiaxin, which was actually built by him for his son.

And the reason why there is such a report is just because Li Jiaxin wants to marry into the Xu family as soon as possible and create some topics.

Liu Luanxiong personally described the truth of the year! 60-year-old Guan Zhilin really can't let go this time

In fact, Liu Luanxiong did have a good relationship with Guan Zhilin back then. Many people saw that he was so rich and fell in love with such a beautiful girl, so they began to maliciously slander the two, and even did not hesitate to create such a very hateful rumor.

In this regard, Liu Luanxiong made a special clarification, and the more he spoke, the more angry he became, and bluntly said: "If I really do this kind of thing, I will cut off my children and grandchildren!" ”

It is said that belated justice is not justice, and now in various videos about Guan Zhilin, we still see barrages or comments like "golf", which is really unbearable to look at.

Liu Luanxiong personally described the truth of the year! 60-year-old Guan Zhilin really can't let go this time

In fact, Guan Zhilin is a very kind and frank person, even Liu Luanxiong's original wife Bao Yongqin once said: "Zhilin is a very educated girl, very gentle. ”

Although she has done some wrong things in the past, these mistakes are not worth the stain on her back for a lifetime.

In the mixed Hong Kong entertainment industry back then, where did a beautiful woman have so many choices?

Regardless, we hope that everyone will think twice and not hurt others with cold words.

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