
The goddess of Big S became an aunt, and finally lost herself two marriages, making her worth depreciate again and again

author:Positive energy train


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Isn't this the big S who was in the limelight in the entertainment industry back then? Now she is caught in the middle of a double quagmire of professional and personal life.

Back then, she was a bright star in the entertainment industry, but now, after two failed marriages, her stardom seems to have dimmed.

Especially the marriage with the Korean artist Gu Junye, it was really surprising, such a vigorous love finally came to an end.

To be honest, the change in this marriage not only greatly reduced her public image, but also made those fans who once regarded her as a goddess heartbroken.

The goddess of Big S became an aunt, and finally lost herself two marriages, making her worth depreciate again and again

Public opinion on the Internet is also in an uproar, and everyone says that Big S is no longer the same she was back then.

Not to mention her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei, here Big S is still struggling in the whirlpool of emotions, but over there Wang Xiaofei has already entered the palace of marriage with her new love Ma Xiaomei.

This stark contrast makes Da S's image in the eyes of the public even worse, as if she has been easily replaced by others in Wang Xiaofei's heart.

In his career, Big S has also been defeated repeatedly, trying to return to the top of the past, but it always backfires.

The goddess of Big S became an aunt, and finally lost herself two marriages, making her worth depreciate again and again

Health problems also followed, which became another stumbling block on her comeback.

While there are still many loyal fans who sympathize with and support her, there are also those who feel that her current predicament is caused by her own choices.

Some emotional experts pointed out that Big S may rely too much on marriage to maintain his public image, but ignore the importance of truly improving his career.

As a result, this dependence did not bring her the expected stability and satisfaction, but instead put her in a deeper predicament.

In the face of this overwhelming public opinion, the current situation of Big S is really embarrassing.

The goddess of Big S became an aunt, and finally lost herself two marriages, making her worth depreciate again and again

Someone criticized her mercilessly: "I made it all by myself, and now this poor and destitute picture is really self-inflicted."

But there are also those who hope that she can deeply reflect on her choices and find the direction of her life again.

Under the double pressure of professional and personal life, psychologists have suggested that Da S should quickly seek professional psychological counseling to treat the psychological trauma caused by the failure of the marriage.

Some experts said that her most urgent task now is to rebuild her self-confidence and actively plan for the future, and she must quickly find a career direction that suits her.

The goddess of Big S became an aunt, and finally lost herself two marriages, making her worth depreciate again and again

Speaking of Big S's family life, it was also a mess.

Her sister Xiao S pokes out the family's private life and predicament from time to time, no, Big S's image in front of the public is even worse.

This complicated family relationship makes her future look even more uncertain.

But then again, although Da S's current situation is not good, there are still people who have hope for her.

Some netizens said: "I think she was such a dazzling star back then, I hope she can cheer up and find her own light."

Another netizen said: "She has to really realize her problems in order to find a new way."

The goddess of Big S became an aunt, and finally lost herself two marriages, making her worth depreciate again and again


In the end, the experts also gave Big S a trick, asking her to re-examine her lifestyle and values, and learn to be independent and strong.

At the same time, we must also strive to maintain the harmony of family relations and avoid unnecessary disputes and so on.

Although the future of Big S is still full of unknowns, her story also reminds us that it is possible to find a chance to start over, even in difficult situations.

The goddess of Big S became an aunt, and finally lost herself two marriages, making her worth depreciate again and again

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