
At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

author:The day after tomorrow, I walked around

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Wang Xiaomei stood in front of the window, watching the sunset gradually setting outside, and couldn't help but recall the scene when she married her husband Zhang Qiang. At that time, she and Zhang Qiang met through the introduction of her eldest sister Zhang Li. Zhang Li is a very enthusiastic person who always has a smile on her face. I remember that day, she led Zhang Qiang to her house and said to her mother with a smile: "Auntie, this is my younger brother Zhang Qiang, who is honest and has a stable job, you can rest assured that Xiaomei will be handed over to him." At that time, her mother trusted Zhang Li, patted her hand and said, "Lili, you have found a good son-in-law for our family!" ”

On the day of the wedding, Zhang Li was busy with everything. One moment she helped greet relatives, and the next she ran to the kitchen to check if the food was in order. Wang Xiaomei felt that she should be very happy to marry into such a humane family. Sure enough, the days after marriage are mostly sweet. Zhang Qiang loves her, and her life is stable and peaceful. However, the only thing that kept the cloud in her heart was her mother-in-law Li Feng.

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

Li Feng always treats her coldly, no matter what she does, she can always find fault. "Xiaomei, you can't wipe the ground clean, you have to work harder." Li Feng made such accusations more than once after she was busy with a day's housework. Wang Xiaomei held her breath in her heart, but she could only silently wipe the floor again.

Once, Wang Xiaomei was busy cooking in the kitchen, and heard her mother-in-law muttering to Zhang Qiang in the living room: "Look at her, she can't do this housework well, how will she take care of the children in the future?" Wang Xiaomei's heart tightened, and the movements in her hands slowed down. She knew that her mother-in-law was not at ease with her parenting ability.

After the birth of the child, her mother-in-law became even more critical of her. "Your milk powder is too thin, can the child grow his body after eating it?" "If you don't change this diaper in time, the child will get diaper rash!" Every sentence stabbed Wang Xiaomei's heart like a knife. She felt that no matter what she did, she would not be able to satisfy her mother-in-law.

"Mom, I've worked hard, can you not always be so picky?" Once, Wang Xiaomei finally couldn't help it and whispered to her mother-in-law. The mother-in-law snorted coldly, "Work hard? I can't see your efforts, who are your efforts for? ”

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

Zhang Qiang was caught in the middle, looking a little helpless. He tried several times to ease the relationship between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but to no avail. "Xiaomei, you understand my mother more, she is also for our good." Zhang Qiang comforted. Although Wang Xiaomei's heart was full of grievances, she didn't want to embarrass her husband, so she could only bury her dissatisfaction in her heart.

In the dead of night, Wang Xiaomei often sat alone at the head of the bed, tears quietly slipping down. She thought of Zhang Li, the eldest sister who had a high prestige in the family. Every time I think of Zhang Li, I feel a trace of warmth in my heart. She remembered Zhang Li's words at the wedding: "Xiaomei, tell me if there is anything in the future, we are a family." However, this warmth seems so insignificant in the indifference and pickiness of the mother-in-law.

Life passed day by day, and the resentment in Wang Xiaomei's heart was accumulating little by little. She began to wonder if it had been a mistake to choose the family in the first place. However, whenever she saw Zhang Qiang's tired face and the child's innocent smiling face, she felt that she should persevere. After all, there is still love in this family, and there are responsibilities and hopes that she can't let go.

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

When Wang Xiaomei was confined for the first time, she was weak after giving birth, and her whole body looked exhausted. Mother-in-law Li Feng still maintains her usual indifferent attitude and ignores her needs. During that time, Wang Xiaomei felt extremely lonely and helpless.

"Mom, I'm a little dizzy, can you help me get some medicine?" Wang Xiaomei weakly begged her mother-in-law.

Li Fengtou didn't reply and said, "Go get it yourself, I'm not your servant." ”

Just when Wang Xiaomei was about to despair, the eldest sister Zhang Li appeared. She heard that Wang Xiaomei was not in good health after giving birth, so she specially asked for leave from the unit and rushed over.

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

"Xiaomei, don't move, I'll take care of you." As soon as Zhang Li entered the door, she took off her coat, walked to Wang Xiaomei's bed, and asked with concern, "How are you feeling now?" ”

With tears in her eyes, Wang Xiaomei watched Zhang Li busily cook soup, feed medicine, and massage her, and was so moved that she couldn't speak for a while.

"Sister, thank you so much, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what to do." Wang Xiaomei held Zhang Li's hand and said gratefully.

"Silly girl, we are a family, what are you talking about." Zhang Li smiled gently, "The most important thing for you now is to take care of your body, and leave the rest to me." ”

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

Under Zhang Li's careful care, Wang Xiaomei's body gradually recovered. However, her mother-in-law's attitude has never changed, which makes her mood never completely relaxed.

Time passed quickly, and the second child was born. This time, Wang Xiaomei's physical condition is more complicated, and the postpartum recovery period is particularly difficult. Mother-in-law Li Feng still showed no signs of improving her attitude, and even sneered at Wang Xiaomei when she needed help the most.

"Look at you, why are you so weak?" Li Feng said to Zhang Qiang in the living room, "I said at the beginning that you are looking for a strong physique, what benefits can this kind of daughter-in-law bring to our family?" ”

Wang Xiaomei listened to it in the room, but she was powerless to refute, so she could only cry silently.

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

Zhang Li stepped forward again, she specially asked for a long leave this time and rushed back from other places. As soon as she entered the house, she saw Wang Xiaomei lying on the bed weakly, her face pale, and she felt distressed.

"Xiaomei, I'm here, don't worry, I'll take care of you." Zhang Li sat on the edge of the bed, held Wang Xiaomei's hand, and said firmly.

"Sister, I've worked hard for you, I really can't hold on." Wang Xiaomei's tears kept flowing, the grievances and gratitude in her heart were intertwined, and she didn't know what to say.

"Don't talk about this, close your eyes and rest, I'm here." Zhang Li comforted.

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

In the following days, Zhang Li took care of Wang Xiaomei's diet and daily life every day. She gets up early every morning, boils all kinds of nourishing decoctions for Wang Xiaomei, and feeds her personally. In the evening, she chatted with Wang Xiaomei and talked about some light-hearted topics, which gradually improved her mood.

One night, Wang Xiaomei couldn't help but ask Zhang Li: "Sister, aren't you tired?" What about your own work and life? ”

Zhang Li smiled, patted her hand and said, "Xiaomei, you are my brother-in-law and sister-in-law." If I don't take care of you, who will take care of you? If you don't have a job, you can look for it again, but your family can't change it. ”

When Wang Xiaomei heard this, she felt extremely warm in her heart. She feels that no matter how difficult it is, she must persevere, because having relatives like Zhang Li is her greatest luck.

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

Zhang Li's words made Wang Xiaomei fall into deep thought. She began to reflect on her mother-in-law Li Feng's attitude and the atmosphere at home, and gradually understood her mother-in-law's difficulties and difficulties. Li Feng raised three children alone in that era, suffered a lot, and his personality became a little extreme and stubborn. Wang Xiaomei decided to take the initiative to improve her relationship with her mother-in-law and no longer make the family indifferent and hostile.

One night, Wang Xiaomei plucked up the courage to go to her mother-in-law's room and knocked lightly on the door.

"Mom, do you have time? I'd like to talk to you. Wang Xiaomei's voice trembled a little.

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

Li Feng raised his head, looked at her, and nodded, "Come in." ”

Wang Xiaomei walked into the room, sat opposite Li Feng, took a deep breath, and said, "Mom, I know that there are many things in the past that have not been done well, and you are not satisfied. I've always wanted to have a good chat with you, but I never got the chance. ”

Li Feng frowned, was silent for a while, and said, "Actually, I have a lot to say, but it's just ......" She paused, and her tone softened, "It's just that we don't have a chance to sit down and talk about it." ”

When Wang Xiaomei heard her mother-in-law's words, she felt a glimmer of hope, and she continued: "Mom, I know that you have been working hard to support our family. I hope we can understand each other and communicate more. ”

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

A hint of emotion flashed in Li Feng's eyes, she sighed softly, and said, "Xiaomei, I have had a lot of misunderstandings about you in the past, but in fact, it is not easy for you. In the future, we will communicate more and be more considerate of each other, okay? ”

Wang Xiaomei nodded, with tears in her eyes, "Okay, Mom, I will care more about you and listen to your opinions in the future." ”

From that day on, the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law began to gradually ease. Wang Xiaomei would take the initiative to prepare breakfast for her mother-in-law every morning, and sometimes accompany her to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. The two interacted more and more in their daily lives, and gradually, the family atmosphere became warmer.

Once, when Wang Xiaomei was busy in the kitchen, Li Feng walked in, picked up a kitchen knife, and said, "Xiaomei, I'll help you cook today." ”

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

Wang Xiaomei looked at her mother-in-law in surprise, smiled and said, "Mom, you come to rest, I'll do it." ”

Li Feng waved his hand and insisted, "You have taken care of me for so long, let me do something for you too." ”

The two were busy in the kitchen together, and the atmosphere was harmonious, and bursts of laughter were heard from time to time. When Zhang Qiang saw this scene, he felt extremely relieved. He walked over and whispered to his mother, "Mom, I'm really happy that you and Xiaomei get along so well." ”

Li Feng patted his son on the shoulder and said, "You are all good children, I should also change myself and get along with you." ”

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

Wang Xiaomei looked at her mother-in-law gratefully, and felt that the long-suppressed stone in her heart had finally landed. She understands that all these changes are inseparable from Zhang Li's help and support. Wang Xiaomei decided to be more grateful and cherish this big family.

One day not long after, Zhang Li returned home and saw the family sitting happily together, and she had a satisfied smile on her face.

"Xiaomei, Mom, Zhang Qiang, if you are so harmonious and beautiful, I will be relieved." Zhang Li said with a smile.

Wang Xiaomei stood up, walked over to hold Zhang Li's hand, and said sincerely: "Sister, thank you so much, if it weren't for you, I don't know what to do." ”

At that time, my eldest sister was my matchmaker and took care of my confinement twice, and my resentment against my mother-in-law was warmed by her

Zhang Li patted her hand and said gently: "We are a family, don't talk about this." If there is anything in the future, we will all face it together. ”

As time goes on, every member of the family strives to make this home a warmer place. The misunderstanding and estrangement between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law gradually dissipated, and was replaced by mutual understanding and love. Wang Xiaomei and Zhang Qiang's marriage has also become stronger because of this family harmony, and her mother-in-law Li Feng enjoyed the joy of her children and grandchildren in her later years.